Thursday, May 18, 2006

紫丁香 相思扣 流蘇 Purplish Lilac Song and Tassels

紫丁香 Purplish Lilac
我的愛 給你編上相思扣﹐流蘇串串 丁香 結就是我的心 My love For you I weave into a thinking of you button Strings of Tassels Knots of lilac is my heart
Elizabeth Su Zi Ding Xiang Purple Lilac fragrance Song: by Hong Kong Yao Ming Lyrics: Xia Wei
This song can be a teaching tool with Pin Yin to teach Americans The effect is excellent. I can use Pin-Yin and the effect from annotations with phonetic Pin-Yin Is shockingly accurate It is a wonderful song to sing together as a love pair.
紫丁香 - 李逸 曲︰姚敏 詞︰夏威
紫丁香呀它是朵什麼樣的花呀 什麼樣的花呀它是朵什麼樣的花呀
紫丁香呀它是朵最嬌媚的花呀 最嬌媚的花呀它是朵最嬌媚的花呀
What kind of flower is it the lilac fragrance?
What kind of flower?
Lilac purplish is the most soft and pretty
It is the most gentle and cute
粉蝶兒總是飛來飛去呀飛來飛去包圍著它 圍著它
圍著它 飛來飛去呀飛來飛去包圍著它
Butterflies always surrounding it
Circling and circling
Flying hither and there
To wrap it around
重唱 * 蜜蝶兒總是飛來飛去呀飛來飛去追求著它 追求著它 追求著它 飛來飛去呀飛來飛去追求著它 紫丁香呀它是朵什麼樣的花呀 什麼樣的花呀它是朵什麼樣的花呀 紫丁香呀它是朵最多情的花呀 最多情的花呀它是朵最多情的花呀 花朵兒總是一朵一朵呀一朵一朵他愛著她 他愛著她 他愛著她 一朵一朵呀一朵一朵他愛著她

丁香空結雨中愁 Centuries of Vacant Lilac Love

Hangzhou West Lake White Causeway

记忆中仍留存着苏州雨巷丁香花的芬芳,西湖夕照中苏小小的幻影 In Southern dynasty, Beautiful and poetic Su Xiao Xiao went speeding by with her Fragrant wagon draped with waterproof paper. She was a magnate for the art society. 李商隐的《代赠》“芭蕉不展丁香结,同向春风各自愁。” Tang dynasty, Li Shang Yin’s poem: “To give as a substitute: the banana leaves are not open like the lilac in tangled knots; all but mindful of sorrowful sentiments in the spring.” 李璟(916-961),字伯玉,徐州人,南唐烈祖李昇的長子公元943年嗣位帝,年號保大,後因受到後周威協,削去帝號,改稱國主,史稱南唐中主,廟號元宗。好讀書,多才藝。“時時作為歌詩,皆出入風騷”,具有較高的文學藝術修養。經常與其寵臣如韓熙载、馮延已等飲宴賦詩,于是適用于歌筵舞榭的詞,便在南唐獲得了發展的機會。他的詞,感情真挚,風格清新,語言不事雕琢,對南唐詞壇生生過一定的影。存詞五首,其中《南唐二主詞》收四首,《草堂詩餘》收一首。 攤破浣溪沙 手捲真珠上玉鉤,依然春恨鎖重樓,風裡落花誰是主,思悠悠,青鳥不傳雲外信,丁香空結雨中愁,回首綠波三楚暮,接天流。 Poem by Li Jing 916 – 961, Southern Tang dynasty emperor. Washing the silk in creek The hand is rolling a pearl curtain to a jade hook Still see the spring locking the layers of buildings Who is the owner for those fallen flowers in the wind? I think of you The green bird doesn’t pass the message from the cloud The lilac only congeals into a vacant sentiment in rain Look back to see green wave in three Chu Kingdom dusk Connecting to heaven flowing away When you step into the long rainy alley of Suzhou, you may see the girl with waterproof paper umbrella, with lilac light fragrance girl, as the poet Dai Wang Shu’s 1928 work. 戴望舒的《雨巷》也不忘一位“丁香般结着愁怨的姑娘”。撑着油纸伞,独自彷徨在悠长, 悠长又寂寥的雨巷, 希望飘过一个丁香一样地结着愁怨的 姑娘 Poet Dai Wang Shu in 1928 made this famed “Rainy Alley” I can’t forget this Fragrance knotted lilac frowning in her sentiment. With an oily paper water resistant umbrella walking alone in the lone rainy alley. 如梦的江南,一串解不开的丁香结! In dreamy south Yantgze, a string of unresolved knots of Lilacs.

