Monday, July 31, 2006

Blair and Pristine Pebble Beach

7th Hole at Pebble Beach Golf Links
In the woods, the deer are passing freely. A relative of telegraph inventor Morse developed this corner of the land for golfing and the Lodge, where Hollywood stars greeted a tranquil enclave. The British Prime Minister Tony Blair visited here on July 30 to give a News Corp. group a speech on the new global thinking and direction in reordering the business milieu. Il ne fault pas restriction. Both Bush and Blair are proponents of free trade and oppose protectionism, however Bush often compromises his principles for political reasons. We should not use the restraint to limit the Laissez faire spirit.

Beautiful Lovers’ Day

A beloved singing icon, Teresa Teng, singing "Go take a look, the moon represents my heart."
Today is July 31st, July 7th in the Chinese Lunar calendar. It is the day for the heavenly cowboy and weaver girl to meet at the heaven river galaxy. It is said that tonight all the larks are gone. They all fly to build a bird bridge to let them pass the river and meet. It is also said, this night will rain. It is their happy tears when they meet again. No doubt this is the most romantic festival of the year and in the four seasons. It is referred to as “Chinese lovers’ day”. This is a legendary story known to every family. This night, people will go outdoors to look up at the night sky. To seek the Cowboy star and the weaver girl star to pass the river to see each other.

Monday, July 24, 2006

In Memory of Grandmother, Lady Yan

Grandmother, several summers ago, I never forgot that cloudless sky but with one sole beautiful gentle fuchsia cloud looking down to accompany me, as I said farewell to you in Chicago. She contributed to my being a lady with inner strength. A very generous person and being a judge’s daughter, the aristocratic manners didn’t diminish her self-esteem throughout the wartime hardship. Grandmother, could you love me again and be my protector in another life?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

趙孟頫 Zhao MengFu, Prince Painter

鵲華秋色圖 Robins in the Autumn
雙松平遠圖 Two Pines in Plain View
水村圖 趙孟頫 Village by the Water
趙孟頫本係宋太祖趙匡胤十一世孫,幼小聰慧,讀書過目成誦,為人才華橫溢,儀容出眾,詩文清遠,書畫雙絕。宋亡後他在元廷當官,「官居一品,名滿天下」,不但在藝術上成就巨大,在政治上也榮際顯赫。在京期間,也敢與佞臣桑哥作鬥,一時為人稱頌。 Zhao MengFu is the Emperor Song Taizu, Zhao Kuangyin’s 11th descent. He was smart as a child, and once he read a book, he could recite it. He had good looks and made poems and writing with a high integrity fashion, could paint and do calligraphy in excellence. After Song was finished, he was working in the Yuan Dynasty court. Not only did he make great achievements in the Arts, in the political arena he was also celebrated. He was able to fight against the corrupt officials, and was liked and commended by people. Both Zhao FengFu and Lady Guan were of 湖州吴兴(今浙江吴兴)人Hu Zhou (Lake County) WuXing, Zhejiang Province as was the Great Nationalist Zhu Jiahua. 衛鑠(272年-349年),字茂猗,號和南,通稱衛夫人。晉河東安邑(今山西夏县)人,是東晉 時代著名女書法家。以為楷書訂定筆劃順序聞名,其高徒之一就是「書聖」王羲之 Lady Wei (272-349 A.D.) instituted Kai style calligraphy, with its proper sequence of strokes, and her great disciple is the Chinese ‘Saint of Calligraphy’, Wang XiZhi. 管夫人几首劝夫澹泊凡尘功名利禄的《渔父词》 Lady Guan advised her husband to be less vain in worldly high fortune and women, in her collection of “Fisherman’s prose” Also, there is a poem to reflect the loss of the beloved Song Dynasty to the invading Mongolians, “The Words of Master Integrity Honor Bamboo” 〈题竹〉 数枝密叶数枝疏,露压烟啼秋雨余。 宋室山河多少泪,略无半点上林于。 On Inscribing Bamboo (rhymes with Master Leader our lord emperor) Several branches with thick leaves and some thin Dew Pressing down, smoky, crows crying after autumn rain Song Dynasty mountain and river how many tears It has not a half drop in the woody bamboos After Song Dynasty was finished by the Yuan Mongolians, the descendants still lived with great poetic painting style. 元代文人画领袖人物 Prince Zhao Mengfu became the leader in the intellectual painting genre in the Yuan Dynasty, much like his ancestor, Emperor Song HuiZong, who founded a Painting Royal Academy.

