Thursday, June 30, 2005

Princess Consort Treasure Pearl Zhen 1875-1900

Princess Consort Treasure Pearl Zhen 1875-1900 As his most beloved, she always supported Emperor Guang Xu. In 1900 troops from eight allied countries attacked Peking. Emperor Guang Xu intended to stay to calm the people but Dowager empress Ci Xi coerced him to go to Xian. He always wanted to reform, and never could fulfill his dream. He died suddenly on November 4th, 1908, possibly bybeing poisoned by the dowager.

I Dream of Ancient China

My poem in memory of Professor Wang Guo Wei, 王国维(1877—1927)of Qing Hua university. He was a great scholar, able to link the threads to the ancient civilization. Mysteriously, he committed suicide in the Summer palace, Kunming Lake, Peking, in June 1927.
Oh! Classic you Coming over to lean toward me You, for a long time, in the mist Longing so, still some people Can notice your once ethereal beauty A rare discernment for many You are still, coming to tell me I can't forget The oracle bones’ revelation Dun Huang Grotto Wei Dynasty stone inscribed words Bamboo folders and rolls of literature pearls Many say we don't know each other But I wait for you for an eternity When you appear from beyond the smoky mist My past soul also returned The legends of Luo Goddess Lean beauty in the bamboo forest In the Dream of the Red Chamber Of the daughters from the Shun utopian world Before language is formed Already imprinted and cast their love With shadows everlasting A reflection do not vanish Please do not leave My dream All my love for the ancient civilization By Free Mind 華夏之夢 古典的你 向我依過來。 你﹐已經很久﹐在塵裡﹐ 切盼﹐仍有國人﹐能察覺﹐ 那曾美麗的華亮 不易的審查 你﹐仍盈盈﹐姍姍來到。 忘懷不了。 我的從前。 那麼多人說你我素不相識 我卻等你已很久遠 當你由煙霧那裡出現 我的故魂 也回轉來了

殷商的甲骨文體 魏晉詩卷的遺珠 敦煌石窟的殘簡

歷來瀟湘妃子 洛神 你們的影子 影影綽綽 我永難忘 如何排解呢﹖ 請不要離開 我的夢 華夏之夢

By Free Mind

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Playwright Tian Han

Tian Han 1898-1968 The lyricist for the communist National anthem, which was derived from a film's theme song which he wrote in 1934. A creative playwright. In 1935, as a communist, Tian Han was saved by good nationalists from Chiang Kai Shek’s jail. Though he helped Jiang Qing, ‘Blue Apple’, who was to become Mao’s wife, he was later persecuted by her and died in jail in 1968.   1934年,田汉创作了中国第一部新歌剧《扬子江暴风雨》。由聂耳作曲并担任导演和主演,在上海演出时获得很好的效果。闭幕后,观众高呼“打倒帝国主义”等口号,久久不离开剧场。在他编写的电影剧本《风云儿女》中,他创作了主题歌歌词《义勇军进行曲》,由聂耳谱曲,很快在国内广为流传。 1934, Tian Han created China's first new opera, "The Storm of Yangtze River". At the closing, the audience shouted "Strike down imperialism!", and they didn't want to leave. In his movie film script, "The Patriotic Children", he created the main theme called "The Marching Song of the Righteous Army", composed by Nie Er, it became very popular right away, this is the current communist anthem.

Film Queen, Actress Butterfly Hu Dieh

姓名:胡瑞华 别名:潘宝娟 生辰:清光绪三十四年(1908年)旧历二月二十一日 民族:满 祭日:1989年4月23日 籍贯:广东鹤山 地区:上海 国家:中国 职业:演员 原名胡瑞华。原籍广东鹤山,生于上海。幼年跟随在京奉铁路任总稽查的父亲迁居天津、营口、北京等地 后其父又在广东从事盐务工作。1924年,胡蝶16岁时回到上海,入上海中华电影学校第一期演员训练班,教学的有洪深、郑正秋等。次年结业后,参加进入大中华影片公司,参加了了无声片 《战功》的拍摄。后由徐琴芳介绍进入友联,担任了《秋扇怨》的主角。后又去了天一影片公司主演《夫妻的秘密》、《白蛇传》等古装片,但都未引起观众注意。1928年,张石川邀请胡蝶加入明星影片公司,并与阮玲玉合作了《白云塔》,这是这两位中国影坛巨星的唯一一次合作。蝴蝶也因此片而开始走红。在其后的五年中,胡蝶又拍摄了《火烧红莲寺》、 《啼笑因缘》、《空谷兰》等影片,并主演中国第一部蜡盘配音片《歌女红牡丹》。 1933年,在上海新闻界人士陈碟衣、毛子佩等人发起的女明星竞选中,蝴蝶被选为“电影皇后”。自1933年起,明星公司吸收了许多新文艺作家,拍摄了大量的进步影片。胡蝶也转变了风格,主演了《狂流》、《脂粉市场》、《盐潮》等左翼影片,她在有声片《姊妹花》中兼饰一对性格迥异的孪生姐妹,此片成为中国电影的经典之作。1935年胡蝶参加中国电影代表团出席了莫斯科国际电影展览会 ,并随团赴德、法、英、意等国电影 界考察。八一三事变后,明星公司被毁,胡蝶去香港,主演 《胭脂泪》、《绝代佳人》等影片。 后至重庆居住。抗战胜利后复去香港 ,一度经商,并曾主演《某夫人》、 《青春梦》、《明月几时圆》等影片 。1975年定居加拿大,著《胡蝶回忆录》81岁离开人世。电影皇后的最后一句话是:“蝴蝶要飞走啦!”

