Monday, April 03, 2006

2008 Presidential Candidate General Wesley Clark

General Wesley Clark Compilation Dossier of Presidential Candidates for 2008 Road to the White House 2008 A two-day trip by General Clark to New Hampshire on March 18-19. Windham, New Hampshire, Searles School and Chapel General Clark’s view on the War on Iraq On Fox News’ program, General Clark explained in regards to the recent Operation Swarmer, we did many of these operations before, but the effect is that you can’t win Iraq by military force alone. David Halberstam, in The Best and the Brightest, about Vietnam, “…Our total military superiority was checked by their total political superiority. In effect this meant we could win any set-piece battle we wanted, but the other side could easily replenish their battlefield losses whenever they wanted.” It is unfathomable but true that with a titanic might that U.S. had the stellar rich resources, but still lost in Vietnam. “Like the French before them, the U.S. tended to underestimate the bravery, strength, resilience, and the political dynamic which fed the indigenous force they were fighting.” Japan way underestimated the Chinese character, since winning a war with China in 1894, and 1904 with Russia, Japan was determined to encroach on China, and claim the dominance to become the superpower like the powerful Naval country British Empire. Japan’s Prime Minister was trained at the British Navy Academy, as was his Chinese counterpart classmate, but it was only the Qing Dynasty’s fatal fault to not to enlist his Chinese classmate to advance a similar modernization program. My grandfather and the Nationalist government never surrendered to Japan and Japan was brought down by natural geographical forces mingled with Chinese blood, sweat and tears, after the imperial Japan military’s ruthless killings. It also seemed odd to the Doolittle pilots that China’s even poor mountain hideouts would still have a tattered ROC flag despite the war had been going on since 1931, over 10 years went by, in April 1942, people still didn’t forget about their beloved nationalist government far away. This is not unique, as history happened repeatedly, that the defeated government from another location would eventually come back to redeem the China Proper people, and to liberate them from the occupation. It is very obvious that both Japan and the West way underestimated the Chinese people’s fight for sovereignty and this intrinsic National character which is a pure unwavering character. General Clark remarked that although the Bush administration won’t admit it, they let the Shiites create a Constitution that is totally unacceptable by Sunnis. With the Shiites set up as a separate state, to deal with foreign countries, to have oil revenue, Kurds also have own share of oil, this leaves Sunnis as a dysfunctional component in the overall national Iraq statehood. This is a recipe for Civil War. Bush’s speechwriters have been repeating the same old logic that is skewed in that he presumes that Sunnis were the beneficiaries from Saddam, and since America toppled Saddam, the Sunnis must be punished as that is Saddam’s domain. When Iraq has a unity government, then the American troops can be pulled back. General Clark’s view on China The U.S. policy toward China should not be confrontational. China is open, and wants to be on good terms with America. General Clark is confident that America can work out all the issues with China. In his opinion, China is at its best, in retrospect of the past tumultuous decades. Free Mind’s comments: Need to have a new century plan for the U.S. and China. Taiwan’s Independence extremists have been declining and becoming marginalized while more moderates are rising. Because the economics is not benefiting to the middle class, the social order is declining, people are forced to swipe cards for the difficulty in making a living. The card slaves were forced to commit suicide as the banks to hire collection agencies to bombard people. The support for the central ruling DPP government is only 18%. This leaves them fewer followers to be on the Independence path. Though China doesn’t want either, still China should make a choice on Republic of China or the Taiwan Republic. If China wants Taiwan to fight off each other, then America would have headaches, and China would be directly confrontational with America. If China supports Taiwan Republic, then China should have guts to deal with America. PRC and ROC has one overlapping interest, neither wants to be independent Taiwan Statehood. PRC has the party secret file which tells who was the real Communist Party founder, and it was not Mao. Mao has done Communist party soldiers unfair annihilation. For that matter, Chiang Kai-shek also did bad things to the Communist soldiers, but regional Jiangxi province, both good nationalist leaders and good communist leaders never would let any annihilation happen.


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