Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sierra Reno Passerby

Bird and Lotus Reborn, Cycle of Life
Sierra Reno Passerby 雷諾過客 西雅若山風 陣陣吹拂夏日的濃情 山腳下雷諾谷 夏夜裡的晚風 不知從哪裡來﹖ Sierra mountain wind Blowing in summer emotion Reno at the edge of the mountains The late wind of the summer night Where does it come from? 高峻的西雅若山脈 百多年前中國人締造的城 High Sierra Mountain range A link to the past human Chinese Built Up City Nestled in mountain foot Chinese railroad city From little camps dotted once To Today's Mecca gambling house Not Mah-jongg washing hands sound But Wheel of the Fortune turning 小帳營 開山祖師 開山闢地 中國人的鐵路城市 黃種中國人 打不過高大愛爾蘭礦工 畢竟美國種族歧視 斷送中國人在美國 出人頭地的先機 Yellow Chinese weak men Could not beat the tall rough Irish workers After all American racism Cut off the advantages Early in America’s developmental stage 中國人死灰復燃 又在世界抬頭 多少世代交替 Now China rises up from the embers It is rising up again Ready to be reborn with a good Karma


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