Margaret Mitchell

June 30, 1936 Margaret Mitchell (1900 - 1949) Gone With the Wind . . . Done Gone by Steve King On this day in 1936, Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind was published. It had been extensively promoted, chosen as the July selection by the Book-of-the-Month Club, and so gushed about in pre-publication reviews -- "Gone With the Wind is very possibly the greatest American novel," said Publisher's Weekly -- that it was certain to sell, though few predicted the sustained, record-breaking numbers. Though she had been eager and active for her fame, Mitchell too was caught off guard. One trip to an Atlanta department store for a dress ended with a clutch of curious women throwing back the fitting room doors to stare at Mitchell in her petticoat: "They wanted to know the size of my intimate wearing apparel. They screamed to one another about me as I stood there like an animal in a cage, one asking the other: 'Ain't she skinny?' while still another observed: 'I expected her to look more middle-aged around the hips.'"As Mitchell and her biographers describe it, she was as much a prisoner of her Southern good manners as of others' rudeness. When plans for the movie were underway, Mitchell opened her door one day to a white woman who felt she could be the ideal "Mammy," with the aid of the burnt cork in her purse. Mitchell allowed her in for an impromptu audition, though she drew the line at the cork: "I sat on the blackening so she couldn't put it on her face, and for forty minutes watched her play Mammy up and down the rug."Alice Randall apparently wrote The Wind Done Gone in protest over Mitchell's skin-deep portrayal of Southern reality. Advance publicity, in this case the legal proceedings of the Mitchell Trust to squash the book as an unauthorized sequel, also made The Wind Done Gone a best-seller, and Randall too had people showing up at her door in costume -- although in this case they were Confederate soldiers, and they didn't care much if they got charged with killing the author of a parody or a rip-off. Randall envisions her novel as a "healing belly-laugh" enjoyable by all, though her heroine-narrator, the mulatto half-sister to "Other" (i.e. Scarlett), doesn't find much that's funny: Mammy was my Mama. Even though she let me go, I miss her. I miss her every time I look into a mirror and see her eyes. Sometimes I comb through my long springy curls and pretend that the hand holding the comb is hers. But I don't know what that looks like. Then I wish I was Other, the girl whose sausage curls I've seen Mammy comb and comb. I wish for the tight kinks of the comber or the glossy sausages of the combed. I wish not to be out of the picture. Mammy always called me Chile. She never called me soft or to her softness. She called me to do things, usually for Other, who she called Lamb. It was "Get dressed, Chile!" and "What's mah Lamb gwanna wear? — SK

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Zhong Ran, China Gas

Zhong Ran, China Gas Posted by Hello This is the web site of China Gas Holdings, with up-to-date information about the company, engineering, construction, management, trade relations with other countries, and the oil and gas business in general. Friendly Links: Chinese State Department, Taiwan Affairs Office: 国务院台湾事务办公室 China Oil Chemical Incorporated: 中国石油化工股份有限公司 China Industrial Commercial Bank: 中国工商银行 Chinese Oil Natural Gas Incorporated: 中国石油天然气股份有限公司 Beijing Gas Combustion Consortium: 北京燃气集团 Russian Natural Gas Industrial Headquarters: 俄罗斯天燃气工业总公司

