Monday, June 26, 2006

Asian Art Museum

Museum Philanthropist. In 1959 Chicago Millionaire Art Collector Avery Brundage and his wife Elizabeth donated part of their collection to the city of San Francisco on the condition that the city build a new museum wing. This was moved to a new Asian Art Museum in 2003.

Artist Elizabeth Su, after visiting the Chinese diplomat Yeh Gongchao (George Yeh) 葉公超 family collection, which has deepened the appreciation and understanding of Chinese culture.

This year, the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Warren Buffett announced today that he will contribute most of his $42 billion for philantropic purposes, under the trusteeship of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Artistic Color of Money

What do American men do with their money? It seems these days all the tycoons all become philanthropists. Bill Gates will be full-time philanthropist starting in 2008. Today John Edwards made a speech about eliminating poverty, a Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity Founder, so he becomes the founder of an anti-Poverty center. Treasury nominee Henry Paulson has created a legendary wealth in China. He is to sell Goldman Sachs stakes of $485 million. “Paulson, the highest paid chief executive on Wall Street, transferred about $100 million in Goldman shares to a charitable foundation on March 30 to donate to environmental causes. “ “He may sell up to $800 million of investments and use the funds to start a charity trust, the London-based Times reported on June 1, citing unidentified people at Goldman.” Compared to the best Chinese Nationalists, this may be the similarity. They dissolved and distributed their wealth and they served the country with graceful works.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Song from the Suppressed in the Dark

Roses to you! Dear Dr. Zhu and grandfather You have protected us from the dark invasion days We are given a sense of dignity All like fair maidens You bore lifelong pain For the capital’s slaughter Listless souls in the dark Can rejoice In thinking of your Gentle gaze

Master Hong Yi and His Austrian Ambassador’s Piano Gift

駐足回首處 長亭更短亭

When you stop and turn around

You see pavilions in the short distance and far distance

Master Hong Yi and His Austrian Ambassador’s Piano Gift 弘一法師李叔同教過大姨婆﹐在南京高等師範學院。 奧地利公使送給其父一架鋼琴﹐伴著他過寂寞的童年﹐但造就他寫譜作詞的才華。 Master Hong Yi, before he turned into a monk, taught art in Nanjing Teachers’ Model College. My great aunt was a college student there. My aunt had a Belarusian (translated as White Russian) piano teacher. Her piano became part of the fixture in the Austrian embassy. Just like the master Hong Yi, the Austrian ambassador gave his father a piano which accompanied his lonely childhood. But it has created China’s great passion musician and playwright. Wonder what kind of composition work would flow out if Wolfgang Mozart was ever able to come to China? 在杭州時﹐旅店供給兩瓶虎跑泉水﹐我嚐到最清涼甘甜的水。 我懂他出家的因由。他選擇在虎跑泉出家﹐因其母葬於此。 那泉水曾是他數日禁食的飲料。 話劇藝術的先驅 他把話劇茶花女引入中國﹐為何他男扮女裝演茶花女一角﹖我也明白根由﹐讀過他的傳﹐那是因為其母為小妾﹐他揣摩母親的討好年邁的父親心理﹐正如法國那茶花女是靠逢迎男人為生的﹐五歲時﹐七十歲的父親過世時﹐是在一片佛事往生唸經聲﹐他在僧人環境裡﹐會找到了最初的自己。 When I traveled in Hangzhou, the hotel gave us two bottles of Hu Pao Quan Tiger Running Fountain water. I tasted the cool and sweet water. I understood why he became a monk. He chose the site of Hupaoquan because his mother was buried there. He once was on a fast for days solely subsisting on the local fountain. He is the modern play’s pioneer. He played the lead role in Dumas’La Dame aux camellias, and produced it too. Why as a female lead role? I studied his biography and that is because he impersonated his mother as a young concubine in serving his aging father. Just like the French Camellia was making her living with humble servitude to men. He was barely five when his 70 year old father passed away in the chanting of Buddhism. So in the life of the monastery, he would eventually find his nascent self.

送別  In Chinese               

李叔同 長亭外,古道邊,芳草碧連天。晩風拂柳笛聲殘,夕陽山外山。天之涯,地之角,知交半零落。一觚濁酒盡餘歡,今宵別夢寒。        

******送別   In Japanese                     

長亭の外(はづれ), 古道の邊(あたり),芳草  碧(みどり)  天に 連なる。晩風は 柳を拂(はら)ひ  笛聲 殘(すた)りて,夕陽は  山外の山。天の涯(はて),地の角(すみ)に,知交  半(なか)ば 零落す。一觚(こ)の 濁酒  餘歡を 盡(つく)せど,今宵  別夢 寒からん。

Farewell by Master Hong Yi Beyond the long Pavilion By the ancient pass Sweet grass linking to sky Late wind touching the willow In the residue flute sound Sunset is behind the mountain and mountain At the edge of heaven In the corner of ocean My friends are half gone A left over wine to exhaust my desire This night has another cold dream

