Friday, March 02, 2007

America Refuses China’s Demand to Stop the Arms Sale to Taiwan

America Refuses China’s Demand to Stop the Arms Sale to Taiwan China is asking America to cancel the sales of guided missiles to Taiwan, but America claims it is legal and refuses. America decides to sell over 400 guided missiles and triggered the protest from China. The green extremist view is: 400 missiles are too little for the deep hatred between Taiwanese and Chinese mainlanders in Taiwan. 800 missiles are not enough to satisfy the deep hatred by the DPP. The ROC view: The TRA fine, this arms sale does not violate the TRA or any agreements. However, the amount is not fine, it is too many missiles for little Taiwan. 100 missiles should be good enough to deter any invasion is the ROC view. The point of TRA is to allow arms sales to Taiwan. Between ROC and USA, there is this pact of American assistance Taiwan to defend itself against any invaders. However, they don’t need so many of them. So America should just sell 100 missiles to Taiwan, and hopefully this is enough to demonstrate that Taiwan can not be invaded by anyone. As far as the Extremists Green hate ideology toward Chinese, they think there are too few missiles, with such deep hatred, one wonders if 800 would be sufficient in firing toward China. Solution: In order to achieve the status quo, everyone has to give. America does not need to sell Taiwan so many missiles, China must recognize Taiwan’s right to exist within the TRA framework, in addition to the three communiqués with China and the one China policy. 400 missiles is too many, 100 should be good enough. China wishes it was 0, but as long as China’s foreign ministry spokesman still claims that “the civil war is unfinished in Taiwan”, so you can’t blame Taiwan for wanting to have missiles to defend themselves. Everyone has a right to defend themselves. 2007.03.03 中國要求美取消售台導彈 美稱合法加以拒絕 美國決定向台灣出售四百多枚導彈,引發中國抗議,要求美方立即取消軍售計畫。美國國務院今天公開拒絕,並表示「協助台灣自我防衛的能力,一切合乎法規」。 國務院發言人麥考馬克表示:「布希政府恪守台灣關係法安全及軍售相關法條,提供軍事協助,與我們該盡的職責並未相違背。」 中國外交部今天稍早對美國提出抗議,認為此舉已經違反一中政策,並將「危及台海和平及穩定,傷害中美關係」。 麥考馬克對此加以駁斥,表示顯然美國每次對台軍售都會引起中國的強烈反應。他說:「每當中國抗議的時候,我們就會解釋軍售案並未違背一中政策。」


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