Cnooc Bid to Buy Unocal China Ocean oil CNOOC, NYSE CEO, announced today to buy Unocal, with $18.5 billion, with $67 per share in cash purchase. Higher than Chevron proposed figure on June 21, 2005, by $1.5 billion. 中海油提出全现金购优尼科 比雪佛龙出价高15亿 2005年06月23日 09:25 新浪财经   新浪财经讯 中国海洋石油(资讯 行情 论坛)有限公司(纽约交易所股票代码:CEO,香港联交所股票代码:0883)今天宣布公司已向优尼科公司(Unocal Corporation)(“优尼科”,纽约交易所股票代码:UCL(行情 论坛)(行情 论坛))发出要约以每股优尼科股票67美元的价格以全现金方式并购优尼科。此要约价相当於优尼科公司股本总价值约185亿美元,以2005年6月21日雪佛龙公司(Chevron Corporation)(“雪佛龙”)收市价计算,此要约价比雪佛龙此前提出的收购价格高出约15亿美元。   中海油公司董事长傅成玉在致优尼科公司董事长的信中强调指出,此要约是善意之举,并正在谋求与优尼科就交易达成共识。中海油所提交的并购要约符合优尼科公司提出的出售程序。   中海油相信合并后的公司将在亚洲能源市场取得领先地位,并可以在中国液化天然气市场的发展中发挥更大的作用。合并后公司的石油和天然气产量将比中海油提高一倍以上,石油和天然气储量将增加近80%,达约40亿桶油当量。优尼科目前已探明石油及天然气储量中约70%位于亚洲和里海地区。预计公司合并后油、气储量搭配将更趋均衡,即石油储量约占53%,天然气储量约占47%。   预计此交易完成后的第一个完整财年内,每股收益和现金流均可实现增值。中海油预计公司将维持较强的投资级信用评级。   中海油公司董事长兼首席执行官傅成玉先生说:“此次全现金善意收购要约,对优尼科股东而言是更为优越的建议。这项要约有充足的资金支持,价格按可比公司的市场价值厘定,当然最终完成尚需一系列惯常的批准和程序。我们希望能够尽快与优尼科展开对话,并就这项交易达成协议。”   “对于我们的股东而言,这项合并具有较强的商业基础。中海油和优尼科合并将形成一家领先的国际性勘探开发及生产公司,并成为亚洲能源市场上的领先公司。通过合并我们将增加天然气储量,从而使油气资产构成更为均衡,同时通过结合优尼科在亚洲地区与我们互补的资产,进一步加强我们在该地区的业务。我有信心此项合并将为股东创造更高的价值。”   傅先生补充道:“我们预计本交易将实现增值,同时保持我们较强的投资级信用评级。”   对于优尼科在美资产之承诺   中海油承诺将优尼科优秀的管理团队和员工完全纳入合并后的公司。这项交易不会对美国石油和天然气市场带来任何不利影响,因为优尼科在美国境内所生产的石油和天然气将继续在美国市场销售,并且优尼科美国油气资产的产量只占全美石油和天然气消耗量的不到1%。   中海油在其要约函中已做出如下保证:   ·中海油愿意延续优尼科的市场和销售手段,实现优尼科在美国本土生产的全部或绝大部分石油与天然气在美国市场上销售。   ·中海油将力求保留优尼科的绝大部分员工,包括在美国的员工。这与现有的雪佛龙的提议形成对比,雪佛龙已经宣布计划合并之后每年进行上亿美元的成本控制,包括以裁员的方式。   ·中海油希望并会竭力说服优尼科的行政管理人员和运营管理人员加入合并后公司的管理团队。   ·中海油将接受并同意优尼科与联邦贸易委员会最近就新配方汽油专利权问题达成的解决条款。   ·中海油有信心可以获得埃克松-弗洛里奥修正案的批准。为此中海油愿意在不使优尼科遭受重大负面影响的前提下剥离或采取其他方式处理优尼科在北美的非勘探与开发性资产,包括考虑对优尼科在美国的非控制性的少数输油管道和储油资产进行特殊的管理安排。   融资结构   本次交易融资结构的设计旨在保证公司良好的财务现状及未来融资的灵活性。具体的资金来源包括:   ·中海油自有现金30余亿美元;   ·高盛财务伙伴有限公司(Goldman S(行情 论坛)achs Credit Partners L.P.)和摩根大通证券(亚太)有限公司(J.P.Morgan Securities (A(行情 论坛)sia Pacific) Ltd.)提供的总计30亿美元的过桥贷款,预计待交易完成时或完成后短期内,这笔贷款将转化成债券形式的长期债务融资;   ·中国工商银行提供的60亿美元过桥贷款,预计待交易完成时或完成后短期内,这笔贷款将转化成定期贷款形式的长期债务融资;   ·中海油大股东中国海洋石油总公司(“大股东”)提供的长期次级债形式的贷款,金额为45亿美元,本次级债将被信用评级机构评级考虑时认定为股权处理;以及   ·中海油大股东提供的25亿美元的次级过桥融资,这笔贷款预计将在两年内以股票进行再融资。   中海油已收到高盛,摩根大通,中国工商银行和中海油母公司对上述融资安排的承诺函。 点击此处查询全部中海油新闻 全部优尼科新闻

Ideas on U.S. Tariffs and Trade with China

When discussing the trade imbalance between the U.S. and China, it is important to realize that the amount of exports to China of U.S. products is relatively small. It may look good on paper, but my personal observation based on several trips to China is that most of the imported goods come from countries other than the U.S. In newly constructed high-rise condominiums in Nanjing and Shanghai, the products used in interior decoration are primary from Germany, Spain, or other European countries. In a department store, I purchased a pair of eyeglasses, and the frame and lenses were made in Europe and Japan, not the U.S. The elevators in hotels in the larger cities are made in Germany and France, not the U.S. In the smaller cities, and in interior China, elevators are domestically-produced in Wen Zhou. Most of the imported cars in China are from Germany or Japan, although there are a small number of U.S. cars. Imported cars cost more than in the U.S. - $42,000 for a Volkswagen in 2001. This price has since dropped to around $27,000 in October 2004. All of these types products are manufactured in the U.S. also, the European and Japanese companies should not have this big of an advantage over the U.S. in China. Presumably Chinese economic policy is restricting U.S. imports. The U.S. government should work with the Chinese government for a more open economic policy that is more favorable for U.S. companies doing business in China. President Bush is an outspoken advocate of free trade, whose goal is to reduce tariffs and protectionism on all sides. During the Bush administration, China’s economy has boomed because of their open access to U.S. markets. It is unknown what Hillary Clinton’s policy toward China might be; she could very well favor increases in tariffs that would hurt both the Chinese and U.S. economies. From the consensus of the CPU-NC group, the people who come from mainland China seem to like Hillary, as they believe that democrats usually are leaning toward ‘friendship’ or camaraderie togetherness with China. They should be careful, as her policies on major issues are not well known.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