Monday, May 15, 2006

If America helps China today, China will help America tomorrow

Stanford Shopping Center, Palo Alto, CA
The writer’s eye is to feel and read the sentiment and aspiration. My Stanford eye examination assured a healthy cornea and retina. Despite with so much corruption, China has top secret roots program to advance the young with hope and dream. Communist China ruined the grade school which my grandfather founded. The mind to instill Chinese young is not to hate the Nationalists, not to hate the Americans, not to fear the Japanese, but to respect oneself. “If America helps China today, China will help America tomorrow.” -- by Elizabeth Su Wen Chuang

Taizhou Daughters’ Love in Peony Garden 牡丹亭泰州女兒情

泰州女兒情 Taizhou Daughters’ Love in Peony Garden 母親節看牡丹亭﹐林肯劇院曾上演一流藝術表演。 偉大的中國莎士比亞江西人湯顯祖﹐到泰州大學讀書﹐寫下來的愛情故事﹐女主角﹐可能是教授之女﹐隨他回江西﹐他執紅板親自教女伶拍打練唱﹐留下寶貴文化遺產。 當清統治中國﹐語音統一後﹐明朝的劇作家﹐保存民族淮揚文化﹐崑劇代表非滿族的文化﹐珍貴無比﹐一種古代史﹐未被滅絕的根﹐這是仍然可尋訪的殘存的古文化。 On Mother’s Day I watched the Opera of Peony Garden, performed at the Lincoln Center. This is the great Chinese Shakespeare Tang Xian Zhu’s work, as he was a student in Taizhou University in Ming Dynasty, reflecting his love story with a professor’s daughter. She followed him back to Jiangxi Province, and he had his own academy in training the young opera singers on music tempos with the red sandalwood plank. His great works left treasures of art and culture. After Qing tribe conquered China, they unified the phonetics called Mandarin (called National standard language), fortunately the previous Ming dynasty opera author preserved the culture in the opera shows, it is very precious. In the 20s, when a Beijing University professor was challenged by a Chinese master to sing a Soong era song, he didn't know how because we have been conquered by Qing's speaking the Mandarin. Only that Chinese academic master Zhang Tai Yan knew how to sing the Soong tune. As the Kun theatre represents the non-Manchurian culture, and it is an ancient culture, not exterminated or annihilated by the Qing invader. This is for us the fortunate to be able to visit the ancient foundation basis. 元朝後帶入蒙古族的唱腔﹐基本歌劇的規模﹐比宋多一份歌者的活力﹐使拘謹傳統中原融注入些輕鬆放開﹐有一段插曲﹐以蘇州語音彈唱﹐反應出泰州人外婆的心思與女兒情﹐外婆嫁給江西人﹐恰如牡丹亭歌劇作家﹐難怪湯顯祖真懂得我們吳地女兒心。 After the era of Mongolian rule, the some ethnic vitality was added to the structure of opera, to allow the conservative China Proper with other means of open expression. There is an inset of Suzhou dialect “Singing the Story, Tan Chang” style, it is reflecting my Taizhou grandmother’s mind and ethos and the daughters’ love. Grandmother also married to a Jiangxi great man, this is exactly like the Peony Pavilion author and his love from Taizhou. So I truly think that he understood so much about us girls from Taizhou with a great tenderness and appreciation. 在花園相會後﹐她相思成病﹐要畫下自己如花似玉的美貌﹐給青春留下如絲春夢。一種對愛的嚮往﹐淒美的寄託﹐古來有多少殉情女﹖幾乎如莊子時代裡的完美無缺的愛的執著﹐尾生的抱柱而不離開氾濫大水﹐只為與情人相約相等候﹐不見不散﹐清朝的紅樓夢﹐幾許少情痴不滅幻。 After she met him in the garden, she turned into love sick and into decline. She wanted to leave her immense beauty like flowers and gentle dignity like jade to make annotations to her youth as the silk thread of spring dream. A longing toward love, but so mournful hope, these are but many girls’ desperate dreams but relentless to kill one’s self? This is like Chuang Tze who wrote about the pursuit of a perfect love that for this man Wei Sheng held on to the bridge post and did not leave the site which he promised his love to wait until she showed up. We had “Dream of the Red Chamber” fervor for love in the book’s debut. 個中人在秋波妙 宜喜宜縝似笑又非笑 香羅帶 束細腰 卻又似仙 袂隨風飄 手執青梅小 眼前垂柳條 斜添它幾葉綠芭蕉 夢中書生曾折柳一枝 相贈于我 倒不如題詩一首如何﹖ Excerpts from the Peony Pavilion By Su Zhou style of Playing the Pipa to sing the story, in the local dialect I’m in the autumn waves wonder Like happy, like mad, laughing, but no laughing Pleated skirt with belt for my thin waist Like a legend girl With sleeve flying with the wind My hand holding the small plum In front of me is the droop willow shoots With a few leaves of green fan In my dream that young man of study bent the willow and gave me one branch Why not make a poem?

