Sunday, January 01, 2006

煙雨濛濛的愛 A Lover in the Misty Rain

Celebrating Our Love 煙雨濛濛的愛 A Lover in the Misty Rain 在煙雨濛濛中 你漸行漸遠 那是永遠的失落 In the misty light drizzle You were slowly moving away But that was the last departing I could not tell you That I cared and loved you 從不能告訴你
我是愛你的 Asking what is love Loving your silence But passionately followed me The entire Taipei
Turned into a playground 問世間情為何物 愛你不語 卻熱情的追蹤 全台北
I only dared to hope That you would detect the subtlety of my love 只能奢望 明白我對你的愛 微妙的說不出
原諒我熬不過命運 But forgive me that I could not escape fate.


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