Friday, June 08, 2007

Beauty of Lost China Proper Land 徽州即是徽宗的中原遺山家園

徽州即是徽宗的遺山家園 那天我到徽州去, 發現了宋代的避亂的桃花源, 連明朝大師湯顯祖,畢生都無法圓此夢 一生痴絕處,無夢到徽州 我的心弦為之顫動, 太白樓 彈小提琴的那一天 家家戶戶掛紅燈籠, 慶九州, 一如既往. Lost Peach Garden of Song Huizong Emperor We went to explore and discover the tucked away Lost China Proper enclave. My heart was playing the violin, and almost in tears, to see and enveloped in my Soong Dynasty people and settings. To my surprise. Many lanterns hanging and words of celebrating the Nine States


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