Thursday, March 30, 2006

Immigration and Health Service

Immigration and Health Service “And I explained to the President my vision of the citizenship issue. I don't believe somebody should be allowed to come into our country and get ahead of the line, the citizenship line. “ – Bush’s speech to Mexican President Fox in Chichen Itza, March 30, 2006 Mr. Macho and Yale do not understand that to go to an American emergency hospital you do not need citizenship. Mr. Yale is proposing something discriminating against the normal citizen, as the elite class can have the best care, exclusive care, under private cover if not under government cover. He is in effect to rob the normal great American citizens the right to a secure life with timely treatment by inundating the hospital with limited health care hands. You are flooding the patients but decreasing the hospitals like cutting the local community or state run hospitals. But Dr. Frist, the Senate majority leader, understands this firsthand, as that is part of his real life which is so hard for the sheltered Mr. Bush to understand. He is a social disturbance to damage the average American’s way of life. 60% of Americans believe that a wall along the border should be set up between Mexico and America. 30% believe not. How does one investor feel if the stock he wants to buy suddenly has a big guy in front of him to make a purchase of 12 million shares? “12 million of illegal immigrants were just put on a path to citizenship; this is very easy for the very top class to show that they are good Samaritans at the expense of the lesser citizens.” – Elizabeth Su Like Larry King said that after his heart attack he felt compelled, though he was covered all the expenses by CNN, that to help set a foundation to give to everyone who wants a heart surgery. Mr. King just does it by action, not by Hillary Clinton’s big words in urging others to show Samaritan spirit. If Bush’s, Clinton family, relatives, friends, CNN elite reporters, all have to be after the long line of 12 million illegal aliens, then would they still support it to inundate the middle class livelihood and chance to survive as the aging baby boomers struggling to get medical attention and care? Warning against this downgrade of the American way of Middle class, is that once China’s infrastructure is sounder, with time, more hospitals will be built up, more professionals trained, more ethic codes enforced, the outflow will start. The best intellect will get their eyes examined in China, better service, and America will become an alien infested, low grade environment that put it somberly into a declining culture as Britain once was a great empire. Chinese has an upper hand in fast development as the education system and mind is millennium in the making. If it was not due to Mao’s backward suppressing, China should be world number one by now. We will never forget America as a friend, as China grows, but confession will rekindle a country’s great self-examining and looking forward to being a courageous innovative one. Although it is heartbreaking to discover so many brutal things that America, Britain, Russia, Japan, France did to China, still we must continue to figure out the true history. Never to go along with cop-out, coward covering up, and utter discrimination in foreign policy. I wish we are all so proud to say that the United States America once gave us such enlightenment.


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