Thursday, March 09, 2006

Shang Dynasty Prince's Influence in Taiwan 古商三太子在台灣

Shang Dynasty Prince's Influence in Taiwan My Link to China Proper 古商三太子在台灣 每年﹐台灣我的啟蒙地﹐出生地的台中彰化﹐會有團隊到中原﹐我父祖老家﹐去拜古神挪吒三太子。挪吒聽起來﹐如聖經的諾亞方舟。其實他的畫像看起來是中性的神﹐有女性的慈愛﹐溫潤的皮膚。他是個忠勇的孝子。騎著火輪﹐古老的商代的故事。 Every year, from my birthplace, Taichung, there are groups to go to China Proper to visit their ancestors. I saw their names inscribed on the dedication to the temple of Nuo Zha Third Prince in Shang Dynasty. From the name, it sounds like Noah's Ark. His painting looks like a neutral genderless god. A tender female- like translucent skin complexion, and the gentle look. He was a patriotic son and heroically riding on wheels of firing chariots to battle. He gave his self to redeem his parents. 商王紂的愛妃蘇妲己﹐也如印度﹐神廟的Tajimaha泰姬瑪哈﹐taji, daji, 泰姬英文與妲己雷同。 Like Shang dynasty last king Zhou's favorite queen Su Daji, Indian Tajimaha has the same sound of Taji. Can it be the same branch of Noah, Taji, some overlapping cultural roots. It is a mystery. 那天去參拜﹐日正當中﹐在果園前下車伊始﹐導遊說每次會發生靈異事件﹐繞到殿的後方﹐一陣陰風﹐雲層暗下天色﹐老祖宗想說些什麼﹖ That day I went to pay tribute to the Shang prince at his birthplace. The sky was at high noon. Not a cloud. We got off in the road flanked by orchid of kiwi. The tour guide told us it is good to get off not park too close to the temple, this is to pay our respect by walking a little bit. He said, "Every year, there is a group of people from Taichung Taiwan to come here to worship their roots and ancestors. There are many mystic things happening." He did not tell me what are the mystical things. We went to the back. Then a sudden cool wind coming from nowhere. The sky darkened in the passing thick clouds. I felt that old legend wants to tell me something. I saw the gaze of the prince, a gentle look and don't look like a fierce warrior. Perhaps I will find out more. Much more.. can be revealed. 彰化八卦山﹐也是來自中原最老的文化﹐孔明的愛穿八卦羽衣。 There is a tall octogonal mountain with a big buddha in Zhang Hua, Taichung. This is all from China Proper. Kong Ming loved to wear the octogonal pattern feather gown to wield his power.


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