An Yuan Coal Mine, Ping Xiang, Jiangxi Province

An Yuan Coal Mine, Jiangxi Province Posted by Hello Ping Xiang is filled with talented men. 劉鳳誥(1760—1830) A child prodigy, Liu Feng Gao, became the emperor’s chosen number 3 for the royal examination. He accompanied the emperor to study and to go to the East mountain range Tai Shan Mountain. His poem became popular even for children. We can still recite his works we learn from school. 山東省濟南市大明湖 “四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖” This poem, "Four Sides Lotus 3 sides Willow, One city mountain color, half city is lake filled" about Ji Nan city by Liu Feng Gao. Our Jiangxi man imperial examination qualifying man, Liu Feng Gao, made this immortal phrase to depict Ji Nan city in Shangdong. The city is famous because of his depiction. He was supposed to be the first prize, but due to his witty, and non-conforming spirit, the emperor gave him number 3. Liu Feng Gao was a child prodigy. He went to Shangdong's capital, Ji Nan. and made a depiction poem which is to last and well-known even to the young.

Ping Xiang Lotus, Jiangxi Province

Ping Xiang Lotus Posted by Hello I bought a bag of dry white lotus, and they are all the way from Jiangxi province. I just love to watch them and never opened the bag. Ping Xiang has the man文廷式Wen Ting Shi (1856—1904)who was Princess Pearl’s professor. She and the emperor Guang Xu were for the reform of the Qing Dynasty. During the 1900 Boxer Rebellion, the Emperor wrote a letter to U.S. President McKinley to plead to him not to take harsh action against China. But McKinley still did, and Peking was burned for 3 days and 3 nights. The empress dowager threw Princess Pearl into the well to drown. In 1894, Wen was for war to fight off Japan, but was condemned by the Prime Minister Li Hong Zhang and the dowager for complacency. The most powerful person of the Han race in the court was the emperor's professor, Weng Tong He, who was for war against Japan. He left the court and came back to organize real enterprises in coal production in order to provide for the Han Yang iron ore production and also founded many schools. 他兼任矿主,组成采煤、炼焦、运输一条龙经营,月供煤二千吨,成为江南有数的工商综合性大实业。广泰福七厂十八井,是为萍乡安源煤矿建矿的基础 Wen Ting Shi was the owner of the mine, which used one dragon line management. He was for digging the coal, purifying the coal, and transportation. 2000 tons of coal were produced and transported per month. It became one of the big industries as a combined real enterprise. Guang Tai Fu has 7 factories, and 18 wells. It is the foundation of Ping Xiang’s An Yuan Coal Mine. No wonder I always felt a linkage to Princess Pearl. Wen Ting Shi, a Ping Xiang man, was her professor and the Emperor's advisor. He was against making peace with Japan, but was betrayed by PM Li Hong Zhang, with the 1895 "Ma Guan Treaty" to sell out China, and cut Taiwan. This man later was taken out of Central court, so he returned to hometown to build a real industry, called An Yuan Coal Mine, in order to provide to the heavy industry Han Yang (nearby Hu Bei province, China's foremost first heavy industry Iron center) Iron conglomerate production for the coal fuel. 他兼任矿主,组成采煤、炼焦、运输一条龙经营,月供煤二千吨,成为江南有数的工商综合性大实业。广泰福七厂十八井,是为萍乡安源煤矿建矿的基础 Later, in 1910, Huang Zhong Jie, the ROC revolutionary, was to call for help from the Qing Dynasty army and coal workers in Ping Xiang. They lent a sympathetic ear to him. Though they worked for Qing, either in military or in industry, they still were Han conscience. As the 7 samurai committed suicide in 1894, the Navy 7 ship captains, they died for China, against Japan. They didn't think that they were dying for big Qing throne. An Yuan region has this coal mining tradition. The ROC association, Huang Zhong Jie, came to Ping Xiang and Liu Yang Army base to raise and build up an organization of 100 members, from the Qing army and also the coal miners. Mao also came to An Yuan mine ten times from 1920s to 1930s. He wanted to persuade and enlisted the coal workers. To stage a coup. Because of the large number of coal workers, it was easy for ROC revolutionaries and Mao to recruit supporters. Mao used An Yuan as a riot center, unfortunately.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

武功山﹐萍鄉﹐江西省 Wu Gong Shan Mountain, Ping Xiang, Jiangxi Province, Site of the First Armed Uprising of the ROC Revolution

