Thursday, September 01, 2005

Not a Congenial Time for Hu Jintao to visit the U.S.

Not a Congenial Time for Hu Jintao to visit the U.S. America is in crisis. Right now people are weary of the Hurricane. The Mexican border and immigration are hotly contested issues, and the Chinese trade deficit also looms large with many considering China an enemy country. President Bush just asked Senator Frist to pass $10 billion in aid for Hurricane Katrina. If Hu Jintao comes to America at this juncture, without explanation, people will hate the Chinese and it will compound the problem. The Bush administration does not tell the people that Hu is coming to give America big gifts, which are tens of billions of nuclear power plants to Westinghouse, and a purchase of Boeing planes. A contract will be signed for tens of billions of dollars for nuclear power plant development with the US. This is a favor to the US, because Russia and France are also in the bidding, and China can get deal from them circumvent the US. Bush is given a last chance to handle this Hurricane crisis. Money is not the most important thing, Bush's image has suffered, most people are fed up with Iraq, but are willing to wait a short time to see how Bush will handle the hurricane crisis before clamoring against him again. The press have never been on Bush's side, and are not helping now, by pointing fingers at the lack the planning for a disaster. After the Iraq blunder, people are willing to give him one more chance. The Sunnis were pushed out of political power and only helped Iran because Kurds are their cousins. One Shiite leader, al-Sadr, accused Bush of intentionally dividing the unity between Sunnis and Shiites. A constitution is not a true constitution without all 3 sides participating. Bush should level with the Sunnis to save a lot of trouble and allow the troops to return home sooner. I wonder why Bush said the he doesn't want the troops home during his presidency, now the flood needs 30,000 troops to return home. Greenspan said the unbridled spending and trade war will take a toll on the economics. Bush should give an honest flood survey and down to earth tour, not hyped with frivolous inept inexperienced news reporters around him, then perhaps, he can penetrate the thick shroud of gloomy clouds and emerge again as the leader. Only then, on his own merits, and he can welcome a hotly contentious China, and China’s leader Hu Jintao to mutually benefit two leaders and the countries. It won’t add any point to either as of now, because media on both sides are extremely lost, and won't give any favorable light for Hu Jintao's visit. Chinese are very patriotic on the Taiwan issue, they blame Bush for interference. Americans distrust China because it is still a Communist country, that is getting more powerful every day, and threatens the U.S. Even though there is progress between the U.S. and China, and there are many encouraging signs, the positives are all hidden from the media. The President’s poll last was 38%, and we do not want to see it sink continually to a point of no return. With China, President Bush is doing quite well behind the scenes, so it says according to Duowei. All this is hidden from the American press and media. A lot has been going on. So, this is not a good time for Hu Jintao to visit the U.S. to advance the U.S.