Saturday, July 22, 2006

趙孟頫 Zhao MengFu, Prince Painter

鵲華秋色圖 Robins in the Autumn
雙松平遠圖 Two Pines in Plain View
水村圖 趙孟頫 Village by the Water
趙孟頫本係宋太祖趙匡胤十一世孫,幼小聰慧,讀書過目成誦,為人才華橫溢,儀容出眾,詩文清遠,書畫雙絕。宋亡後他在元廷當官,「官居一品,名滿天下」,不但在藝術上成就巨大,在政治上也榮際顯赫。在京期間,也敢與佞臣桑哥作鬥,一時為人稱頌。 Zhao MengFu is the Emperor Song Taizu, Zhao Kuangyin’s 11th descent. He was smart as a child, and once he read a book, he could recite it. He had good looks and made poems and writing with a high integrity fashion, could paint and do calligraphy in excellence. After Song was finished, he was working in the Yuan Dynasty court. Not only did he make great achievements in the Arts, in the political arena he was also celebrated. He was able to fight against the corrupt officials, and was liked and commended by people. Both Zhao FengFu and Lady Guan were of 湖州吴兴(今浙江吴兴)人Hu Zhou (Lake County) WuXing, Zhejiang Province as was the Great Nationalist Zhu Jiahua. 衛鑠(272年-349年),字茂猗,號和南,通稱衛夫人。晉河東安邑(今山西夏县)人,是東晉 時代著名女書法家。以為楷書訂定筆劃順序聞名,其高徒之一就是「書聖」王羲之 Lady Wei (272-349 A.D.) instituted Kai style calligraphy, with its proper sequence of strokes, and her great disciple is the Chinese ‘Saint of Calligraphy’, Wang XiZhi. 管夫人几首劝夫澹泊凡尘功名利禄的《渔父词》 Lady Guan advised her husband to be less vain in worldly high fortune and women, in her collection of “Fisherman’s prose” Also, there is a poem to reflect the loss of the beloved Song Dynasty to the invading Mongolians, “The Words of Master Integrity Honor Bamboo” 〈题竹〉 数枝密叶数枝疏,露压烟啼秋雨余。 宋室山河多少泪,略无半点上林于。 On Inscribing Bamboo (rhymes with Master Leader our lord emperor) Several branches with thick leaves and some thin Dew Pressing down, smoky, crows crying after autumn rain Song Dynasty mountain and river how many tears It has not a half drop in the woody bamboos After Song Dynasty was finished by the Yuan Mongolians, the descendants still lived with great poetic painting style. 元代文人画领袖人物 Prince Zhao Mengfu became the leader in the intellectual painting genre in the Yuan Dynasty, much like his ancestor, Emperor Song HuiZong, who founded a Painting Royal Academy.


Blogger speed_demon said...

Hi, your blog is one of a kind. Keep it up!

1:36 AM  

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