Wu Gong Shan Mountain, Ping Xiang, Jiangxi Province Posted by Hello 萍鄉人才有 乾隆才子劉風誥 晚清﹐變法中堅文廷式 黄钟杰(1882—1910),又名载生、直生、黄骥等,生于萍乡市湘东区湘东镇黄堂村谷皮冲。1910年4月8日在萍乡西门郊区英勇就义,牺牲时年仅29岁。 1900年,八国联军攻陷北京,烧杀奸掠,而清朝当局竟与列强签订了丧权辱国的《辛丑条约》,割地赔款,置民水火,且与列强共同镇压曾一度“扶清灭洋”的义和团运动。消息传到黄钟杰就学的萍乡中学,他义愤填膺,夜不成寐,组织进步同学举行活动,坚决反对当局签订《辛丑条约》,遭到学校当局开除。 不得已,黄钟杰又前往袁州中学(现宜春中学)就读,在那里他又继续组织进步社团,秘密从事反清的革命活动,不久被袁州府当局发现,派军警搜索,黄钟杰冒死冲出重围,直奔长沙,寻找华兴会领导人黄兴。 黄兴是国民党的缔造者之一,著名的政治活动家和军事家。黄兴对黄钟杰十分欣赏,留他在华兴会工作。此后黄钟杰就一直与黄兴一道并肩战斗,直到后来华兴会与兴中会、光复会、日知会等联合组成中国同盟会。 黄钟杰随华兴会一同参加中国同盟会后,被任命为中国同盟会湘赣外务部员。从此,他接受中国同盟会和孙中山先生派遣,辗转萍乡、浏阳、醴陵一带积极开展革命工作,四处发动群众,播撒革命火种,散发同盟会主编的报刊—《民报》。 他常深入煤矿和醴陵清军营中,与那些同情革命的工人、士兵促膝谈心,发展同盟会员100多人,壮大了革命阵营。 以孫中山為首的同盟會﹐第一次武裝鬥爭在萍鄉﹐ 指揮總部設在萍鄉的萍鄉﹐醴陵﹐瀏陽起義﹐。 為辛亥革命進行的重大演習。 Ping Xiang is an ancient place with culture steeped in the Taoist traditions and myths. Wu Gong Shan Mountain, Martial Arts Mountain, is one of the three famed mountains in South of Yangtze. They are Lu Mountain, Heng Shan Mountain, and Wu Gong Shan Mountain. Ping Xiang personalities: Middle Qing era, Qian Long era, Liu Feng Gao. Late Qing, Wen Ting Shi, a reformist. Huang Zhong Jie (1882 – 1910) fought for the Republic of China revolution and died on 4/8/1910. Sun Yat Sen was the 同盟會Tong Meng Association leader. The first armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty took place in Ping Xiang, the command headquarters for the Ping Xiang Liu Yang, Li Ling uprising. This uprising was a rehearsal for Xin Hai year 1911 October Wu Chang Uprising. Ping Xiang is also Communist Central Politburo Committee member and one of the Communist founders Zhang Guo Tao’s birth hometown. Understanding Zhang Guo Tao will allow one to understand Chinese communists. If there is such a thing as a “good communist”, Zhang Guo Tao is a good communist and socialist. He was ousted by Mao.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Farewell Soochow

木瀆 Mu Du, 姑蘇 Gu Su Capital Posted by Hello 「別蘇州」白居易   浩浩姑蘇民,郁郁長洲城。來慚荷寵命,去愧無能名。   青紫行將吏,班白列黎氓。一時臨水拜,十里隨舟行。   餞筵猶未收,征棹不可停。稍隔煙樹色,尚聞絲竹聲。   悵望武丘路,沉吟滸水亭。還鄉信有興,去郡能無情。 Bai Ju Yi can't forget that the Soochow people love him and lined up on the road to say goodbye when he left Soochow to return back to Henan Province, where he spent his last decades in retirement on Xiang Shan, Fragrance Mountain. Farewell Soochow Written by Bai Ju Yi and translated by Elizabeth Su Vast Gu Su people The long oasis delta city is sad When I came here to be favored by Lily But gone will be me with not a grand name Green and purple dressed the officials' lines Where the commoners are without loud coloring but white masses They came to the waterfront to pay their thankful tokens and tribute 10 miles they went to escort me along to near my boat The banquet is not yet taken away But the oars can't be stopped Shielded by the smoky trees I can still hear the silk bamboo instruments I linger to watch the Wu Qiu road Lowering my tone to recite Xu Water Pavilion Returning back to my hometown is the exciting inviting letter How can I have no emotion when I leave this Su county.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

梔子花 Zhi Zi Flower, Cape Jasmine

梔子花 Zhi Zi FlowerPosted by Hello 滄浪之水 滄浪之水清兮,可以濯吾纓;滄浪之水濁兮,可以濯吾足。 屈原 《漁父》:“漁夫莞爾而笑,鼓世而去。歌曰:‘滄浪之水清兮,可以濯吾纓; 滄浪之水濁兮,可以濯吾足。’遂去不复与言。” [賞析]:屈原被放逐后,在和漁父的一次對話中,漁父勸他“与世推移”,不要 “深思高舉”,自找苦吃。屈原表示宁可投江而死,也不能使清白之身,蒙受世俗 之塵埃。漁父走了,唱出了上面的几句歌:滄浪的水清,可以洗我的帽纓;滄浪的 水濁,可以洗我的腳。這仍是“与世推移”的意思。在漁父看來,處世不必過于清 高。世道清廉,可以出來為官;世道渾濁,可以与世沉浮。至于“深思高舉”,落 得個被放逐,則是大可不必。屈原和漁父的談話,表現出了兩种處世哲學。 滄浪之水 楚卿何無淚 亡命臣子恨 水清濯我纓 水濁滌我足 狡童不與勸 秦破我都平 一腔心血盡 化作楚忠魂 萬頃爭自由 蝴蝶超然舞 -- Free Mind Dark Blue Wave Water Why no tear for the Chu country's official in exiled agony I Rinse my tassel when the water is clean I Rinse my foot when the water is not so clean The graceful king did not listen to my advice The Qin beasts leveled my capital It has exhausted my internal organs Transforming me to be a loyal soul of Chu Struggling for freedom among 10000 acres of water The butterfly is transdentally dancing -- English Translation by Free Mind