Love's Face

愛人的臉 詞曲﹕蘇文莊 (蘇文忠 蘇東坡的后代) , 版權所有. Love's Face Lyrics composed and copyrighted by Su Wen Chuang (Named after Northern Soong Dynasty Literature giant Su Wen Zhong, Su Dongpo's descent) 潑墨的手 揮灑我的世界 <古箏的滑過音階指尖> Spread ink on the painting My hand sweeping through the prairies of life 雲煙輕散 事過境遷 流水年華 模模糊糊 Cloudy smoke dispersed things of the past Youth flowing away like water It is all so vague now Why is your clear face appearing? 為什麼還有你清清楚楚的臉 不曾褪色 愛人的臉 Love's face Is never faded 今夜的春風 帶來了一串鈴 Tonight a light spring wind Rustles the chimes 窗外不再有淒淒切切的幽靈 只聽到喜鵲兒齊鳴 The sad spirit is not moaning outside the window Only the lark is singing 櫺窗外 只見 愛人的臉 留連 留連 Through an ancient lattice window I can only see Love's face in a silent greeting In the keep 一生相望 一世相知 不離不棄 To have the whole life to gaze To mutually comprehend Not to desert and depart 情難破 Hard to break the boat 永遠不老 一世相隨 是那 愛人的臉 Never turning old, lifelong following The love's face

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day Poem

Immortal Loving Poem of Mother and Child in China on Mother’s Day 孟郊(751~814),字东野,唐朝武康(今浙江德清)人。孟郊出生寒微,早年与皎然、陆羽、韦应物等人交往。屡次参加科举而不得中,直到贞元十六年(796年),他四十六岁时才进士及第,写下“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花”的诗句。又过了四年当上一个小小的溧阳尉,因不屑俗务,不治官事,被罚半俸,于贞元二十年(804年)辞官。后游历长安洛阳等地,与韩愈结为终身至交。由于韩愈的推荐,元和初年入河南尹郑余庆幕,任河南水陆转运从事,试协律郎,并定居洛阳。元和九年随郑余庆到外地任职,途中暴病而亡,终年64岁。 Meng Jiao 751-814, Tang Dynasty man from Zhejiang. Meng made friends with tea god Lu Yu and poet scholar Wei Ying Wu. It was not smooth for his official career, and at 46 he passed the middle ranking official test as a provincial level officer, a candidate for highest imperial examination. Famed poem as “In exhilarating spring wind the hooves sound urgently announce, I’ve seen all of the blooming flowers in Chang An capital.” He traveled to Luoyang, made friends with great scholar official Han Yu, and worked for the Transportation Department in Henan. He resided in Luoyang. 人们曾把孟郊与韩愈并称“韩孟诗派”,主要是因为他们都尚古好奇,多写古体诗。孟郊的五言古体,用语刻琢而不尚华丽,擅长寓奇物于古拙,与大历、贞元诗人相比,他更接近汉、魏风骨。 People equate his poems to the style of Han Yu, a classical master, because they both are aimed at renewal of classics. Meng Jiao, with 5 characters per sentence, with great use of metaphors and symbolism as a natural unpretentious form, he was close to the Han and Wei style of purity. 孟郊的诗中最有名的是写母子之爱的《游子吟》:“慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。”《游子吟》题下自注:“迎母溧上作”。诗是作者居官溧阳到故乡武康迎接母亲时的作品。 Meng Jiao’s most famed poem “Exiled Son Song” is about a mother and son’s love. “Gentle mother holds threads in her hand That is the exiled son’s garment Before he leaves, the sewing gets dense Afraid that you return late Who says that the one inch heart of grass Can return three springs’ shining” This poem was produced when the author was an official in a remote place and came back to his hometown to pick up his mother to move her to his workplace. “To Bring Mother to Work Place”.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Analysis of a President's Mind and Phone Call Database

