Tuesday, October 03, 2006

東窗事發 Detective Version of Why the Press Was Ordered Out

East Window Affairs Revealed
Lurid Congressional e-mail Scandal and Ethics Fallout in Washington While I was in China, the CNN story broke out that Congressman Mark Foley resigned due to the lurid email scandal that was between the Congress pages minor and him. As a bill drafter who made into law that defending the family values and the junior minor’s proper conducts, this turns to be the ultimate joke. Melanie Sloan, Executive director, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said that in fact, that they turned in the report to the FBI since July 21st portends to a bigger scandal involved in D.C. The who, when and what about the case of the Congressman’s sending lurid email to minor has yet to unfold. This destroys the trust high prestige system the American parents have toward the Congress as they send their junior high youth to be trained in the Capitol Hill. So apparently this man is gay and it is a wide open knowledge, this does implicate the House Speaker Dennis Hastert as he must have covered up his subordinate’s aggressive and often non-ethical standard behavior. Rep. Ray Lahood (R), Illinois, who is close to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, in this matter, he says, “This program is antiquated, and flawed under Democrats and Republicans.” Rep. Robert Wexler (D) Florida, says “Why has Attorney General Gonzales not investigated since May or June? If it was the democrats, they would have.” So Hastert refuses calls to step down over Foley scandal. Where does the buck stop? Should Bucks stop at the Boss, the speaker? As a detective sleuth minded person, I would ask a fundamental question: If it is a behavioral pattern of Dennis Hastert to safeguard the crime, not the value system, then he should step down. Irregardless the party affiliation, one should not be so loyal to the Republicans no matter what rights and value he violates. Something must be up when the press suddenly was ordered to evacuate the White House, after President Bush asked Josh Bolten to court the press as he took on his position as Chief of Staff. The White House correspondents have abused the power to be in the entourage, in the same hotel, and trampled on the White House as if they are the queens and kings, and not the ethical group. The reason they were suddenly got ousted is possibly due to the FBI received on July 21st, the investigation and complaint from Melanie Sloan, Executive director, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. So we heard on August 2nd, that they were leaving as the last day, and they won’t be around, until March. This is very unusual for a remodeling a room to take that long. So admittedly, there may be an unruly scandalous press behavior that needed the First Lady’s presence to say farewell to the press, as she is warning the aggressive special privileged press to be on the look out for their lurid messaging and behavior. As one reporter might be trying to implicate the President by reporting “President said privately, and in public as well...” One suspects that she is speaking the truth, and the president is lying, or she is inflating her own status by lying and the president is clean. Anyway, God seems to be on the dirty people’s case, Hastert is from Illinois and so is this girl’s school and Foley is from Florida, resigned, debunked, so is this girl’s family. So it looks like God is trying to demote her, while the president trying to promote her still. In the end, God is always superior to the King.


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