Friday, September 01, 2006

Nanyang Prefecture, Hua Zou College 花洲書院, 南陽郡, 北宋范仲淹 先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂

Doctor Zhang Zhong Jing, 150-219 A.D., Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A.D.), Nanyang Prefecture.

花洲書院, 南陽郡, 北宋范仲淹


這是我河南南陽老家的景緻﹐請大家欣賞﹐北宋范仲淹在此設立花洲書院, 南陽郡鄧州.


1046年9月15日他在此寫下千古名篇《岳陽樓記》。“先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂” This is Nanyang prefecture’s one county; Deng Zhou’s famed college, set up by Northern Soong great statesman Scholar Fan Zhong Yan, Hua Zhou College. Flower Oasis Continent. I am very happy to see the restoration of the Historical site by the Chinese government. 1046, September 15, Fang Zhong Yan wrote this immotal Yue Yang Lou Ji, Yue Yang Building Memory: “Before the world worry, you take precaution; after the world takes pleasure and you relax and enjoy” This etched on every Chinese man’s soul, and particularly ringing in every one’s moral and instills the officials to work before the people, and to take pleasure the last. 北宋紹聖二年(1095年),範仲淹的四子範純粹任鄧州知州,整修了花洲書院。從南宋至明朝,花洲書院屢圮屢修,曾為鄧州州學。《嵩陽書院》記載:元朝時,曾 作翰林院編修的蒙古族乃賢,“世居南陽,曾遊學花洲書院”。明嘉靖、萬歷年間,知州張仙、夏忠等相繼對書院進行整修。到了清朝,歷任知州更加重視整修花洲書院,辦學規模越來越大。 花洲書院始建於宋代慶歷年間,北宋著名政治家、軍事家、文學家、教育家、思想家範仲淹任鄧州知州期間創建了書院內講學堂——春風堂、藏書樓、齋舍,並在書院東側創建百花洲,重修覽秀亭,構築春風閣,花洲書院因百花洲而得名。中院和後院正房及廂房設醫聖張仲景. Hua Zhou College is famous because of the 100 flowers oasis and like the continent flowers. Central Hall has China’s saint doctor, local great man Zhang Zhong Jing statue.


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