Friday, November 25, 2005


There will be 20 holiday banquets to be held with White House Filipino Chef’s great cooking and panache. The Filipinos should be equally as important as any race, without any special benefits, as all races work hard. If the Iraq war is to be forgotten by the White House, then the troops should get pulled back. If Hurricane Katrina is not enough of a lesson for Bush, then he won’t be able to face the impeachment that democrats are talking about. The Beijing trip was a strange occurrence, with Bush looking like a zombie as if his soul was hollowed out. I know the reason, simply by comparing to the Argentine trip. In this trip, I followed very closely as I plan to publish many political books. I can venture to say that Bush is secretly aiding the CNN female news reporters and gave them access and in exchange for their ‘feed’, quote Susan Malveaux’s words on CNN programs, ‘The Administration rely on our Feed, and we tell them what to do.” Dana Bash also revealed that “we have someone who can access to the President as few could”, this was when there was danger of a riot breaking out during the plenary session in Argentina. Bush acted eager and bounding on the airport tarmac in Argentina, the news showing that Quijano and Dana were waiting by the beach side of the Hermitage hotel. But perhaps in Beijing, his secret object was not waiting for him. We know the bad reputation of Philippine personnel, like Imelda Marcus and Jim Cunanan who killed fashion designer Johnny Versace. White House is not lack of intelligent planners, but is askew on moral grounds, and they will run into great impeachment and indictment, and lose the presidency before the expiration day. White House is under siege, and has been reduced to Bush’s obscure longing for immoral news reporters who try to influence policy. But many people will soon find out, as “the paper can never wrap the fire long”. It is in vain to ask Bush to show genuine spirit as he appears at podium, because he is obsessed with something or someone. He will have to give his presidency for this, or give up his ‘habit’. Advice: President Bush should be more in touch with the world, on track with Iraq and domestic issues, and prepare for his state of the union speech in order to preserve his presidency.


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