Friday, March 23, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
3/20/2007, 美國雷根前司法副部長﹕我們對憲法效忠服從﹐非對總統效忠服從。
蘇編輯﹕ 大使是全民的代表﹐非總統的御用傳聲器。
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
打草必驚蛇﹐基於最近頻發事件﹐做一申述。 如果中華民國被作掉﹐現在不論與誰私底下進行勾結﹐任何和諧口號將無意義﹐失去民心﹐僅流于口頭禪﹐永遠不會和諧。 去掉蔣塑像﹐不再崇拜過去的人物﹐毛澤東不也一樣得遭人民請走﹐獲得平反﹐一個中國老百姓說﹕有補償才有平反。 從此深綠的吳大使可以天天在華府智囊演說﹐他說過為何大陸不能進行普選﹐那個過渡期是何物﹖要求民主制立即得迫切實行在大陸﹐一黨專制將獲新台灣國攻擊﹐不再會給中國人的情面﹐因為他們是台灣人獨立在台灣島﹐中華人民共和國17大面臨著解體﹐包括了世運﹐胡錦濤必需改國制讓人民普選所有中央官員﹐這個要求很快會來到﹐必需要加速作準備工作﹐吳僅提前時間表讓民主來到中國﹐改動共產大體制而已。 要求中華民國改憲法﹐疆域改變﹐為和諧付出﹐同樣我們也可要求改中華人民國和國為中國﹐旗子換下﹐才能和為貴﹐不能仍有‘解放軍’﹐‘解放報紙’了﹐解放誰來者﹖外交官說還在內戰時期﹐那如何和諧﹖新獨立國成立萬事皆休矣﹗ 一個中國﹐一個台灣﹐沒有中華民國﹐改定憲法限定疆土是台灣﹐再正名為台灣國﹐共黨也面臨著瓦解崩潰政治局的體系﹐台灣國的中央不會聽中共政治局。 中華民國還在世界各地隨時可復興﹐只等待好的美國領導人。 中共與美虎謀皮的下場﹐不要在被算計過後﹐才悔不當初﹐對不起老祖宗﹐並不是僅對不起中華民國﹐江澤民及胡溫都是皆生于中華民國的子民﹐也該永遠記得‘三月亡華’卻未亡我中華民族﹐誰付出了代價。
Friday, March 16, 2007
See You Jiu Hua Shan 九華山 Nine Lotus Peak Mountain

Taoist Zhao Zhiwei was holding a banquet on Autumn moon festival for all the saints friends.
地藏菩萨圣德大观 弘一大师编述
Hong Yi master compiled and wrote on the Di Zang Pusa Budda in care of earthly parents sacred teachings.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Adios Amor, Goodbye Love Rhumba Dance YouTube
Rhumba Gymnastics
Ya Lo Se Que Tu Te Vas
Hoy me he despertadocon mucha tristesasabiendo que mañanaya te vas de miTe juro mi vidaque pensando en lo nuestrome pasé la nochecasi sin dormirYa lo se que tu te vasque quizas no volverasque muy tristes hoy seranmis mañanas si te vashasta cuando volverasa mis brazos no lo sesera un eternidadcreo que te voy a perderYa lo se mi amorque te vas, te vasque ha llegado la horade decirnos adioste deseo buena suertehasta nunca mi amoradios amor, adios amor, adios amoradios amor, adios amor, adios amor, adios amor, adios amor, adios amoradiooooooos aaaamooooor
Already You Have Left
Today I have awakened with much sadness knowing that tomorrow you already will have left
I swear my life to you that thinking about us I spent the night almost without sleeping
Already that you have gone away that perhaps never to return
how very sad today will be
my mornings if you go away when even if you never return to my arms it would be an eternity
I believe that I am going to lose you
Already the my love that you go away,
you go away that the hour has arrived
to say good bye to us
I wish good luck you until never my love good bye love, good bye love, good bye love good bye love, good bye love, good bye love, good bye love, good bye love, good bye love
adiooooooos aaaamooooor
Rhumba You Tube