Dragon Boat Festival, honoring patriotic poet and statesman Qu Yuan, on May 5th of the Lunar Calendar

Qu Yuan Posted by Hello On May 5th of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the Chinese celebrate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who was a central official for Chu country. He was forced out of his home country to be exiled. But when the powerful Qin country invaded and leveled his capital, Qu Yuan committed suicide. Qu Yuan was born in the kingdom of Chu (or Ch'u) in 339 BC, and died in 278 BC. He was a poet and statesman from the Warring State of Chu Country. Qu Yuan wrote poetry lamenting the state of his country. His laments took the form of political allegory expressing his grief and censuring his ruler. After the Chu capital Yingdu was sacked by the Qin general Bai Qi in 278 BC when Qu Yuan was age 62, Qu Yuan took his own life in despair by throwing himself into the Miluo River (in modern-day Hunan Province). Qu Yuan was a court noble who tried to gain the support of the king of Chu in maintaining the state's independence against the aggressive designs of the state of Qin, a warlike state in the dusty northwest. He failed because of corruption and intrigue and was eventually ousted from the court. After this, Chu went into terminal decline. Its capital was sacked in 278 BC and it lost its independence half a century later to the forces of Qin in 223 BC. Qin's victory resulted in the unification of China under the First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang. Although Qu Yuan is unfamiliar to most Westerners, he is said to be the inspiration behind a well-known Chinese festival: the Dragon Boat Festival of the 5th day of the 5th month (generally around June in the western solar calendar). At this time in the south of China Dragon Boats re-enact the way Qu Yuan's body was recovered by the people of Chu. Dumplings wrapped in leaves are eaten on this day. These were originally thrown in the water to distract the dragons and serpents from eating Qu Yuan's body. I always link Qu Yuan’s suicide to the Nationalist Dai Chuan Xian’s suicide in 1949. Unlike some shallow Communist historians who jeered at the sad event and condemned Dai Chuan Xian for being fearful of being on Mao’s top 49 war criminal list, I believe he was drained and died of heartache for China. He took his life in lake in Canton where he started out as a university president for Zhong Shan University. He simply could not believe that it must end that way. He was the one of the few that was near Dr. Sun’s bed before his last breath to witness China going through its continual struggles to free the mass from oppressive two tiers shackles, of the advanced colonial powers (Western, along with Japanese and Russian) and the Qing regime of the invaders. He had many struggles. He followed Dr. Sun’s cause, and went through the Northern expedition, helping the Nationalists to unify China by defeating warlords and bandits in Shangxi province who were killing and raping people in the villages, as vulgar as the Japanese invaders. Amidst all military men, he, as only an intellectual, resisted against the embezzlement of the military aid and held a gun to the leader of a ship to force him to transport the ammunition to the northern cities. He was admired for his brave action. Certainly, he didn’t kill himself because of the fear of Mao. Like Qu Yuan in his allegory to the Fisherman dialogue, “Everyone is drunk, I am wide awake. Everyone is tainted with dirt, I am solely pure.” Dai Chuan Xian would rather die than to get dirt onto a Republic that he helped hard to formulate, that was now dissolving into the hands of the savage Mao. Throughout Chinese history, many unyielding men died for their principles, so their undying longings and dreams are kept alive in people’s memory.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Yellow Platform Squash Song

Tang ladies playing the national game, polo Posted by Hello Yellow Platform Squash Song Written by the Zhang Huai crown prince Li Xian, the son of Empress Wu Ze Tian and Emperor Gao Zong Planting the melon under the Yellow Platform Melon is ripe and the sons are detached First harvest the melon is well Second harvest the melon is diluted Third harvest is still worth keeping Further harvest you can only hold the vine to return back to the soil 种瓜黃台下,瓜熟子离离。 一摘使瓜好,再摘使瓜稀。 三摘尚自可,摘絕抱蔓歸。 The Prince was trying to indicate to his Mother Empress that you can’t divide all the sons up unless you want to become weakened and you want the Central power system to crumple and to be endangered. Prince Li Xian loved polo and annotated the great work of Hou Han Shu, Eastern Han History, written by Nanyang, Henan, historian, Fan Ye.    Free Mind’s comments on the Tang dynasty prince’s Yellow Platform Melon poem 1. In the Taipei history museum, there is a beautiful statue of Prince Zhang Huai playing polo. I was touched about his humane visage and his grace, and it generated a quite vivid live image about the sport. 2. The current constitution modification for the ROC is quite like the song. This dilutes the constitution, dissolving the original force of the constitution. The spirit is being violated. The chaos and weakness will follow. The DPP is on the wrong track by not following the laws themselves, and is further picking apart a system. The trauma and havoc will be onto them, based on their own doing. 3. Empress Wu might have been too harsh on her son Zhang Huai prince, as the empire was diluted and the invaders were hard to fight off as a powerful force of 1 million soldiers could not subdue such a wild violent tribe. The same analogy can be applied to the Nationalists. Chiang Kai Shek and Chiang Jing Guo who were overly trying to grab on the power and forced the Nationalists to be weakened as Chiang Jing Guo became the sole spokesman for the KMT, only to be usurped by a confused man who identifies with the violent Colonial Japanese and who holds hatred toward Chinese culture, while the Chinese are only trying to maintain their freedom.

