Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Chinese Parasol Tree 梧桐樹

May Snow, Parasol Trees Flowers Season 南投,台湾 Nantou, Taiwan
Chinese Parasol Tree 想畫那一樹一世的 梧桐花開花謝 I want to paint that tree and the full life cycle Story of the flower opening and closing 寫不盡 開不完春柳春花滿畫樓 滴不盡 開不完春柳春花滿畫樓 滴不盡梧桐細雨淚雙流 Can ever exhaust my writing Can cease not for spring willow all over my painting villa Can end not the light rain on parasol tree and tears streaming down double lines 道不盡宋詞幽情上心頭 某年某月的某一晚 梧桐樹﹐三更雨﹐一葉葉﹐一聲聲﹐空階滴到明 Can ever explain all Soong prose in my mind In that one night and one month and the year Parasol tree / Early morning rain / One leaf / One sound / It dribbles till sunlight on empty steps 長相思 在淡藍色梧桐花影中 此恨綿綿無盡期。 Long term in my thoughts In the pale blue parasol tree flowers shadow This forlorn is extending till eternity


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