According a talented psychic who writes scripts like this, President Bush finally fulfilled his wish to be together with his number one ongoing concubine reporter in the same plane, although this girl is only a shadow or a native cousin of his other dream girl. Thanks to her dark face and shadowy scheme that the President’s rating is sliding down without any hope and any light. This concubine’s fantasy and ambition is to be coveted to a place in the world, though it is hard to beat the real wife’s position, but together with the President in the airplane is a first step, to show no talent but on board of Air Force One. This day and age of tolerance goes a long way, but when it explodes, legal fees are humongous. Little does she know that the President has many other girlfriends that he had to make phone calls, maybe not when she is around like after a day’s back and forth on hours’ together in the air, finally the President could think after he got home in the White House. Man does get sick of a girl, if she remains stalking like forever. President can do without any concubine in Camp David, and he can supposedly make amends with other friends beyond the reach of the stalking Filipino concubine who has no talent but an excitement of seduction with fleeting flutter of lady like a tramp. That is why the Breakout of a Major Newspaper USA Today on Thursday to say that Bush commissioned an exhaustive database on every call within America border on millions of America. This must include all the phones calls that the President made without the ambitious Filipino girl’s control, that is why she is painfully aware and with every means to leash the President. So much for courting the Press, or one press woman, but the rest of press like USA Today goes without being muffled by the President, just to tell the story like is, the American Way.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

West Wing Story

To quote a comedian's satire line about the West Wing: “When the slut reporter took on the Press secretary job…” It is perhaps close to the real truth. Scott McClellan served up to the whims but got fired. The reason is that he could not guarantee the entourage list to please Bush each time. So despite he helped Bush to be with his favorite concubine girl to be smuggled along with Bush on Air Force One, he once had a rotating guy reporter, and that’s the time when the news broke out that McClellan was leaving by Ed Henry on Air Force One. Derelict at work is to describe the severity of this Presidency, that Bush is swayed by who is on the Air Force One. Rove also used to schedule the travel itinerary for Bush, so he was to be blamed. But because he was the mastermind behind Bush’s successful campaign, he is spared his neck, just is isolated not to interfere with Bush’s tour list anymore. When Young Martial killed the Manchurian big general Yang, he eventually lost the backbone and support in critical time of trouble, Bush will find that in time of crisis, he will only have his concubine press with him, and to be lost in the enemy zone. There goes the Bush dynasty! We hear the Sunni little girl crying that “I hate Americans. My father was killed when he was kneeling down to pray in the mosque.” This was during “Operation Swarmer”, Bush had this CNN bad virtue reporter covering the grand deeds of attacking Sunni’s peaceful residential areas and touting the success! God will do justice to Bush and this evil reporter Filipino Quijano and their plots against the kind people like Sunnis and Chinese in Philippines. Philippine president rounded up the Chinese vendors and confiscated $2 million worth of merchandise and subjected many in poverty. What is odd is that the government let in the containers and let go of the real bribery officials. The terrorists should spare the good Americans because we are kind for all human kind. We Americans don’t condone the bad hearted acts by these illegal acts against normal human conscience. So In God, we must all trust. In God’s accounting book, all crimes and evil must be repaid and redeemed eventually. We understand that Roosevelt didn’t have the same humanity for the Chinese as well as the European counterparts, so that 35 million Chinese were sacrificed, and 3 million Chinese Nationalist soldiers died for the glory of protecting their nation and the world peace. The world’s most sacrificed war on earth’s history. American Presidents owned this blood conscience debt to the Nationalists, and we can’t call it quits and democracy for American only, until All Human Races are truly treated fairly and with equality. Bush never recognizes and admits the Chinese Nationalist achievements; however, this debt to the Nationalists doesn’t go away, it builds upon itself with heavy interest.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Selling an Undesirable Press to the American People is Hard to Do

