Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sweeping Reform for the White House Suggested to Improve Ratings

Crisis in the Unclean White House The White House needs a scrub man, and out the door is Chief of Staff Andrew Card, and in is the man Josh Bolten. Every great leader must have at least one Ji Yao (vital, prime) staff to inform him timely matters. My grandfather was a Ji Yao assistant to his ten year senior, the father of China’s modernization, and that was such a glorious job. Chiang Kai-shek made many mistakes, but my grandfather and his boss did many sterling achievements without hardly any mistakes. Both are extremely rare high caliber talents in their noble character and ideals, the type that only comes around every 300 years. Bolten looks a good accountant, someone good with money, maybe he can be good in disciplining staff as well. But first, Bush himself must be willing to comply with the law of fair and balanced in the press relations. Bush and CNN White House Press relationship is neurotic at best, or on the brink of scandal. It does not have any dignity or decency and looks very much on the brink of giving away national security or animal house fraternalism with low morale, and raucous Enquirer paparazzi style of commotion. Maybe Bush does not realize how these frivolous reporters make him look, they make him look very unstable, like a Texas cowboy run wild in the White House. It has hindered his rating. If she is gone, then his rating may be up, so will be CNN. In earlier time, when colonial prince visits a local native, bare breast women danced to welcome his arrival. In America, Bush made sure his two young press corps left to wait for him in Argentina beach front hotel; this is so that the Prince won’t grab the limelight and perhaps these frivolous women. So that Bush won’t be upstaged by all the appearances of the royal visit. We worry about the Hu Jin Tao visit, and the neurotic press chase and White House down and out rating for spelling gloom and doom. The young women turned aggressive and had infighting and one was booted out. Though one is winning, but neither has the audacity like Clinton and Monica. So this drags on in front of everybody. But if the press corps woman hangs on until Hillary becomes the President, she will still have a chance with Bill Clinton, other than the fat and young will turn into fat and old. Sweeping Reform for the White House Suggested to Improve Ratings and Avoid Impeachment after November Hope may be looming on the horizon with new Chief of Staff. Unlike Andy Card, a loyalist only served up to his whims, the account and budget director possibly will exercise judicial discretion in regulating the rampant dark White House. Discontinue the shadowy press relationship between the White House women correspondents to the link to the President. This will improve rating for the White House and Bush, and CNN rating. CNN’s rating has not improved with the tactics of creating strife. Despite special aids from the White House, CNN interviewed with First Lady twice in the last two months, and President granted exclusive interview with CNN Espanol, it simply drags down more. Apparently, a woman is so obsessed with the President that she refused to go home after Mexican trip, and showed up on the Crawford ranch all by herself on the decoy farm. Bush is not interested in her, or afraid to let scandal show up to drag down the bone thin rating to the 20%. Democrats are waiting on the wings to win the November election, so to bring the Administration down once occupied the House. At that time, this reporter still can serve up to Bill Clinton after she brings down all the President’s men and women like Harriet Miers, General Myers, Vice President’s Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby (Why the Vice President only watches Fox, sad screen reminds him his Libby gun down by CNN after the failed attempt on Karl Rove). Next can be Snow, Scott McClellan. Once it is Rove’s turn, Cheney, Rumsfeld, then it is in essence Bush’s alter Ego get assassinated. He may just fade away too. According to Bush, “we look forward to working with them to put together a unity government, a government that will reject the sectarian violence, will reject the militias, reject Zarqawi and the terrorists that are trying to create enough chaos so that America loses nerve” He needs to understand that for some Iraqis, militias may be the only security force available for the local residents. No one is there to fend off violence, as the Central government is already dispersed or disassembled.


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