Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sad Taichung Train Station Platform 悲傷台中月臺站

悲傷台中月臺站 Sad Taichung Train Station Platform 那次大舅一家由美來台灣﹐臨走時﹐我們都去台中火車站﹐送外公外婆及大舅他們一起到台北﹐父親說﹐他淚彈火車站﹐我問﹕為什麼﹖ 他說﹕大家能﹐就我們走不了。 That time Uncle John and his family came to Taiwan to visit us. My family all went to the Taichung train station to see off my uncle and my grandparents. My father told me later that he was crying, I asked him why. He said, “Everyone can leave, just that we can never leave.” I realized that my father could not fly away even if he had wings. He could never return to his far away hometown in the deep of mainland China. He didn’t have an advanced degree, so that he could go to America to further his study. 心裡想﹐父親是一輩子也難離開台灣﹐插翅難飛﹐永遠得在這島上﹐回不去他的老家﹐也不如舅舅﹐有大學學位﹐可以去美國深造。 我在高中寫了一篇5分鐘英文演講稿﹐熟背後﹐然後參加演講﹐得到全校英文演講第一名﹐題目為 “我的國家﹕中國”。 I wrote a five minute English speech. After I memorized this by heart, I participated in a contest. Then I garnered the championship for the entire school which is the best girls’ school in the middle of Taiwan. That subject was “My Country: China”. 我並沒有打算老死在台灣。 我聽見笛聲﹐是汽笛﹐火車慢慢起動了﹐母親隨著移動的車﹐小跑著向觀光號大明淨車窗內的外公外婆揮手﹐她如小女孩的喊﹐“爸爸﹐媽媽”。 I never planned to get old and die in Taiwan. As if I hear the sound of the whistling. It is the steaming train which is making a choo-choo sound and slowly starting to move. My mother is following the train, and running slowly along and waving toward inside the huge shining beautiful window panel. Like a small girl, she was crying, “Dad, mother..” Her eyes were moistened and reddened. 她的眼睛紅紅濕潤著。 公主琵琶馬上淚﹐古時和番遠離家鄉﹐永離椿萱﹐那是多麼遙遠的和親的路。 王勃滕王閣序﹕“關山難越﹐誰悲失路之人﹐萍水相逢﹐盡是他鄉之客。” The princess got on the horse with her Pi-Pa instrument and falling tears, to be married off to someone from a far away to distant country. She was never to return to her hometown and had to say farewell forever to her parents. That was such a remote road. Great talent Wang Bo from Tang dynasty in the famed Teng Wang Building: Gate and mountain hard to pass Who is sorry for the man who lost the path I only run into it by chance All the people are guests from the other land 寫於三月八日 國際婦女節 Written on March 8th International Women’s Day


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