Sunday, March 12, 2006

Weekend Satire Edition

Decode President Bush’s Body Language Instead of having a 機要秘書 Ji Yao assistant, Bush puts his energy in wasteful manners. Bush often winks and flirts with the reporters in the audience. President Bush is very much in thorough knowledge of the audience crew of the correspondents. In recent speech, he would say that if he remembers the date wrong for mentioning the axis of evil country including Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, then it would be a reporter named April’s fault, as she nodded her head in agreement in the audience. Is he senile in giving a lame duck speech? March 10, 2006 President Addresses National Newspaper Association Conference Wyndham Washington Hotel Washington, D.C. "I said in an early speech there was an axis of evil, and it included Iran and North Korea. I said that I think, help me out here, April -- 2002 perhaps? State of the Union. If it's not 2002, it's April's fault, because she nodded her head. (Laughter.) Relatively early in my presidency. " Bush always puts Florida on his highest priority for travel, and there is a smiling Florida native following him, and she would chastise Bush if he goes anywhere else. But, we realize that Florida is high on his list and by looking at his countenance, he is exuberant in going there, and meeting the locals and reporters who follow him as a religious leader everywhere. But the next stop in another state, Bush looked somber, as that Florida reporter didn’t follow him. So it is dangerous and hilarious, if America is counting on a mood swing president who is conditioned by a purposeful wielding of personal influence on the President’s daily agenda. This is a bizarre page in American history that is still unfolding. California is an important large state, but it rarely is frequented by Bush. By being Reagan’s land, after Reagan’s era was over, California suffered defense dismantling and cutback, and the pain of real estate crash doubled up with the Loma Prieta earthquake doesn’t make one forget the history. All the industry relocated to Texas, and Florida, one tends to think why? When Bush went to California, this reporter severely criticized Bush in his continual vacation. But, Bush invited reporters in to have swimming suit party at poolside in the ranch a few days predated the landing of the Hurricane is also a historic record. A bad move to disengage from his Ji Yao away, and got messed up in his personal tangled intriguing activities shrouded in mystery, seemed to backfire and to this day, sank his rating. Former CIA field commander, Gary Berntsen’s new book ‘Jawbreaker’ on “The Russert” show, MSNBC, March 11, is saying that he was uttermost appalled that the ‘authority’ would stop the CentCom (located in Florida) , would stop the capture of Bin Laden early on in 2002 as it was in a high altitude location. So a self-superimposed saintly reporter has to face real punishment in due time. We wish that California can turn up someone to snare Bush’s attention and to override the special privilege of the Florida seductress. Copyrighted, book excerpts. To profit from Bush is okay as some gain TV rating on his blunders. I don’t think Bush is a Nazi but an American danger as he plays with fire to suit an evil reporter and his own whims.


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