Thursday, May 18, 2006

丁香空結雨中愁 Centuries of Vacant Lilac Love

Hangzhou West Lake White Causeway

记忆中仍留存着苏州雨巷丁香花的芬芳,西湖夕照中苏小小的幻影 In Southern dynasty, Beautiful and poetic Su Xiao Xiao went speeding by with her Fragrant wagon draped with waterproof paper. She was a magnate for the art society. 李商隐的《代赠》“芭蕉不展丁香结,同向春风各自愁。” Tang dynasty, Li Shang Yin’s poem: “To give as a substitute: the banana leaves are not open like the lilac in tangled knots; all but mindful of sorrowful sentiments in the spring.” 李璟(916-961),字伯玉,徐州人,南唐烈祖李昇的長子公元943年嗣位帝,年號保大,後因受到後周威協,削去帝號,改稱國主,史稱南唐中主,廟號元宗。好讀書,多才藝。“時時作為歌詩,皆出入風騷”,具有較高的文學藝術修養。經常與其寵臣如韓熙载、馮延已等飲宴賦詩,于是適用于歌筵舞榭的詞,便在南唐獲得了發展的機會。他的詞,感情真挚,風格清新,語言不事雕琢,對南唐詞壇生生過一定的影。存詞五首,其中《南唐二主詞》收四首,《草堂詩餘》收一首。 攤破浣溪沙 手捲真珠上玉鉤,依然春恨鎖重樓,風裡落花誰是主,思悠悠,青鳥不傳雲外信,丁香空結雨中愁,回首綠波三楚暮,接天流。 Poem by Li Jing 916 – 961, Southern Tang dynasty emperor. Washing the silk in creek The hand is rolling a pearl curtain to a jade hook Still see the spring locking the layers of buildings Who is the owner for those fallen flowers in the wind? I think of you The green bird doesn’t pass the message from the cloud The lilac only congeals into a vacant sentiment in rain Look back to see green wave in three Chu Kingdom dusk Connecting to heaven flowing away When you step into the long rainy alley of Suzhou, you may see the girl with waterproof paper umbrella, with lilac light fragrance girl, as the poet Dai Wang Shu’s 1928 work. 戴望舒的《雨巷》也不忘一位“丁香般结着愁怨的姑娘”。撑着油纸伞,独自彷徨在悠长, 悠长又寂寥的雨巷, 希望飘过一个丁香一样地结着愁怨的 姑娘 Poet Dai Wang Shu in 1928 made this famed “Rainy Alley” I can’t forget this Fragrance knotted lilac frowning in her sentiment. With an oily paper water resistant umbrella walking alone in the lone rainy alley. 如梦的江南,一串解不开的丁香结! In dreamy south Yantgze, a string of unresolved knots of Lilacs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

4:36 AM  

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