River Deer

River Deer, An animal on China's state class II protection list  Posted by Hello 武則天周朝如意年以來,民間開始流傳唱一首“黃獐歌”,歌詞是“黃獐黃獐草里藏,彎弓射你傷”。不久契丹族反叛,殺了都督趙翽,營房和都督府都被契丹人占領。朝廷命令總管曹仁師、張玄遇、麻仁節、王孝杰四人,前后帶領一百多万兵馬前去征討,全都被契丹人給打敗了。他們帶領軍隊敗退到黃獐谷,被契丹人徹底消滅,沒有逃脫一支人馬。“黃獐之歌”得到了驗證。 Tang Empress Wu Ze Tian 624 – 705 AD Tang Emperor Gao Zong Li Zhi 628 – 683 AD Huang Zhang Song, Yellow River Deer Song After Tang Dynasty Empress Wu (624-705 AD) changed into her own dynasty and in the Ru Yi era, there was a well-known song, The lyrics go like this: "Yellow river deer hiding in the grass. The bent bow will shoot you with harm". Then the Kidan tribe rebelled. The central court sent 4 generals in succession to fight, and they were all exterminated by the Kidan tribe. The Kidan tribe killed the Zhao general and other generals, and sunk their domain, with altogether 1 million people and horses, at Yellow River Deer Valley. When they retreated to the Yellow River Deer Valley, there, they could not even escape by one branch. It was a total annihilation. No one was left. All branches of armies were defeated. So this folk song became reality, the prophecy of a song. This is the traditional tribal style, is that when they occupy a village, they must kill all. From chapter 163, Tai Ping Guang Ji, Soong compilation of Tang and earlier stories

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Cen Cen, Honorable Man from Nanyang, Henan

Cen Cen Posted by Hello

Cen Cen (714-770 AD) from Nanyang in Henan Province was the most famous poet of the “border poetry” genre for the Tang dynasty, which depicts life in the far Western outpost, on the silk road, and in the desert. Though there were three prime ministers in Cen’s family, it did not shelter him from serving China in the hard battles on the remote border. Cen Cen worked for the Korean Chinese general Gao Xian Zhi (? – 755 AD). He participated in the expeditions to the far west expeditions and battled with Arabs. Cen Cen, Xiong Nu Land Expedition Posted by Hello In 747 AD, Tibet controlled Jirjit in today’s Pakistan, and blocked the thoroughfare between Tang China and India. So the Tang emperor Xuan Zong ordered Genaral Gao Xian Zhi, stationed in today’s Xinjiang, to attack Pakistan. In the Spring of 747AD, Gao Xian Zhi led 10,000 cavalry and troops on this far expedition, and made the local king of Pakistan and the Tibetan princess surrender. In 749AD, Cen Cen was the military adviser and recorder working for General Gao Xian Zhi. 751AD, general Gao Xian Zhi led Tang military to battle with the Arab Empire at today’s Taraz, Kazakhstan. The Tang army lost and suffered 70,000 casualties, and many were kept captive. Only several thousands followed general Gao to fight out of the east wing back to Xinjiang. This is the world famous battle called “Taraz battle”. From then on, the Tang military retreated from the Pamir West region. Central Asia mostly belonged to Arabs. Islam was able to prevail in this region for the long haul. After this Taraz great battle, General Gao was deployed back to Gansu province. Cen Cen was also back with him. General Gao’s subordinate Du Huan was a captive and brought to the Arab peninsula. After 10 years, Du Huan passed through the Indian Ocean and returned to his home. Du Huan wrote his journey, but this book was lost. But some sections were maintained in his relative, Du You’s work, “Tong Dian, the first Chinese institutions works”. Du You excelled in finance management. In 755 AD, General An Lu Shan, the godson of the emperor’s favorite consort Yang Gui Fei, rebelled with 150,000 troops, and the 8 year An Shi (An Lu Shan and Shi Si Ming) chaos started. General Gao led armies to fight in capital Chang An and moved toward east Henan province to fight An Lu Shan. But general Gao failed in Tong Guan county, Shanxi province, and under a false charge was executed by emperor Tang Xuan Zong. In 756 AD, Cen Cen returned back to Chang An. Cen Cen was a great charismatic man, patriotic and heroic, with a great ability in depicting the border and the Silk Road. He was admired by his contemporary Du Fu, and Soong dynasty’s Lu You. Wu Kong as a Fictional and Real Figure In 751, Wu Kong followed the group passing Silk Road north to be ambassador to India. Wu Kong is a Tang dynasty real figure, and monk.

