Thursday, April 06, 2006

One China, Multiple Interpretations

From April 14 to April 17, Chinese President Hu and former Honorary KMT chairman Lian Zhan are going to meet in an economic forum. Possibly they will clarify about 1992 mutual recognition between Wang Daohan representing China and Gu ZhengFu representing ROC in Taiwan, on One China but to express on each’s own way, to give legitimacy to both PRC and ROC as sovereignty China. This is to build rapport prior to President Hu’s U.S. visit. We have only one China, but multiple interpretations. In Chen Shui Bian and KMT chairman Ma’s meeting, Chen Shui Bian gave his One China interpretation as below: “One China is PRC, we are not China, but a Taiwan country and identity.” Chairman Ma’s version: One China is ROC, and we should go back to 1992 mutual recognition from China’s Mr. Wang Dao Han and Taiwan’s Mr. Gu Zheng Fu to describe China in their own way, namely, one China, PRC and ROC co-country for the Chinese people. Scholar, Strategist and adviser Su Qi came out to claim that the 1992 mutual recognition was his conceptualization of the political ultra state and didn’t reach to any legal basis, just left for both sides to freely have their interpretation and identity in the joint conference. Prime Minister Su Zhen Chang on April 4th to the senate: China never wants to fully recognize ROC, they only honor one China as the PRC, and omit the self-expression part. So the Taiwan side is saying One China is ROC, but China only says it is PRC, but is not truly recognizing ROC. PM Su has no problem with “One China self explaining” if ROC is to be recognized by China. My personal One China interpretation: China communists split from the Nationalist in 1949 as a result of the secret foreign power intervention of the Yalta treaty, which went harmfully and illegally against ROC’s sovereignty and the US George Marshall meddling in truce and peace negotiations. Most of the international community recognizes PRC as China, this being a fact, while the Nationalist government never surrendered to the Communist Government. So Taiwan DPP wants to claim independence, this is independence not from PRC, but from ROC. This is because Taiwan DPP was never under PRC in any legal sense. Do we know that Sunni or Shiite want to claim independence from Iraq? But America right now is not splitting the Iraq into Kurds, Shiite, or Sunni, but rather urging a unity government called Iraq. So should we urge the Nationalist to be unified with the Taiwan independence party as a Republic of China first? Then we can talk about how to merge the ROC with PRC.


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