For a free Rhumba demonstration from international dancing experts, go to this site and click "Too Young Rhumba", which links to YouTube:
The Passing Love
Grandfather and mother treated me as a Nationalist princess.
I was above all the girls in terms of beauty, kindness, the intelligence to perhaps to find out what happened to them, the unequal wonder that once existed.
Young princess, what do you know?
The world is too young to comprehend that age old wisdom.
That one day, I recall I was too young to find out those passing their huge love.
Too Young
They try to tell us we're too young
Too young to really be in love
They say that love's a word
A word we've only heard
But can't begin to know the meaning of
And yet we're not too young to know
This love will last though years may go
And then some day they may recall
We were not too young at all
And yet we're not too young to know
This love will last though years may go
And then some day they may recall
We were not too young at all
Friday, March 09, 2007
Edmond Halley (1656 – 1742)

Edmond Halley (1656 – 1742)
He spent most of his time on lunar observations, but was also interested in the problems of gravity. One problem that attracted his attention was the proof of Kepler's laws of planetary motion.
Kepler's First Law
The first law says: "The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at one of the foci."
The mathematics of the ellipse is as follows.
The equation is
where (r,θ) are heliocentric polar coordinates for the planet, p is the semi latus rectum, and ε is the eccentricity, which is less than one.

My hometown monk in Tang Dynasty already discovered planetary motion, nearly a thousand years before Halley. He is the real world class scientific giant.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
原 來 紅 樓 夢 中 描 寫 的 " 雪 中 紅 梅 " 是 這 麼 的 美 啊 Red Plum Flowers in the Snow
Red Plum Flowers in the Snow
So I see red plum flowers in the snow, as described in
the Dream of the Red Chamber, they are so gorgeous
The exquisite beauty!
Plum Flower Three Arrangement
is the most ancient Chinese harp melody
正因嵇康這种憤世嫉俗的表現,使他在音樂創作与演奏上才取得了引人注目的成就。 嵇康所彈奏的《廣陵散》是這一古代名曲經嵇康加工而成的一首曲子,在長期的流傳過程中,正象一首民歌一樣,凝聚著歷代傳頌者的心血。
Friday, March 02, 2007
America Refuses China’s Demand to Stop the Arms Sale to Taiwan
America Refuses China’s Demand to Stop the Arms Sale to Taiwan
China is asking America to cancel the sales of guided missiles to Taiwan, but America claims it is legal and refuses. America decides to sell over 400 guided missiles and triggered the protest from China.
The green extremist view is:
400 missiles are too little for the deep hatred between Taiwanese and Chinese mainlanders in Taiwan. 800 missiles are not enough to satisfy the deep hatred by the DPP.
The ROC view:
The TRA fine, this arms sale does not violate the TRA or any agreements.
However, the amount is not fine, it is too many missiles for little Taiwan.
100 missiles should be good enough to deter any invasion is the ROC view.
The point of TRA is to allow arms sales to Taiwan. Between ROC and USA, there is this pact of American assistance Taiwan to defend itself against any invaders. However, they don’t need so many of them. So America should just sell 100 missiles to Taiwan, and hopefully this is enough to demonstrate that Taiwan can not be invaded by anyone.
As far as the Extremists Green hate ideology toward Chinese, they think there are too few missiles, with such deep hatred, one wonders if 800 would be sufficient in firing toward China.
Solution: In order to achieve the status quo, everyone has to give. America does not need to sell Taiwan so many missiles, China must recognize Taiwan’s right to exist within the TRA framework, in addition to the three communiqués with China and the one China policy.
400 missiles is too many, 100 should be good enough. China wishes it was 0, but as long as China’s foreign ministry spokesman still claims that “the civil war is unfinished in Taiwan”, so you can’t blame Taiwan for wanting to have missiles to defend themselves. Everyone has a right to defend themselves.
中國要求美取消售台導彈 美稱合法加以拒絕