Selling an Undesirable Press to the American People is Hard to Do The Republicans and CNN management all need to know that it is bad blood for the kind of White House scandals to continue to go on, as it hurts their morale and mostly it hurts the Republican chances to win the election and ultimately it may lead to impeachment. If by complaining that only the press secretary can be on Air Force One, in order to ride in Air Force One, then the reporter has successfully applied a strategy to remove the press secretary and got herself on it. If by repeating other media’s ongoing question, ‘why did press secretary vouch for Rove for his involvement in CIA leak case?’ can get this person into the limelight, and get the press secretary fired, and Rove shuffled to a corner, then this person has wielded tremendous power and posed national security issue, as she is wielding the uncanny power on the President who has the power to determine this country’s foreign policy and many domestic issues. By asking the press secretary whether people in the White House watch CNN, is a way to force people to watch CNN just to avoid the irritating questions. Whose mandate is this that everyone has to watch CNN? By asking Scott McClellan questions that he already answered, forcing him to say "somebody already asked that question, and I already answered it", or "I don't know if you remember this, but I already said it", this shows she is not doing her job by studying the transcripts of the press briefings. It is not the press secretary's job to answer the same question for every reporter, it is instead the reporter's job to know what the press secretary has already announced. To have a CNN derelict female reporter to track the president to cater to his liking, to follow him day and night, domestic and foreign, and have her inside the limousine entourage, not to report but to enjoy the sightseeing with the president in the same group of cars, in the name of reporting but not doing any reporting, but counting on others hard work, and to listen to the President’s lecture facing him, in the first row, and have a running photographer filming the demonstrators and her backup Washington female news reporter on the White House Lawn to cover the ongoing California trip is a ludicrous sham and the earlier it is in the open, and the less muddy, the better, and an imminent calamity can be avoided, including a possible loss by the Republicans and the daily investigation of the affairs, and ensuing lawsuits. Then the citizens will get a reprieve, or a decent life.

Decelerate the Downfall of the Administration

April 21, 2006, at Cisco, President Bush faces reporters in front row in a meeting which was closed to the public. Who arranged this? Why do the reporters have more rights than the public?
Decelerate the Downfall of the Administration With a brand new White House press secretary Tony Snow on duty tomorrow, one hopes that he can check the down slide, or at least decelerate it. The press’ role is not to interrogate the press secretary daily with the same questions over and over, but for the press secretary present the ongoing issues in a balanced view. The press secretary represents the administration, and has been hammered daily, so to change this battered image is to have a stable and firm presence, not a soft and surrendered attitude. The White House needs stability to keep a healthy rating, whereas the media needs a commotion to keep their ratings high. CNN’s ratings need sensational reporting to rescue the huge ratings slide down. Their job is to keep the audience interested or shocked. They refuse to send even a picture of a tranquil or reasonable daily life of Iraq to the Americans. The number one issue damaging Bush’s rating is the Iraq war. How to fix it? Not by “courting the press” or bribing them with rides on Air Force One in the hope to sway them for a favorable report. Or to give special privileges to monopolize coverage like in Cisco where only the most selective ones faced Bush in the front row, and kept it a non-open event for the California public. People demonstrated on the road, and this was not covered by the lazy entourage press, as they were just following Bush like dignitaries under the grand illusion, and derelict at work. Californians don’t appreciate Bush’s visit in that any national leader would pay attention to the fixing of the California levees immediately after a huge rainstorm and mudslides. But Bush was only sightseeing with his entourage, and made a mockery of himself. While these press is fickle, they must at the end emphatically tell the world that Bush’s rating is still at all time low, as if this is attributed to their alarming the world, this is because they have nothing better or smarter to say, but are whining on and in fighting to build up their reputations as seekers of justice at heart, by criticizing the administration for whatever it can be accused of. As the new press secretary’s era is played out, one thinks that a better journalist will survive the better news secretary and the tricky one who won over McClellan will lose their shine. The right always wins out in the end against trickery and evil. Tony Snow is a pretty justified selection because he is loyal to Bush, just like McClellan, but he must have a way to put all the infightings, self-advancement, and secret agenda into the light. I don’t think he is a corrupt official type to cater to the ruler’s whims, to smuggle some unqualified damaging reporters around just to advance that person’s salary when it is a hard sell for an undesirable poorly-rated news channel.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Welcome Party for Mr. Huang Yao Jin

A CPU-NC board member's journal on May 6, 2006. Today we had very congenial weather and we all enjoyed being in Mrs. Florence Fang’s nice home with the honorable guest, Mr. Huang Yao Jin, VP of the Zhong Hua Hai Yai Lian Yi Hui. Thanks for our generous honorable chairwoman for hosting this event and providing us with the friendly occasion and luncheon. Mr. Huang briefed us about China, and we love his openness and presentation. I feel that he is on a good historic track in recognizing Chinese Nationalist achievements in helping out the Jewish people during the 1930s. We feel that China’s central government policy is very good and very friendly toward all Chinese, so we like him a lot. This will help out with the unification and ease the past tensions between the KMT and the CCP. It was a successful building and exchange session.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Thesis on China Proper Titan Capitalist Thinkers Rise and Fall: Generating Commodity Capital Value Biography

