Sunday, March 26, 2006

KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou's Visit to San Francisco, March 25

Clapping as U.S. and ROC flags precede Ma Ying-jeou into the banquet hall.
Elizabeth Su with honor guard, welcomes Ma Jing-jeou to San Francisco for a brief but informative visit.
Taipei mayor Ma Ying-jeou speaks at the Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco. 1000 people attended a banquet in his honor.
We give Ma credit in speaking with historical accuracy and analysis. His strength is the ability to speak with reasons and historical data. He does have compassion toward the KMT as he mentioned Dr. Sun and KMT founder and Sun Yat-Sen’s adviser Dai Chuan Xian. He answered an important question why there is independence request. Ma Ying Jeou’s Problems are: 1) He wants to auction off the KMT assets, and the symbolic main building. He has a cop-out reasoning, that when Dr. Sun started the revolution, it was humble with only 30 members, and with only laundry owners wanted to support him, but they still succeeded. To quote him, “We don’t need the big assets, as with those, the KMT still crumpled.” We hope that the KMT doesn’t go down to the tube, and dwindle to 30 members and back to ground zero. KMT did the work, but DPP and CCP all can enjoy a lavish life, but the KMT is to be denied a decent building, the symbolic building. It is a coveted price. In San Francisco, in America, it is the same way. The KMT’s most ancient symbolic ethnic Hall, which Dr. Sun founded, also needs its heritage and should not to be tampered with changing flag confusion. In America, it is in the law that no creed or religion should dictate another. 2) Many have concern over Ma’s suppressing of the KMT’s peaceful demonstrators in the aftermath of the Presidential assassination election. 3) Many don’t like his remarks that he doesn’t rule out that Independence can be the elective. Later, he did correct himself that it can’t be KMT’s elective. 4) Ma was being asked why he never brings his wife along. In America, it is a taboo to not to take your wife on the campaign trip, as Americans pay attention to family. The KMT spokeswoman is a former DPP spokeswoman. This portends a serious mistake and we should not let KMT be anybody’s vehicle for gains, as we can’t afford another mistake like Li Deng Hui who cheated the people’s trust. A woman with her previous husband wanted Taiwan independence, now wants to work for KMT, should not make remarks like KMT wants to be independent. Chen Wen Qian was the DPP member and she chased away all the greens as people were disgusted by her remarks and cast sympathetic votes to CSB. 5) Ma Ying Jiu should cultivate a stable team, as one adviser suggested that Ma should not make any surprising remarks anymore.


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