Saturday, January 28, 2006

Happy New Year!

Dear everyone! Let me borrow Google Dog with red envelope to wish everyone a happy New Year!

Year of the Dog fortune god will descend on the kindest and on the fairest of all!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!




In the booming sound of the firecrackers, one year is gone Spring wind sends warmth into the herbal wine named tu su Tens of thousands of homes, doors, are in the shining sun Always tend to replace the old faded Taoist picture into new peach wood

By Wang Anshi (1021-1086), Prime Minister of Northern Soong Dynasty

王安石:(1021~1086),北宋政治家、思想家、文學家。字介甫,晚號半山。撫州臨川(今屬江西)人。 Wang An Shi 1021 ~ 1086 A.D. Northern Soong Statesman, prime minister, literature giant, Jiangxi province. Emperor Soong Ren Zong, he sent a proposal in 1058 with 10,000 characters for reform, to change the feeble state and to strengthen the country, with wealth and a powerful army, to restrain the officials linked to large landowners. In 1070 A.D, he became the prime minister. He supported taking back the regions west of the Yellow River, and changed the strategic battle plans toward XiXia, West Xia (a tribe from today's northern Afghanistan). But he met with resistance with a conservative party. He retired into JiangNing, alias, Nanjing. 仁宗慶歷進士。嘉佑三年(1058)上万言書,提出變法主張,要求改變“積貧 積弱”的局面,推行富國強兵的政策,抑制官僚地主的兼并,強化統治力量,以防止大規模的農民起義,鞏固地主階級的統治。 神宗熙宁二年(1069)任參知政事。次年任宰相,依靠神宗實行變法。并支持五取西河等州,改善對西夏作戰的形勢。因保守派反對,新法遭到阻礙。熙宁七年辭退。次年再相;九年再辭,還居江宁(今江蘇南京),封舒國公, 改封荊,世稱荊公。卒謚文。   他強調“權時之變”,反對因循保守,是中國十一世紀的改革家。他主張“絕求正所以經世務”,設置專局,使子与門人纂修各經新義,以為誦習的定本。《詩》、《書》、《周官》三經新義最為重要,《周官新義》尤能闡發新政理論。他的詩文頗有揭露時弊、反映社會矛盾之作,體現了他的政治主張和抱負。散文雄健峭拔,舊時被列為“唐宋八大家”之一。詩歌遒勁清新。詞雖不多而風格高峻,《桂枝畫金陵怀古》頗有名。所著《字說》、《鐘山目錄》等,多已散佚。今存《王臨川集》、《臨川集拾遺》、《三經新義》中的《周官新義》殘卷、《老子注》若干條。


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