論中原人文主義思想家的式微及崛起: 貨殖列傳 Thesis on China Proper Titan Capitalist Thinkers Rise and Fall: Generating Commodity Capital Value Biography Hu Jintao says “People are the foundation”. 胡錦濤的人為本。 民貴君輕”是民主思想“民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕。”這句孟子名言 Mencius’s democracy theory: People are the most precious, the country next, the ruler is the lightest of all. This is returning back to the China Proper intrinsic value system, unfortunately Bush totally misses the point. 非常好的理論給當今新興崛起的中國定位, 雖然美國不懂。 西漢董仲舒﹐獨尊儒術﹐士農工商的階級觀﹐致使商代以降的周代的春秋戰國時代﹐輝煌人物代表﹐如陶朱公﹐呂不韋﹐建樹的國家利益的經營者﹐萎縮不進化﹐ 中原先人如陶朱公﹐已被遺忘﹐日後的受外族侵略﹐更是背直不起來﹐生活落後﹐遑論光榮傳統﹐遺風早被蒙古﹐每十戶﹐受制於外﹐談民族自尊心﹐何在﹖非為自由身﹐才有朱元璋的起義。 Western Han dynasty Confucius scholar advocated to the emperor Han Wu Di to only concentrate on the top class, the intellectual scholar class, and to abolish or to put down the rest flourishing schools of thoughts. The top class is the scholar official, under that is the agricultural, the labor class is the third, the worst lowly class is the business class. This made the splendid entrepreneurial titans like Tao Zhu Gong, Lu Bu Wei, the national enterprisers to wither and not advance, a tradition since Shang Dynasty, extended into Zhou Dynasty’s two eras, the Chun Qiu and followed by Warring states era. The marvelous robust vibrant tradition was forgotten. Afterwards, the invasion and enslavement made Chinese Han China Proper ethnics bent their back in front of the masters, and they forgot their glorious past, and barely could keep the tax payment, let alone ancient values. Under Mongolian tight rein control, every 10 families, there is a master to serve, where is the national pride, the self-respect made the revolution against the foreign invasion the Mongolian expelled and established the Ming dynasty. 西漢的史學家司馬遷﹐他也是個旅行家﹐山川地理文物﹐上會嵇山訪禹穴﹐理解中國老源頭。仍秉著良心公理﹐給后代一個完整性的珍貴記載﹐史記的貨殖列傳,給我們一個最初先民面貌。 Western Han dynasty historian Sima Qian was also a traveler in Chinese geography. He climbed up Kwai Ji Mountain to visit the Xia Founder Da Yu’s cave. He understood the original works. Based on a clear conscience and will, he gave the descendants a precious documentation of biographies across all walks of life. The titan merchants behavior profiling biography gave us the reflection of the business transactions and enterprising. 二百多年前美國開國的初期蓬勃發展建設的國稅局﹐漢摩爾頓發行貨幣等建樹。 二千多年前秦始皇的仲父﹐呂不韋的貨幣政策提倡統一中央。 More than 200 years ago, when America was in its robust founding stage, Hamilton created treasury department. More than 2000 years ago, Chinese nationalized the central currency system under the First Emperor of Qin Shi Huang, and was by his biological father, the Prime Minister Lu Buwei’s titanic business endeavors. 現在人民幣貨幣﹐已是攸關全球性的環節性的生態連鎖平衡. RMB is linking to the world’s balance in trade. 貿易夥伴也帶來外來干涉﹐美國參議員給予到9月﹐來重新評估﹐關於27。5的關稅懲罰。 Business partners also bring in interference. American senator Lindsey extends to September to reevaluate the pressure on China to float the RMB, if not, to levy a 27.5% tariff. 中國是否騎虎難下﹐加入世貿組織﹐有好處嗎﹖還是只求少輸。 China is riding the tiger and can’t get off when China joined the WTO. Any benefit? Or simply ask to lose less in negotiation. 上帝關一扇門時﹐就是發現了另一道門的時機。 When God closes one door, he opens another door for us. 美國中產階級的進取﹐將多半靠世界大場面﹐因為世界的綜合基金﹐才進步飛快。 America middle class advancement is depending on the world. If you invest in world funds, you make great strides. 三年前的30萬﹐可以有一百萬﹐但2百分比的美國﹐仍然是30萬﹐如果你不輸的話。 3 years ago, you have $300,000, today, you have one million if you were invested in Global funds, but if you invest in U.S. fund, you still have $300,000 or less. 美國的打壓﹐必須由中國古老的商業大亨來對應﹐再加上學習現代化的美國人的強大的能力及機敏性動﹐實驗性﹐也就是孫中山的知行合一﹐不空談﹐源自明代理學﹐在外國社會性的成就﹐來自動手實驗﹐實際科學家的精神﹐這是中原人的本性本能﹐發明創造本能﹐最早的地震儀﹐來自于我中原老家的才華橫溢的發明﹐只因內部長期壓抑﹐歧視商人的儒家思想﹐及外族的侵略﹐壓迫矮化中國人的臣服奴性﹐如剃發留辮子﹐成為西方人的垢病輕視﹐那知原本不是中原人的面貌。 You can learn from the ancient Chinese tycoons to counter the US pressure. You should add the American smartness, to make a computer system work piece by piece. As Sun Yat-Sen wanted us to “Unite Theory with Action and experimentation”. Trial and error is the fundamental spirit of the western success story. Originiated from the Ming Dynasty, ‘Rationalism’ vs. ‘Heart Philosophy’. China proper original nature and great ability, such as the invention of the earthquake instrument, from my China proper hometown man. But after years of suppression, discriminating against Business class, and foreign invasion, the Chinese became enslaved, indoctrinated, shaved the hair with a queue style, became the laughing stock of the west, and accorded with “Yellow fever” from encroachment by British navy and opium addiction. The west doesn’t know that all these were not original China Proper men archetype; it was a converted slave by the Qing tribe. 