Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Satire on Bush

When Monica and Clinton were doing their immoral thing in the White House, they eventually were ousted by Lincoln’s spirit. This cast a dark shadow on the democrats. Whatever bizarre situation is going on between Bush and the Filipino, eventually also will be exposed by President Teddy Roosevelt’s patriotic spirit. I don’t think he is thrilled with a Filipino chef and some cheating news reporter who erroneously misrepresented the Bush administration by saying that “Gonzales would prosecute the looters” during the Hurricane Katrina crisis and caused an uproar among State, Local, and Federal agencies. It took her bad mouth on Karl Rove and also Scott McClellan, so if they get ousted, Republicans will be weakened and possibly lose the majority in the 2006 election, then Democrats will enjoy a process called “Impeachment of Bush”, all thankful for this either mean-spirited or tactless reporter who has a special exchange with Bush. This is after she bad-mouthed Harriet Miers and ruined her chance to be on the Supreme Court, and pushed Scooter Libby out. On that day when Libby resigned, Bush looked beat. But Bush still wants her to be around for some reason. Bush degenerated by living off these White House female news reporters’ feed for information. Like DEAF reporters, and a blind president, they were totally lost in the events in Hurricane Katrina, totally locked into their own world of beliefs and hedonism. Failed to act promptly as the guessing game of the missing or showing up of the pursuit of these ‘capricious reporters’. It is the practice of CNN and most, to allow 2 to show up. So this keeps the president forever guessing who will be with him in the trip. Prior to the Hurricane, the President failed to respond to a category 5 hurricane, and talked to no one. Bush was chastised to come to California without immediately going back to visit this evil reporter. Cindy Sheehan derailed a good summer, but it may be a blessing in disguise for Bush. In the name of the economic project, Bush looked like he wanted to secretly give her the info, without going through any aides, who were called back later. That this unprofessionalism was stopped because of Cindy Sheehan's arrival, so this was actually a benefit to prolong his presidency. The reporter rotated to go to Argentina, and very likely communicated to the President in the air to Air Force One, so he was delighted to land on airport with enlightened happy brisk gait. The reporter was not rotated to go to China. The President acted as if he caught bird flu. Thanksgiving for family reunion, and the reporter was rotated to be with the President, and he turned back to relive again. Border speech at Tucson, and El Paso Texas, with the reporter followed the motorcade, and he acts like he is quite on top of the world. At Annapolis speech, Navy academy, he is bloodthirsty and possibly, she is rotated back for 2 weeks break, for the coming rendezvous of Christmas and New Year fun. I did a survey and found that 50% of Nordstrom merchandize are made in the Philippines, vs. 30% from China, and the rest from other countries. So I returned my $216 coat, made in the Philippines. Bush is asking other countries to eat Chinese people’s lunch and punish the Chinese textile sector. Chinese have made great contributions in the U.S., such as building up the railroads in the 19th century, and advancing technology in the modern era, like Boeing. Why should the Chinese be punished to help the Philippines? On the Chinese Internet, the youth are very mad that the loans they made to Saddam Hussein will not be paid back, and Bush refused to compensate the Chinese for the billions of dollars in loans that Saddam owed to China. FDR may have had intimate fireside chats with Americans, but he left out major secrets from VP Truman, and this damaged post-war planning and world peace, and China sank to communism. FDR didn’t tell Eleanor, but everyday was with his mistress his secretary. If Bush does have 3 years, this is his time to leave a good name for himself, his family, and his country. We have Northern Soong dynasty PM Qin Kuai, and his wife forever kneeling and get spit on by people after he did the loyal patriotic general Yuefei in, we hope Bush’s luck is better than Qin Kuai.


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