Saturday, April 01, 2006

Easter Concert by Chinese Engineers

Easter Concert by Chinese Engineers Chinese Engineers to sing on Easter Holiday Coronation Mass by W.A. Mozart Exactly like Mozart wrote for the coronation ceremony of Austrian King Leopard II. Proceeds and donation go to Lutheran World Disaster Relief and Habitat for Humanity Mozart wrote the Mass in C Major, K.317 ("Coronation"), for Easter Sunday (the work acquired its nickname when it was performed for the coronation of Leopold II, in 1791). This generation of Chinese students in America is reaching out to learn the western culture with curiosity and zest to be absorbing the west, all but communism. The group from China is to be merged with Taiwan to hold concerts. Although the Chinese side can’t read music notes, they are accurate in singing with numbers. People from Taiwan can read original music notes, and are good at composing. It is a blessing to see the two merging. “Culture is expressive, only when you listen to its tempo. I enjoy the breath of humanity in Chamber Choir.”,_Holy_Roman_Emperor Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor If Leopold's reign as emperor and king of Hungary and Bohemia had been prolonged during years of peace, it is probable that he would have repeated his successes as a reforming ruler in Tuscany on a far larger scale. But he lived for barely two years, and during that period he was hard pressed by peril from west and east alike. The growing revolutionary disorders in France endangered the life of his sister Marie Antoinette, the queen of Louis XVI, and also threatened his own dominions with the spread of a subversive agitation. His sister sent him passionate appeals for help, and he was pestered by the royalist emigrants, who were intriguing to bring about armed intervention in France. From the east he was threatened by the aggressive ambition of Catherine II of Russia and by the unscrupulous policy of Prussia. Catherine would have been delighted to see Austria and Prussia embark on a crusade in the cause of kings against the French Revolution. While they were busy beyond the Rhine, she would have annexed what remained of Poland made conquests in Turkey. Leopold II had no difficulty in seeing through the rather transparent cunning of the Russian empress, and he refused to be misled.


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