Friday, March 16, 2007

See You Jiu Hua Shan 九華山 Nine Lotus Peak Mountain

古稱陵陽山﹑九子山﹐唐天寶年間改名九華山﹔因有九峰形似蓮花而得名 In the ancient time, it was called Ling yang shan. Nine Sons mountain. In Tang dynasty, tianbao era, it was changed to Jiu Hua shan because it has nine peaks look like lotus to gain the name.
天開神秀九華山與道士趙知微中秋宴群仙的故事 Taoist Zhao Zhiwei was holding a banquet on Autumn moon festival for all the saints friends. 地藏菩萨圣德大观 弘一大师编述 Hong Yi master compiled and wrote on the Di Zang Pusa Budda in care of earthly parents sacred teachings.


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