Sunday, January 29, 2006

神荼鬱壘二神像 New Year Door God Posters on the Door

神荼 鬱壘 New Year Posters on the Door Door Gods Shen Tu and Yu Lei to Chase Away Evil Spirits Shen Tu God is older than tea. Free Mind’s Chinese culture research, copyrighted. Free Mind discovered that Door God is older than the tea god.
Based on the language evolution, one can tell which way happened first.
畫著傳說能伏惡鬼的神荼、鬱壘二神像 In ancient legend, there are two door gods pasted on the front door, left and right. One is called 神荼Shen Tu, the other 鬱壘Yu Lei. Tea 茶 is like Tu 荼 minus one line. Tea, this character, is fairly new, it appeared in the Tang dynasty. If you read all the earlier ancient literature, there is no such character of tea. This means that tea, is a particular custom formulated in to a school of study during the Tang Dynasty, and before, it was more ingredients than just the green leaves. In Tang, Tea was refined into an institution, a school, an industry. 765 AD, Lu Yu wrote the world’s first tea specialty “Art of Tea Scripture”. 陸羽(公元733-804年),字鴻漸;一名疾,字季疵,號竟陵子、桑苧翁、東岡子,唐復州竟陵郡 (今湖北省天門縣) 人。陸羽精於茶道,以著世界第一部茶葉專著《茶經》而聞名於世,因被後人稱為「茶聖」。 Lu Yu, 733 – 804, we refer him as “Saint of Tea”. When one studies linguistics, one opens the window into the ancient custom. 春聯起源於古代的「桃符」,古代民間在新年時懸掛於大門左右,畫著傳說能伏惡鬼的神荼、鬱壘二神像,或寫著二神名的兩塊桃木板,用來驅鬼避邪,所以王安石的詩中:「總把新桃換舊符」。 In the ancient time, there were Taoist drawings on the peach wood which can chase away the evil spirit, like the peach wood sword. So replacing the new peach wood substituting for the old faded Taoist drawing. 我的中國文化大謎題揭曉﹐文字的秘密與生活習慣研究求證 Free Mind's Great Civilization Investigation. Five Pearls of My Great Finds in Breakthrough in the Language Secret and Cultural Customs Each one can be a Doctors Dissertation Subject. This is self-guided research and derived wisdom. Hopefully, this can encourage all interested to prove that my conclusion is correct, if not, to disprove me otherwise.

Mao robbed the Chinese intellectuals of the ability to pose such an interesting quest into the original cultural life, because he changed the character into simplifying character. He short-changed a generation’s curiosity in probing the grace of a language.

I am continually assiduously into Shang Dynasty research. I hope that I can make more advanced links in early geography, ancient life, Yi Jing, astronomy, and science. 1) Door god Sheng Tu, in Chinese consciousness, is older than tea. Why? 神荼這個神在中國人民意識中﹐比茶久遠多了。 為什麼﹖ 茶這個字﹐到唐朝才出現。 之前﹐篆字體﹐都是荼﹐多一橫。 唐朝才有茶﹖可以這麼說﹐茶道的規模﹐是由唐朝發展規模起來的。 唐朝的茶道極發達。陸羽733 - 804﹐茶聖。 陸羽精於茶道,以著世界第一部茶葉專著《茶經》而聞名於世,因被後人稱為「茶聖」。 終於在公元765年寫成世界上第一部關於茶的研究著作《茶經》的初稿。 765 AD, Lu Yu wrote the world’s first tea specialty “Art of Tea Scripture”. 陸羽開創的茶葉學術研究,歷經千年,研究的門類更加齊全,研究的手段也更加先進,研究的成果更是豐盛,茶葉文化得到了更為廣泛的發展。陸羽的貢獻也日益為中國和世界所認識。 2) 隋朝﹐開始出現“造像”詞語﹐為什麼﹖ 答: 北魏盛行刻像於石窟﹐造像於石壁﹐阿富汗人的習慣。 In Sui dynasty, the word "Making picture" phrase and expression started to appear in China, why? Answer. Prior to Sui dynasty, the Northern Wei dynasty, the people used to inscribe the imagery onto the stone, to make a wish for blessing. This is due to Afghanistan custom. Chinese in Henan Province liked to make only characters, not so much into imagery. 3) 北朝的公主是白人。 Northern dynasty princesses were white. Why? 4) 把絲的秘密洩漏出的不是漢人﹐為什麼﹖ 答﹕北魏公主﹐490 A。D。遠嫁到和闐時。 The revealing silk making to the west was not Han people, why? It was the northern dynasty princess who was betrothed to Xinjiang and smuggled silk worms in the bamboo to pass the Great Wall Gate at the west Jia Yu pass and spread to her husband's country. 5) “Magic”this word came from China﹐why? It is a Chinese word, and it passed through Persia, traversed to the west. 英文魔術字彙來自中國魔技﹐經過波斯。


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