You Come to My Senses

A Blockbuster Travelogue I: You Come to My Senses “You come to my senses Every time I close my eyes I have no defenses You come to my senses I can't stop this ache inside I have no defenses You come to my senses” … By the group Chicago “You are my thalamus.” He told her. “You are my senses.” She told him. Our Love Mix is a cure all spinal cord Stem Cell. The virgin of a beautiful stem cell, when your world is my world, and my world is your world, and mine is yours is mine. The Chinese female poet and painter Lady Guan, Prince Zhao Mengfu’s wife, wrote a love poem. You are in mixing with me in eternal love. As a clay This world and after life 你侬我侬,忒煞情多;情多处,热如火!把一块泥,捻一个你,塑一个我。将咱两个,一齐打破,用水调和。再捻一个你,再塑一个我。我泥中有你,你泥中有我。我与你生同一个衾,死同一个椁。 Configuring and Reconfiguring Us By Lady Guan (1271-1319 A.D.) You are in love with me as I am too It is impetuous fire To take soil to make you figure and sculpture me To break both our figurines together and enmesh together with water To hand shape another you and configure another me In my mud there is you In your clay to have me You and I to have a quilt cover together alive To have the same outer coffin as well in the afterlife Translated by Language Specialist Elizabeth Su, July 22, 2006 管道升 Lady Guan Dao Sheng - Yuan dynasty painter, calligrapher, poet. She is referred to as Lady Guan. Her calligraphy and painting are equaled by Lady Wei Shuo (272-349 A.D.Eastern Jin Dynasty), they are the two great ladies in Chinese calligraphy. Lady Guan was the wife of Prince Zhao Fengfu and descendant of Song emperor founding father,宋太祖十一世孙, the 11th generation of Founding Song emperor Song Tai Zu.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sierra Reno Passerby

Bird and Lotus Reborn, Cycle of Life
Sierra Reno Passerby 雷諾過客 西雅若山風 陣陣吹拂夏日的濃情 山腳下雷諾谷 夏夜裡的晚風 不知從哪裡來﹖ Sierra mountain wind Blowing in summer emotion Reno at the edge of the mountains The late wind of the summer night Where does it come from? 高峻的西雅若山脈 百多年前中國人締造的城 High Sierra Mountain range A link to the past human Chinese Built Up City Nestled in mountain foot Chinese railroad city From little camps dotted once To Today's Mecca gambling house Not Mah-jongg washing hands sound But Wheel of the Fortune turning 小帳營 開山祖師 開山闢地 中國人的鐵路城市 黃種中國人 打不過高大愛爾蘭礦工 畢竟美國種族歧視 斷送中國人在美國 出人頭地的先機 Yellow Chinese weak men Could not beat the tall rough Irish workers After all American racism Cut off the advantages Early in America’s developmental stage 中國人死灰復燃 又在世界抬頭 多少世代交替 Now China rises up from the embers It is rising up again Ready to be reborn with a good Karma

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

July Lilies and Summer Night Outdoor Concert

July Lilies are like elegant ladies With soft petals But without regard for the stay For a hard life But exude a romantic zest I love July Because it is with youthful dashing Unlike the winter enclosure Autumn’s melancholy Spring’s beginning melting, half open Next trip will be Yellowstone Park To see the ages Traces of Americana

