Nationalist on the Great Wall 長城回憶錄
“How Beautiful is Our Land!” - Phrase on a large painting in the Great Hall of the People
Nationalist Free Mind looking out from the Great Wall toward China, at the Ju Yong Pass
居庸關, 一夫當關﹐萬夫莫開.
早在春秋戰國時期﹐燕國便於此設防。 At Ju Yong Guan Pass, the saying is “With one soldier guarding the pass, ten thousand enemies cannot break in”.
Ming dynasty founder emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang worried that Yuan Mongols would have a resurgence after controlling China for 90 years, from 1277 to 1368, and he strengthened this border pass with a huge allocation of funds. During the Chun Qiu and Zhan Guo Warring States era, Yan country already started the defense on the Ju Yong Sai Border.
Great Wall Memoir
The generals and the soldiers of the Great Wall, this is a memoir for you
Profile of the just and the brave
How glorious is you mission, you fought for freedom
You are magnificently situated on the cliff to look out for the betterment of the people
保衛民族生存權力 扛下綿延中華命脈
To safeguard the survival rights of a civilization
You shoulder the long line of the Chinese cultural heritage
江山代有勇者出 留下丹青照汗青
Every dynasty and generation has brave men that emerge
To leave your red heart to be reflected in the records of the history
I write this memoir for you
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