Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Free Mind Returns from China after Whirlwind Tour

Free Mind's sister ponders the Temple of Heaven from Afar
This was my fifth trip to China. China is in a continual robust building spree for the entire nation. We wish that Chinese people can exercise prudence and will not be hotheaded in ideology. Most importantly, to always pay regards to the great ancestors' work and the Nationalist modern founding work, not just to the fortune gods and the new multi-millionaires. The economic innovative minds like Zhao Zi Yang and Jiang Zemin are worthy of praise for leading China to become a thriving and for playing down the fanaticism of the past hard-line communism. This type of rationale should continue, as the nation walks out of the shadow of colonial dominance and suppression, and concluded long the dynastic era, transforming into a country of democracy, winning the war against Japan in the long battle of resistance, contributing to the world peace. Elevated minds should give weight to the nation's true saviors, the Nationalists, who did the true hard work of steering China on the path toward a successful future. To be a first-class system, the political body, regardless of its name or ideology, should have the muscle and capability to face the popular masses, and the people's social, political and economic needs all must be fulfilled, not just the economic side alone.


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