Friday, July 14, 2006

You Can Go Home Again

I’m missing home, but can I go back again? Where is my home? I think I will be happy to go visit Grandfather’s hometown, grandmother’s hometown, and Dr. Zhu Jiahua’s hometown. I don’t travel on a World Class level such as Air Force One, but what I discover and learn will make me a Global Knowledge Titan Class. I’m very glad that I went back to my father’s hometown. It is such an idyllic place. I can forget all sorrow.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bereavement for a Dead Cowboy

President Bush has been repeatedly admonishing that the US should not rely on foreign oil, but he puts the new reliance on foreign nuclear fuel and us attempting to sign America’s interests away. Many senators are against his signing an agreement with Putin during the G-8 summit for the fuel. Bush had a recent fun trip to boost Senator DeWine and dispatched his wife to Indiana. For a couple, it is necessary sometimes to go separate ways to be more efficient at raising campaign funds. On the excuse of campaign fund raising, the private affairs can also take place with unbridled desire. This takes precedence also at his birthday, when he apparently didn’t stay with his wife, but his White House Correspondence, nickname, little servitude press, to the State where she went to school. On the Fourth of July, Bush acted so cowardly in responding to the national security threat from North Korea at the West Coast, that it shocked the world, and Time Magazine termed it a ‘End of Cowboy Diplomacy’. He acted not as George W. Bush, but as if he was reduced to a puppet of some sort, with a deranged mind to simply count how many missiles, without knowing how many were coming, or whether they could hit the U.S., it looks like he gave up his identity of the U.S. President. China recently announced that they want America to respect them on the foreign policy, because their missiles can reach Washington, Paris, and Madrid.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I Spent a Day with the U.S. President – Herbert Hoover

As if President Hoover will walk out of his paintings and help me. In this great era, Democrats and Republicans all need to reform and redefine of America’s future role in the new world order, with China rising as new elements in reconstructing because they are recovering from Mao’s failed economic policies. America is in a burst of social philanthropic works by the corporate executives, with Gates, Buffett, Paulson, and many to come. This rise of giving away money is a reflection of the aftermath of overabundance in cash and in the search for real substance in life, in particular, in relieving the pain, for the states have failed to do so. One of the Presidents that I believe I love with deep feelings. I love Kennedy first, and love Hoover for his philanthropic works, and his unique experiences in China, and their philanthropic relief attitude about mankind. A unique soul in embarking on geology in Stanford’s first class, he also met his soul mate, his wife as his schoolmate and the only woman in the field, together they completed his life’s projects. Both of them were from Iowa, and she lived in Monterey which has the cool air and gave a calm and rational thinking. They got married in Monterey and headed toward China in 1899 right before the Boxer Rebellion era. Though he helped the Robber Barons in China, he later became a great philanthropist during WWI. In August 1914, Belgium was invaded and occupied by Germany. The British blockaded all German occupied territories and subjected the Belgian people to starvation. Hoover organized the Committee for Relief of Belgium, which fed 11 million people, and his relief works saved many lives under the immunity. This made him a popular public figure, so that he later was elected president.

Unlike Bernanke who crashed 10% of the market with his new artificial policy, the 1929 stock market crash was not triggered by Hoover. Bernanke will have a hard time to face the second market 10% crash, as he would give to people no more benefit of the doubt as to his ability, and will be forced to step down in our time and era to monitor the government management under sharp scrutiny. As a geology engineer, his other earth works were Hoover Dam which employed many dust bowl people in the gigantic public works.

Hoover reminds me a Chinese great geologist who had helped China to advance and protect China's sovereignty, how I wish he was the president of China to save us from all this misery.

A person that was Hoover's counterpart in China also had an interest and degree in Geology, Ph.D. He helped to excavate the Shang Dynasty Relics with the employment of the first scientific methodology in China; his first love was the science institute; his education toward the young; his organizational talent all pointed toward being a great President. But his lack of schemes made his and China's fate fall into miserable hands. Grandfather was part of his line and could well be the President of China too.

