Tuesday, January 31, 2006

America's Intentions - Comments on Bush's State of the Union Address

Today George W. Bush did a very Yang (sunny) style of presentation in his State of the Union Address. It is the very best of him, his training, his Bush dynasty aura, and resolute leader talent, and brings a bright America out to the front. It is said that 30 channels of viewers were watching in Iraq and Iran. That is the best for the world to see how America has the most elegant system in work and in action. Tonight is not the night to talk about problems within, but only to focus on the bright outlook. America will win because for its intentions, will lose because of its ignorance. Japan lost because of its bad intentions, stipulated clearly in the 50 pages of PM proposal to the emperor, the blueprint for the invasion of China. They underestimated the Chinese, including the patriotic warlords. America opposing Islamic fundamentalist terrorists is like the Chinese Nationalists fighting for freedom against Japan. It is true that both Nationalists and Communists were fighting against one another, but the Nationalists mobilized 70% of the fighting against Japan, while the Communists only did 30%. Bush: “We love our freedom and we will fight to keep it.” One of the main sources of opposition is radical Islam. Terrorists like Bin Laden are serious about mass murdering. We seek end of Tyranny in the world. America committed shameful act of giving Chinese Manchuria to Russia, this is the most cowardly act, to give a surrendered land robbed from one country to another, just like at the end of WWI, giving Shangdong Peninsula from surrendered Germany to Japan. From the Nationalist efforts and foundation for peace, America enjoyed 60 years of leadership and peace and prosperity. But now the tide is changing. China and India have rid of all negative blocks, and Mao’s backward mentality has gone awry. Though India never contributed to WWII as an independent democracy, it suffered under the British colonial system. Now they are yearning to have a better life and their own voice. Both civilizations are ancient, America as a young child really does have some unknown fears because they may lose the balances to lead. So Bush is concerned with the leadership. One thing best is about the “American Competitive Initiative” to keep an edge in education and give to talents and science an edge. Will double critical physical science over 10 years. In nanotechnology, supercomputing, alternative energy, math, science and high waged jobs, with tax credits to promote bolder plans. This is to insure that America will have innovation. About immigrants a correction needs to be made. “Some people think that immigrants are bad. Yet, this country can not do without them.” It should be only the illegal immigrants are bad, I don’t think anyone believes that the legal immigrants are bad. He should not combine legal and illegal immigrants into one category. As before, America does not have the guts to admit its mistakes, like with Nationalist China. After World War II, Russia, England and America together choked off a new Republic’s strive to fight for sovereignty. But America when they used the Nationalists and their soldiers, asked them to sacrifice and gave their precious blood and lives, America never questioned their ‘corruption’, America urged them to sacrifice. America asked them to uphold the four freedoms, but America did not want to lend a helping hand once the war was over. America saw starved to death bodies, and complained this was due to ‘corruption’. But if America was so powerful and pure, they could oversee the aid process and help China rebuild and eliminate the corruption. We saw Eleanor Roosevelt wearing a mink coat, but when Mei Ling Soong wore a mink coat, she was condemned as corrupt. No one ever questioned how Roosevelt’s or Kennedy’s family got their money; they are not that pure either. America only gave China junky canned goods that were past the expiration date to substitute for the real decent aid, America didn’t give best weapons to Chinese, but Russia would transfer Japanese guns to the communists. Sooner or later, America needs to have a plan, and an admission of guilt. Only then, America can be respected. By continually touting the correct Japanese democracy isn’t going to make Chinese Nationalists happy. America government was mishandled. There were some kind American private associations that did help China. I must thank those kind American souls. It is due to these good Americans, that the Chinese, Islamic, and the rest of the world still loves America as ever.


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