-China relationship. Because of the hurricane, he should delay the trip, so that Bush is not spread too thin. It looks like Hu wants to give the U.S. billions of dollars, Bush will transfer this to Latinos, his favorite group, so no Chinese will benefit. Chinese took the trade surplus money earned from the U.S. to buy Russian planes, this will benefit the Russians. China has a trade deficit with Taiwan, Taiwan only buys higher-end products from Japan, so China gives the money earned from the U.S. to Japan. So ultimately Chinese people are still making $40 to $60 a month, their rights are trampled on by all of these big countries, this is unfair. Translation from Duowei Post, Published August 26, Issue 862 (1) When Hu Jintao visits America, what gifts will he bring to Bush? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 1 ) 特稿:胡锦涛访美会给布什送“大礼”?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 1 ) 特稿:胡锦涛访美会给布什送“大礼”?多维社记者江天编译报导/在白宫确认布胡会将于9月7日举行后,不少媒体开始揣测两国元首都会讨论哪些议题,有人甚至用“美国扑克”对阵“中国象棋”来形容这次将会充满“悬念”的会晤。不过有消息说,胡锦涛届时将会向布什提议,希望两国能源企业在今后的合作和交易中别再受到政治干扰。为了表达中方的诚意,中国可能会奖励美国西屋电气公司数十亿美元的修建核反应堆的合同。法新社报导说,胡锦涛美国之行除了9月7日与布什在白宫会晤这个“重头戏”外,还将参观位于西雅图的波音公司和微软公司,预计将会订购波音客机。虽然目前中方两国都没有公开胡锦涛此行的具体行程,但媒体普遍认为,其行程将会以进一步发展两国经贸关系为中心。一名中国官员向华尔街日报透露说,胡锦涛在访问华盛顿期间,有可能会把一份建造4个大型核反应堆的价值达数十亿美元的合同奖励给美国的西屋公司。西屋公司一直在与法国和俄罗斯的企业竞争中核集团的一个压水式反应堆项目。西屋公司一位管理人士透露说,协议可能正在计划当中,不过西屋公司管理人士则表示,他们没有听到任何有关他们竞标计划进展情况的消息。 Westinghouse opposing France and Russia, secretly bid for a compressed water reactor category. Westinghouse management declined to comment and there was no news on the process of negotiation. We do not want to politicize our commercial mutual interests. In the past 2 months, U.S.-China relations improved and the RMB went up 2% and the peg to the American dollar was ended. Hu doesn't want to talk about RMB exchange issue, because Hu thinks this is interior politics. 这位中国官员在谈到布胡会时表示,能源问题很有可能成为双方的议题之一。中国官员说,虽然两个国家都有权实施自己的战略,但我们希望双方能优先从商业利益的角度考虑问题,而不要把商业问题政治化。中国官员介绍说,两国关系在过去两个月间持续得到改善。不久前,中国将人民币兑美元的汇率上调了2%,并放弃原有的钉住美元的汇率机制,引入了钉住一篮子货币的汇率机制。华尔街日报报导说,据这位中国高级官员透露,胡锦涛并不准备与布什讨论人民币的汇率问题,因为这属于中国的内政。他表示,中国在进行人民币汇率改革时将坚持走自己的路,但他拒绝透露人民币汇率是否会进行进一步的调整。这次是胡锦涛2003年3月出任中国最高领导人以来首次出访美国,中国官员对他此次美国之行寄予了厚望。中方表示,中美两国关系保持着良好的发展势头。但他们也承认,过去一年来,两国在一些问题上的摩擦升温,如中国对美国的贸易顺差不断扩大,中国对石油等自然资源的需求持续上升,以及美国对中国扩大军费开支感到不安等。中国官员希望胡锦涛此行能够向美方阐明:中国一直非常欢迎美国的投资。这位中国高级官员在8月25日的讲话中表示,现在在中国进行投资的美国企业已经超过了5万家,中国对他们来华投资表示欢迎。他估计美国企业在中国的投资达到了500亿美元左右。 American enterprises investing in China passed 50,000 companies, and it is very welcomed. It has reached to $500 Billion U.S. dollars. 法新社报导说,中国商务部美洲大洋洲司司长何宁8月24日表示,胡锦涛访美期间,中美双方将签署多项贸易和经济协议,政府有关各部门和相关企业已经准备好协议内容。预计胡锦涛还将访问波音公司。中方官员正在就有关问题进行谈判,据了解谈判情况的人士透露,估计中方至少会订购数架单通道波音737客机。 China will buy several Boeing 737’s when Hu visits Seattle. 美国有些人士还希望北京进一步上调人民币汇率。上个月,中国已将人民币兑美元汇率上调了2%,并决定将人民币汇率与一篮子货币挂钩。而美方批评人士认为,这次上调后人民币币值仍处于被低估的状态,中国输美商品价格还是太低,这对其他竞争方不公平。华尔街日报指出,尽管存在这些不和谐之处,但中美双方近年来一直在政府各层面上建设务实的工作关系,以解决诸如朝鲜核问题、毒品走私和恐怖主义等共同关心的问题。双方都对胡锦涛的这次访问表示乐观。北京清华大学国际问题研究所所长阎学通说,胡锦涛这次访美以及今年晚些时候布什将访问中国的计划表明中美战略关系趋于稳定。阎学通说,双方的议事日程之一将是建立一种机制来协调作为一支正在崛起的力量的中国与作为世界唯一的超级大国的美国之间的双边关系。他还说,双方对不久前在北京举行的战略对话均感到满意。美国副国务卿佐立克和中国外交部副部长戴秉国进行的这场对话是两国自25年前建立外交关系以来的第一次。


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