Many people were under their tutelage, but they only enriched themselves and set up enterprises for themselves, rather than developing bigger projects for the nation. That is the weakness and fatality of the Chinese Nationalist, not to mention how the Communists have been in eroding their presence.

The theory to latch on the Chinese Nationalist's remarkable love and talent in defending a teetering country, and to reinvent the Communist New China Machine is the foremost task in China behind all the smoke screens of the economic projects.

To this day, only the very top tier management can appreciate this view, as their understanding of both the nationalist de facto Central Daily and Communist's Renmin People's Daily are both extinct species, with deficit and commands no interest by the people.

This is a new virgin terrain and unchartered domain of bridging both parties and win the endorsement by the people.

So Hoover’s philanthropic work on a large worldwide scale has caught on finally, now it has become a fad again suddenly.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

On the Celebration of July 4th

On the Celebration of July 4th America is an asylum to anchor the homeless, and refugees from broken nations like me. Japan is a lost cousin of China from Tang dynasty. Taiwan is a lost son from China Proper, the China Central State. Korea is a lost half-brother from China. So, no one should attack United States anywhere, because the lost citizens from elsewhere were expelled to America although they had contributions toward their motherland. Missile testing, to attack Northcom, to attack north, west, central, east, or south, all are not justified. I am researching the Japanese language; it is a Tang dynasty resurrection. It is Chinese sentiment in a Japanese veneer. Japanese committed war crimes, and we need to help the lost cousins to realize the human tolls and it is a tragic to others and self, this includes China, Korea, Americans, and others, but mostly, Japan itself. Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Truman and Marshall, had a skewed view about human dignity, and they believed that one region was better than the other. In their mode of operandi, in letting Japan take on the force of democracy, and letting Western Europe be in the same camp, they sacrificed Chinese and East and Central Europe. Huge pain collectively in both the communist domain and non-communist domain, the space exploration of Star Trek, brought the endeavor of a young country to a halt. It is a pity. The cold war needs not to resurface. When your country is still poor, you need to open up in a gesture that others can accept. I mean that North Korea should try to learn from China’s experience. China should not let Russia take $96 billion for a defunct State entity which promises oil reserves in a very long shot. While China gave the US $16 billion to attempt to quiet the mouth of the opposition, some senators are not ‘satisfied’ in addition to Senator Lindsey Graham. Money toward George W. Bush means everything, but not toward the rest of America.

