Thursday, January 26, 2006

Bush’s Transformational Model for the U.S. Military and Foreign Policy

"Zhong Shan" warship is docked in Canton's Hwangpu seaport. From 1917 to 1932, for 15 years, the Zhong Shan warship was stationed in Canton / courtesy of Liang You Good Friend Magazine


Yong Xiang warship

Model of ZhongShan Gunboat (1910 - 1938)

What Happened to Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s government? In computer algorithmic jargon, you need an “exhaustive search” for the best solution. On US Transformation Strategy: Intentional vs. Unintentional Critique on Rice’s Speech at Georgetown University and Bush’s Speeches Rice brags that after World War II, America transformed Japan from militarism to democracy. Bush oftentimes in his self amazement mentions that his father was a combat pilot against the Japanese enemy. However, this transformation excluded China, and by doing so did a disservice to humanity. This is called unintentional transformation to communism by ignorance. Why couldn’t America see that China needed to be transformed into a democracy also after WWII? Why did America fail to do so? American personnel failed to inform President Truman of the reality in China. At the time, there was a struggle of the Chinese democracy in parliament against Chiang Kai Shek’s controlling style of government. Truman either was naïve enough to severely underestimate the threat of Mao and the Chinese communists, or he secretly wanted the communists to take over China. But once Mao took power, he declared his hatred for the U.S., and fought in the Korean War starting in 1950, and this war wasted over a 1 million Chinese lives, and 125,000 America lives. In Taiwan, again, only the Taiwan independent movements are articulate, and able to influence the Washington D.C. lobby. The other half of Taiwan is in blurry, out of focus to Americans. So we are speaking for the ‘Unknown Democracy Group and the People”, rather than focusing on what Chiang Kai Shek and Chiang Jinguo had done wrong to the Taiwanese people, but instead focusing on the many good people and good projects that were correct in China and in Taiwan over the years, that helped Taiwan to resist communism and build itself into a modern country. If you condemn a whole group as being elitist out of ignorance, that is very dangerous, because you are falling into the trap of like Hitler condemning Jews. The concrete data and facts are all out there, but seldom are there people who can identify, sort out, and demonstrate, this is because either the communists or the DPP have no interest in telling of the heroic acts of the Chinese Nationalists. Instead, they all want to focus on the bad parts of Chiang family. What Happened to Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s government? What happened to Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s ship, called the Zhong Shan ship? Despite a fierce and heroic battle, it was sunk into the bottom of Yangtze River in October 24, 1938 by the Japanese, as the Americans and British looked on at the Japanese invasion of China without helping. Is it right to only transform some countries to democracies, while neglecting others that become communist? History proves that a narrow-minded strategy of focusing only on one country while neglecting its neighbors will cause major problems down the road. If the U.S. had spread its rebuilding/democratization effort between China and Japan, rather than only paying attention to Japan, Asia would be a much more peaceful and stable place. Now that China is communist, the U.S. should not ally with Japan and blame the Chinese people, this is just compounding old mistakes with new ones. Chinese first suffered under Japan, then under communism, and if the U.S. now wants to ally with Japan to make China suffer further, this would be a great historical injustice.


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