Thursday, January 26, 2006

金玉良緣 Gold and Jade Romance Match

金玉良緣 “莫失莫忘﹐仙壽恆昌”, "不離不棄,芳齡永繼” Gold and Jade Romance Match 大概因為穿一襲古典錦緞新襖﹐紅紗裙。 今天方夫人誇我﹐像薛寶釵的個性。圓潤服貼。 這其實是外公外婆的訓練﹐應酬時必需大小姐模樣。 長輩也以洋娃娃稱我。 For celebrating the coming New Year, the consulate general’s office hosted a reception for the Bay Area community. I wore a Chinese embroidery New Year gown with a red chiffon dress. The outfit may be why Mrs. Florence Fang commented that I’m like Xue Baochai, a figure from the Dream of the Red Chamber. She meant that I was sweet and sociable. This is due to the golden era when I was with grandparents’ social circles and they referred me as a “Foreign doll”. Gold and Jade necklace 金玉良緣 寶玉的通靈寶玉 “莫失莫忘﹐仙壽恆昌” Bao Yu has a spiritual magic jade piece, inscribed with 8 characters “Don’t lose, don’t forget; Saint Longevity and perennial thriving” 薛寶釵金項圈 “不離不棄,芳齡永繼” His betrothed girl Xue Bao Chai’s gold necklace has 8 characters to match his “Don’t leave, don’t desert; fragrant age linger on” 論中國男人內心深處﹐永遠的中國情人﹐是黛玉或寶釵﹖ In the depth of a man’s heart, his forever lover, is Daiyu or Baochai? 黛玉要寶玉做到“不離不棄”﹐但那不是她份內的。 Daiyu wants Baoyu to “Don’t leave, and don’t desert”, but that was not meant for her part. 而理想夫人卻是薛寶釵﹐識大體不吵鬧﹐近乎無情的地步與淡然處之。 Ideal partner was Xue Baochai. She is so easy going that to the point of unemotional about his zealous love toward the other girl. 中國男人卻一定要爭取至少兩者兼愛﹖ 多少紛攘﹖ Why must the Chinese man fight to get two shares of love? How many complications?


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