I pick up pieces

萱草【xuāncao】 tawny day-lily.
In Chinese, this plant symbolizes mother
中国的母亲花 萱草
香椿【xiāngchūn】 <植> Chinese toon (Toona sinensis) In Chinese, the Toon Tree is the symbol of father
Mou Rong, Han Dynasty
"See Xu Gu Off":
I know you are leaving with heavy emotions
The Chun Toon tree and Xuan grass gentle mother lily grass in the high formal hall (symbolizing the parents residing in the high formal hall)
Your parents are sitting in the ancestral hall with full white hair like snow
I pick up pieces Two family members went to 早稻田大學 the best Japanese university Waseda to study. That was such challenging era. Here I am, begin to pick their pieces and revisit Japanese. A Number One Song in 1963 American translation of “Sukiyaki” is Hot pot Although there is no connection at all with the original song That is how I feel; grandparents and I miss all my loved ones! These poetic lyrics are depicting a passionate soul missing all the loved ones. Perhaps it is possible to savor the loss of loved ones and as a universal value and emotion. It was a demarcation line to Star Trek to navigate in search of the new order for the American adventures and in the pursuits, how many were lost? A science project in the 60s, the lost Star Trek, a lost feeling for mankind’s direction. An expedition in the world without the cold war. A brighter and happier desire to see the unified family was a remote and impossible dream for my father to see his father. So he was so all alone on the pavement to think of his family torn beyond the sky. Sukiyaki (I Walk Alone and Look Up) Translated by Elizabeth Su (Japanese to English) I Look Up When I walk My tears are flowing down A spring night out by myself I look up as I stroll out so my tears will not fall down The stars are blinking Still there is one soul in the summer night Fortune to have clouds blessing me in the sky As I walk I look above My tears are shedding I am crying by myself All just one soul in the autumn night The stars are sad With me the moon spilling that feeling When I walk alone I look up Crying so in a night alone Just one soul in this night 壽喜燒 坂本九, Sakamoto Kyū written by Rokusuke Ei and Hachidai Nakamura. 上を向いて歩こう(すき焼き) 上を向いて歩こう 涙がこぼれないように 思い出す春の日一人ぽっちの夜 上を向いて歩こう にじんだ星をかぞえて 思い出す夏の日一人ぽっちの夜 幸せは雲の上に幸せは空の上に 上を向いて歩こう 涙がこぼれないように 泣きながら歩く一人ぽっちの夜 思い出す秋の日一人ぽっちの夜 悲しみは星のかげに 悲しみは月のかげに 上を向いて歩こう 涙がこぼれないように 泣きながら歩く一人ぽっちの夜 一人ぽっちの夜 Sukiyaki Released in Japan as "Ue O Muite Aruko" (I Look Up When I Walk) Ue wo muitearukou.Namidaga koborenai youniOmoidasu, haru no hiHitoribocchino yoru.Ue wo muitearukou.Nijinda hoshi wo kazoeteOmoidasu, natsu no hi,hitoribocchino yoru.Shiawase wa kumo no ue ni,Shiawase wa sora no ue ni.Ue wo muite arukou.Namidaga koborenai youninaki nagara,aruku, hitoribocchino yoru.Omoidasu, aki no hi,hitoribocchino yoru.Kanashimi wa hoshi no kageni,Kanashima wa tsuki no kageni.Ue wo muite arukou.Namidaka kobore naiyouni,Naki nagara, aruku,hitoribocchino yoru.Hitoribocchino yoru

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Late Wind

晚風 作詞:黃霑 作曲:黃霑 晚風中 有你我的夢 風中借來一點時間緊緊擁擁的那個夢 像一陣風 像一陣風 悠悠愛在風中輕輕送 我心的愛 是否你心的夢 可否借一條橋讓我們相通 在這借來的橋中明天的我 明天的你 會不會再像那天相擁 今晚的風 和明天的夢 到底在你心裡有多少影蹤 是否這個晚上借來時間 借來晚風 把我的愛送到你心中 Late Wind Lyrics, composer: Huang Zhan In the evening wind, it has your and my dream In it we borrow a little time to hug tight The held dream is like a breeze, like a breeze It is sent gently with love In my heart that love Is it your heart’s dream? Can we borrow a bridge to go through? In this borrowed bridge Tomorrow I and tomorrow you Will it be like that day’s embracing? This evening wind and tomorrow dream How many traces left in your heart? Can it be this evening? Borrow some time borrow some late wind To send my love into your heart Huang Zhan’s concert Huang Zhan was a Hong Kong talent in music score. In this production, he had the 100 traditional Chinese instruments. Chinese music in Hong Kong was much more developed in the 1950s to 2000. With the opening up of China, Beijing and Shanghai have taken on a more important role in musicianship. There was a time when Hong Kong was the only place that held the old Shanghai music productions, and Taiwan was very militaristic under Chiang’s martial law, and China was under Mao’s regime. The free air and art was prevalent in Hong Kong, and it was an oasis for the venue of our artistic hearts. The last president praised Elizabeth for singing so wonderfully. Elizabeth Su sang tonight for the memorial of many people, including Huang Zhan, her late artistic mother who loved to sing. This song also was sung by the star, Miss Yeh QianWen, the granddaughter of Ambassador George Yeh.