Saturday, June 17, 2006

ROC Foreign Minister George Yeh, 1904-1981

George Yeh Yeh Kung Ch’ao 1904 - 1981 It was such a beautiful summer day in San Francisco. A dream-like exhibit of the former foreign minister Yeh Gongchao (George Yeh)’s family collection of art in San Francisco's Asian Art Museum. It displayed most importantly the love exudes in the Yeh family, mutual friends, and family members all well versed, whether they are poems on the silk scrolls, or Ming Dynasty general Qi Qi Guang’s powerful writings, orchid, bamboo, rocks are in the minds of the intellectuals, statesmen, and aspirations for a nation and its people. Cultivation and art connoisseur runs deep in the family. He was house-arrested after 1961 by Chiang Kai-shek. From 1950 to 1958, he served as the ROC foreign minister, and from 1958 to 1961 he was the ambassador to the United States. We must credit to this man because he served at a time when dangerous wars and confrontations occurred, and he helped to wisely defuse the possible breakout of killings. It didn’t escalate into war and the animosity was deterred. There is a photo of him with Kennedy in 1961 or 1962. Kennedy also avoided war in Vietnam from the assessment, whereas his 2 years later, counterpart Johnson in 1965 was unable to. When we look back at history, we give calm thinking on these men and capable to distinguish the wheat from the chaff, and understand the mighty efforts from so quiet temperament, and not succumb to political rhetoric by tactless ambitions.

Nandi the Bull, to Counteract Bernanke, the Crashing Bear

Nandi, approx. 1400-1500 India; Tamil Nadu state The bull Nandi is the faithful mount of the Hindu deity Shiva. Exhibited in the lobby of the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco In the recent meltdown of the international stock market, India suffered the worst drop, 30%, so we want the Indian deity to help to stabilize the economy.

Monday, June 12, 2006

A Chinese Soldier’s Story

A Chinese Soldier’s Story I am writing a great soldier’s story of how he defended China, liberated his counties from the capture, saved other provinces, saved the world, America, Russian, Korea etc., and then he was killed by the communists. That is a true story which illustrates the history of the highest integrity land and people, the land of the noble queen who was a beauty and philanthropist and assisted her husband to complete a great mission. This pair of emperor and empress is the ideal couple in China. This land is immortal. Perhaps that is going to touch the next U.S. President or the next Russian President, or the next British prime minister, most of all, it is releasing my passion about my men from a corner of the world that the world doesn’t know or understand, neither do they appreciate it, nor do they respect it. That is what makes my land immortal. It is not because I will be immortal but because of my works. On Great Men’s Corruption The world concentrates only on very few men’s faults, but let go of many. For example, a hero like General MacArthur is best that he didn’t become the U.S. president, though he was the boss for Eisenhower. This is because his reputation was marred by his mistress and he had to spend $15,000 to keep the Filipino quiet from the court witness. I think many great men in quagmire in their secret pursuit. How I wish the next president can have a clean conscience to help me complete some unfulfilled mission.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Minds Kept in the Relics of Calligraphy

In front of a great Tang Dynasty monk's writing, Xuan Zang, who contributed to the fourth generation of the Indian Buddism theory. Xuan Zang went to India to study for 17 years, and carried back the scriptures on a white horse.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Poem by Heinrich Heine

第一次發生愛情的人﹐ 雖未被人愛﹐卻還是一個神﹔ 但第二次發生愛情的人﹐ 依然徒勞﹐必定是個大傻瓜 我--就是這樣的一個傻瓜﹐ 我又在愛著﹐沒有反應的﹔ 星星 月亮 太陽 在 微笑著﹐ 我同它們一起微笑--- 於是毀滅 海涅 The first time you fall in love Though not being loved, it is a godly thing Second time it happens again for love Still futile, that means you are a fool I am--- such a fool I am in love, without reflective Star Moon Sun are all smiling So I’m smiling together Then toward the path of destruction Heinrich Heine A man’s love toward three women. Star, moon, and sun are symbolic in his life’s women. He is thinking of them looking up above the sky, starlight is twinkling, and moon is softening and tomorrow the sun will rise again. He doesn’t want to lose any. In the end, like Heine’s “I smile together with them ----- and to destructive perishing..”

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Memorial to June Fourth and Premier Zhao Ziyang

Zhao Ziyang, Premier of China, 1983-1987, Born in Hua county, Henan Province
Memorial to June Fourth and Premier Zhao Ziyang With my deep pain, I memorialize a Henan man, Zhao Ziyang, who opposed Deng Xiaoping’s idea to squash the student protesters. Both Mao and Chiang Kai-Shek killed Jiangxi province soldiers unsparingly. These were all my dear Chinese youth’s sacred lives. China would have been much better off without Chiang Kai-shek and Mao, but only a few people dared to understand and to sponsor alternatives. Can anyone imagine China without Chiang or China without Mao? In fact, those two covered up all the great works that were done by so many graceful Chinese. My mission is to advise people to look beyond what they know. History is a story of the righteous and how they fought with their hands and brains. I will write many stories to advise China, US, and Taiwan on how to reconcile. My ideas are from many sides’ views and my own conclusions. Elizabeth

Girl From Taiwan

Taiwan includes people like me whose parents ran away from China and came to America to survive because the political climates were harsh.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Welcoming Party

Women of Importance - Welcoming Party for China Youth Corps (CYC) Chairperson Li Zhong-gui, next to CPU-NC Honorable Chairperson Florence Fang, CPU-NC President Betty Yuan and Han Institute President Elizabeth Su, specializing in preserving the truth of the Chinese Nationalists
Red Lotus for June