This Tang real ambassador to India figure became Ming dynasty’s ‘the Journey to the West’ Monkey King fictional figure. The fictional figure made him more famous, so we are interested in the real life story. According to historical documents, Wu Kong was the last Tang Dynasty monk to travel to the west to find scriptures. Nationalist Zhu on the non-Han race Generals with appreciation because they had dedicated their service and bravery in assisting the central government to have sovereignty and believed that China should co-exist with all minorities.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Walking Toward Republic Land

Shao Yao, City Flower of Yangzhou Posted by Hello Great Nationalists Hometown Tour Free Mind and friends will have a firsthand study in China at Nationalist tycoon Zhang Jing Jiang’s hometown Nan Xun, and at Zhu Jia Hua’s school. We will study the great men and their buildup of China at the conclusion of the Chinese monarchy system and the era of walking toward the Republic. Their place and their inspiration will be closely studied. Mu Du ancient city and the festivals will be under my high interest. Mu Du is more ancient town than Suzhou, capital of Wu country during Chun Qiu era of Zhou dynasty. We will visit Mu Du, west of Suzhou (ancient capital of Wu country), the number one site of the ancient estates of the south Yangtze River. This is a long overdue study; hopefully this will help the Nationalists and the Communists to understand their common culture.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

'Deep Throat' was ultimate whistleblower to some

Reporters Bob Woodward, right, and Carl Bernstein used information from Felt in their reporting of Watergate, for which they won a Pulitzer Prize. 1973 AP photo Posted 5/31/2005 11:38 PM Updated 6/1/2005 7:04 AM 'Deep Throat' was ultimate whistleblower to some By Susan Page and Mark Memmott, USA TODAY WASHINGTON — For a generation, the political scandal that ousted a president and roiled the capital had a mystery at its center: Who was "Deep Throat"? Now the anonymous source who provided corroboration and encouragement to the reporters pursuing the Watergate story against the odds has been identified. The Washington Post confirmed late Tuesday that W. Mark Felt, then the No. 2 official at the FBI, was their source. The Post's announcement followed release of a story in the July issue of Vanity Fair magazine that reported Felt's role. Outside their home in Santa Rosa, Calif., Felt's daughter Joan called her father "a great American patriot." Grandson Nick Jones said he was a "hero who went well above and beyond the call of duty at much risk to himself to save his country from a horrible injustice." Some Nixon partisans disagreed. "I don't think Deep Throat was a hero," said Leonard Garment, who was domestic policy adviser for Nixon and later became his White House counsel. "My loyalties were somewhere else. I was the president's lawyer and for all his faults and difficulties, he did many good things. I don't think someone who contributed to his destruction was a hero." Former Nixon aide Charles Colson said Felt "didn't handle this heroically." Given his position, Felt should have gone to the FBI director and demanded action, he said. If that didn't work, "he could have resigned in protest and blown the whole thing wide open." Colson called it "inconceivable to me that a man of his caliber would be slinking around in dark alleys at night" to meet with Post reporter Bob Woodward. But others see Felt as the ultimate whistleblower, a man who saw wrongdoing and exposed it at risk to his own career. "I don't know Mr. Felt's motives," said Orville Schell, dean of the journalism school at the University of California at Berkeley. "But I do know that what he revealed was of incomparable consequence to the nation. Indeed, it toppled a president." Felt "did something truthful," Schell said. "In that act, he has to be commended." At the time, the Nixon White House and the FBI were warring. Legendary Director J. Edgar Hoover had died just six weeks before the June 1972 break-in at Democratic Party offices in Washington's Watergate hotel-office complex. FBI long-timers, including Felt, hoped one of their own would be promoted to replace him. Felt thought it might even be him. But Nixon named assistant attorney general L. Patrick Gray as interim director. The White House also tried to undermine and mislead the agency as it investigated the break-in. That's one reason James Mann, an investigative reporter and author, wrote in an article in The Atlantic in 1992 that Deep Throat was probably Felt or some other ranking FBI official. Mann said Tuesday that the Watergate story couldn't be fully understood until the source's identity was known for sure. On Tuesday, it finally was. Over the years, Felt repeatedly denied being Deep Throat. The Post staffers who knew — Carl Bernstein and Woodward and their editor, Ben Bradlee — had promised not to identify their source until his death. There was no lack of speculation. In 2003, students at the University of Illinois concluded after a four-year project that former White House counsel Fred Fielding was most likely Deep Throat, a conclusion Fielding denied. Bill Gaines, the professor who directed the study, said Tuesday that "we have to accept" that they were wrong "because Woodward says so, and he's the only person who really knows." Even Felt's family didn't know his secret until 2002, when he reluctantly confided in his daughter, Joan. Later, Felt discussed it with a San Francisco lawyer, John D. O'Connor. According to the story O'Connor wrote in Vanity Fair, Felt's family encouraged him to tell his story and reap credit, and perhaps some financial rewards, for his role. But O'Connor says Felt was ambivalent, worried whether his actions would be seen as honorable. The ambivalence seemed to be gone Tuesday in Santa Rosa when reporters outside the Felt home heard joyful whoops. Joan Felt later told the journalists they were celebrating the Post's confirmation of Felt's identity. Contributing: Richard Benedetto in Washington and John Ritter in Santa Rosa, Calif. Free Mind’s comments: I was in Hong Kong. It was a very hot summer night. From the TV news, my grandfather and I found out about the resignation of Nixon. My grandfather was a very high-integrity Chinese Nationalist. My grandfather’s comment was that: “Shame. It is a real shame. Nixon loses face because this scandal happened.”