許多古中原的發明創造﹐都應在式微後﹐從新發揚光大﹐來運作新國際地位。 So many China Proper values should be reconstructed and reengineered, engendered again to be in our life once again, now we have been revived. 新的中國人﹐是尋找失去的中原的根與本性本能﹐加上美國人的機動性﹐與世界接軌﹐絕不吳下阿蒙曲膝求人。 To be the new Chinese, is to search the China proper roots from an alienated self, and to learn and add the American ‘mobility from trial and error’, with no fear to err, to connect with the world, not to have hate crimes, or confusion as the Arabic nationalism and to not be hostile toward other nations, but not to bend too low to cater to American’s whims either. 求仁得仁是中原人的哲理﹐照顧自己的中產階級。基本的強國人民當後盾﹐不是少數得利﹐既如果你支持共產黨的人才幫助﹐靠倚天吃飯﹐那這個社稷﹐必會一天傾倒﹐受侵﹐一振不崛。 Be firm and to seek out humanity, will begotten the humanity is China Proper’s philosophy. To take care of the middle class. A fundamental nation’s founding must have a strong middle class, not to have few to reap huge profits. If you support communists, you get to become super class, but one day this elite of communists will collapse. 共產黨的責任非常重﹐必須毫無二致的去證明﹐中國的民主走在西方國家的希臘民主發源地的之前。因為在第一個夏代王大禹傳子之前﹐都是民主的禪讓之治﹐選賢與能﹐堯舜之美德。歌頌他們的壁畫在中原古書院﹐洛陽太學。 The communist responsibility is heavy. As such China must go out to prove that Chinese democracy was ahead of the west democracy cradle, namely Greek democracy. Because even before in Xia Dynasty, as the first non merit system took on, it was all meritocracy, not through passing down to the sons. This Yao and Shun idealistic meritocracy was on the China proper ancient national college Luoyang University’s mural paintings. 中國不需要美國力催民主﹐但是民主化﹐民主權﹐民主機制﹐在國民黨開始的選舉﹐憲法﹐1946年﹐到現在﹐已被毛阻擾。若不是立法院的鉗制行政院﹐台灣早已法理臺獨建國. China doesn’t need America to ask it to convert into democracy. Nationalists already had founded the democratic construct and institutes. Since 1946, Mao hindered the progression. If without the Nationalist Senate to counter the Executive power, Taiwan already would have became independent and founded the Republic of Taiwan. 孫中山的法律顧問﹐請到上海的東吳法學院﹐奠下中國近代法律粗構架略。有國民黨的才人﹐助海牙法庭﹐才有如今中共的規模﹐世界的承認。原子彈之父﹐也原是中央國民黨的人材負責採購儀器﹐壯大發展中國﹐才受美國國際重視畏懼。 Sun Yat-Sen’s law adviser invited foreign law experts to be in Shanghai to set up legal institutes, and in DongWu SuZhou University Legal department. Nationalist trained personnel became great legal founders in Shanghai and went to work in the Hague International court, and this managed to aid Chinese Communist rising in the line of the international law arena. The Father of Atomic research in China was also a nationalist educated scholar, and responsible for purchasing science equipment, they all ended up in educating the Chinese in the atomic sphere. 共產黨基於國民黨的貢獻﹐數不清﹐以上意見﹐僅供參考﹐善謀者﹐運用得當﹐造福蒼生﹐為無限功德。 The Communists are based on so many achievements by the Nationalists, they are numerous. The suggestions are for the references. 打擊老國民黨﹐淹沒歷史真相﹐一天將會遭人民反制﹐所以﹐必需改革。 If they strike down the Nationalist to cover the historical facts, one day, people will demand answers, so reform is only for the sake of stability. 避免夸大其詞﹐一面告以真象﹐以免真相大白﹐瓦解無法自圓其說。 這是穩定中國億萬人民的方法。 中央固然得穩定求進﹐改革開放是時至所趨。 畢竟共產黨是蘇聯產物﹐逸脫出是人民心照不宣的過程中。 鄧小平主張先讓一批人富起來﹐現在第四代中共該讓中等人增加權益﹐才能走入世界。 Communism is Soviet orbit sphere, to be out of orbit track is the people’s understanding just without telling it, this is the ongoing process, without renunciation, or proclamation. 中央經濟穩﹐人民不過問﹐中央政治局﹐但只造福少數人﹐忽略中產階級人民﹐將會不穩當。多建設社會福利的項目。將會多一分穩定。鞏固中國民生﹐民生凋敝將失去民心﹐民心所向是指標。 Deng Xiao Ping to let only a class to get rich, is the initial stage, now you need to emphasize the average people now. When you have a stable economy, people are lenient toward the central bureau government. But continuously given great profits to a selective few, ignoring the middle class benefits, it will lead to discomfort, resentment, and eventual chaos. The more social item to build, the one pointer the government will score. The index of the people is what the stability poll is at. 布希指標﹐無法死灰復燃﹐因為他不知事情真相﹐偏頗一干人﹐打壓中產階級。 Bush index 33% is all time low, he can’t make ember burn again. Because he doesn’t know the facts, and he is only for a group and ignores the middle class. The Republican Party 23% is worse off than Bush’s poll. So the election may point otherwise to what he likes. Bush fires all the people who listen to him. The new one Tony Snow will discipline the unruly and will not cater to Bush’s whims so much. One thing Snow says is that Bush “raids the public funds” which he has been doing almost daily.

