Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bush’s Low Rating and the Curse by the White House Female Reporters

Bush’s Low Rating and the Curse by the White House Female Reporters Bush’s near record low approval rating 38% has something to do with the White House female reporters’ trapping him and his advisers, who could not take care of the serious business such as when the New Orleans Levee was broken he stayed with them in the White House Quagmire. The unfortunate thing was that Bush’s top strategist Karl Rove is not liked by the reporters because the New York Times’ reporter Judith Miller was sent to jail for reporting about CIA agent Valerie Plame being targeted by Bush in retaliation for her husband’s criticism of Bush’s handling of intelligence about Iraq. Bush listened to the informing preferred reporters without on site first hand knowledge and severely underestimated the breaking of the levee. The Homeland Security secretary went to bed and could be in sound sleep with the knowledge the levee was broken, but not a pandemonium in his dream that night. The FEMA director was asleep at the switch. Karl Rove was constrained by these female reporters who were like pets to Bush to amuse him and the only source of the state of things, since these women paralyzed Rove. Andrew Card has said that he is just like a butler to make sure that Bush is in good health and state of mind to work. Bush is like a poor emperor trapped in the deep palace and controlled by the eunuchs who don’t have a political scope except their own benefits like the ratings. Today the tape indicates that Bush was warned about the potential levee being broken, Rove would have helped Bush to take actions, but not these female reporters. In July, they challenged the top strategist Rove, and asked him “Did you reveal the CIA agent’s identity?” Today’s tape indicated that Rove was not on site, when Bush was warned that Levee might break, otherwise, Rove would have come in to manage. Mayor Nagin said, “Since the President knew the danger of the Levee breach, why was he so slow in coming to assist? To spring into action?” 布希奇低迷的人望指數﹐與他被白宮小道女記者﹐所惑迷阻礙政務有關。 聽信她們的報導﹐低估紐奧良的風災。 處處限制他的行動﹐如宮中受宦官支配的可憐的皇帝。 出事時﹐7月份是當她們挑戰最高謀策略家的時分﹐卡爾羅夫被問到﹐“你知情嗎﹖你泄漏中央情報人員的身份嗎﹖” 今天的錄影帶顯示﹐卡爾羅夫不在場﹐當布希被警告﹐堤可能不保﹐不然他會處理。 市長說﹐“既然如此﹐總統已知道堤的可能崩潰﹐為何還動作蹣跚﹖” 八月份基本上使卡爾羅夫退縮在布希核心外﹐月底出事﹐因為中央無人。 難道交通部長沒罪﹖不會負責運送病人嗎﹖內政部長無罪﹖ 美國官僚可不比中華民國清貧樂道﹐為民請命著想計劃﹐組織部﹐戰地國民黨組織﹐中統﹐通訊﹐聯絡﹐犧牲精神﹐多少大官﹐將軍﹐一貧如洗。他們的善行從不提﹐總昧良心說國民黨官腐敗。 國安部長當晚去睡覺﹐居然安穩﹐知道堤已破﹐還睡的著覺﹐不可思議﹐美國的腐敗現象﹐毋須比較國民黨﹐別說自己不蹩腳﹐自己清高。 In August, basically, the President’s right hand man, we call, Ji Yao Mi Shu, top strategist and advisor was outside of the nucleus of Bush and at the end of August, it became an enlarged tragedy because nobody was in the Central power commanding things. So the secretary of transportation has no guilt? Couldn’t he be counted on to transport the sick people? The secretary of the interior is just a figurehead too? American bureaucrats cannot be compared to the Republic of China’s most top officials in the older time and administration. With the likes of Sun Yun Xuan, K.T. Lee, Yin Zhong Rong, Zhu Jia Hua, grandfather, and Dai Chuan Xian, too many to enumerate them, they were all like saints, to work for the people, satisfied in their clean but noble life style. They always were planning, organizing, worked in the battle zone communications, education, with sacrifices and dedication. Many of them ended up to not have much material holdings. These never can be revealed, as if it was a taboo, or just losing honesty in our historians’ factual understanding. We slap the Nationalists with corruption, meanwhile, there are no comparable responsible and good-planning officials known in the New Orleans incidence which reflect the ill corruption and breakdown of the national communications and organizational ability. The National Homeland Security secretary could go to bed with a clear conscience knowing the levee was broken. Why complain against the nationalist corruption? 她們的權大於白宮顧問﹐卡爾羅夫﹐白宮新聞官。 老纏問﹐總統為何偷聽﹖ 白宮新聞官反擊她﹐答的妙﹕ “妳忘了嗎﹖這是有定期知會國會的。”再鬧下去﹐布希搞不好會被他的新聞寵物彈剋﹐一個勁兒的糾纏不清﹐她真是個剋星。 其實﹐總統也是男人﹐必定不可能只會對你一人垂青﹐何必苦苦追問呢﹖ 因為﹐天機不可對你泄漏。 The female news reporters at the White House have great power. One always asks this question: “Why does the president wiretap people?” The press secretary answered: “Have you forgotten that we inform congress on regular basis about NSA.” Bush’s news pet may cause real impeachment, if she continues like a lover fighting to seek the man’s not contacting other pursuits. 打破常規﹐打破砂鍋問到底,何苦來哉﹖適可而止﹐才是識大局。 因為上帝在主持白宮﹐一切逃不過他的法眼的。 做壞事﹐遲早遭到天譴。 She should know that enough is enough. Because it is God who is in charge of the White House, and you can’t escape anything hidden anyway. You get a curse when you are cheating.


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