Profile of the Ancient Tycoons

Profile of the Ancient Tycoons The qualities of China’s ancient tycoons can be rekindled to display the genius of their minds, and management in business activities. After Confucius and the Han dynasty, Dong Zhong Shu made the Intellectuals the top class, all else were at the bottom. The four classes were Intellectual scholar, Agriculture Farming, Working class, with the Business class at the lowest. The theory was they were not creating any product, not the producer price index or consumer price index, but were just transferring one commodity to the other. In the Shi Ji History book, the section on the Business activities and their Business biography profiles, gave the generating a capital value. Huo Zhi Lie Zhuang Huo is commodity, goods, and merchandizing. Zhi, is to generate, the generation of capital value. The Capitalist Generative Commodities Biographical Profiling Efforts ”廣雅云:“殖,立 也。”孔安國註尚書云: “殖,生也。生資貨財利。” ... 幾千年前司馬遷先生在《史記‧貨殖列傳》中所留下來的那些身影。這些數千年前的人,他們不僅是成功的商人,而且還是第一流的貨殖家,那怕與今日任何一位所謂的管理經營大師相比,也絲毫不見遜色。 China’s great Capitalists in the Shang Dynasty was still strong in the Zhou Dynasty, in Chun Qiu and Warring States, but were repressed by the Western Han’s dynasty’s conscientious efforts to suppress the Business mentality by Dong Zhong Shu. Great generative business waned. The national scope titan of the great entrepreneur archetype was reduced or subdued. Throughout dynasties, the restricting sensibility and the suppression by invading alien tribes, like the Mongolians founding the Yuan Dynasty, and the Qing carnaging Yangzhou for Ten Days, forced the surrender of the Capital Nanjing, all brought on the erosion of the early Chinese robust lively engendering business activity. How one positions oneself in the prosperity of the world and America. If Bush wants to suppress the middle class, one can invest in International Fund which includes Korea, Brazil, Japan, China, and can outweigh the US growth. When you under weigh the U.S., you make progress for the past 3 years, if you started with $300,000, you would have 1 million by now in the portfolio with over 300% growth. Bush wants to counter China, so to get into US domestic real estate, and if he depresses it with high interest, the backfire will be to the administration, when interest rate goes high. When you bought a house with $250,000, now it can increase 3 times more too, to $750,000. This is the spirit of modern day current貨殖列傳者 ‘Growing the capital value’.