Thursday, February 16, 2006

Comments on KMT Chairman Ma Ying Jiu's Strategy Hong Kong Newspaper: Ma Ying Jiu’s Team Is Not Mature KMT chairman Ma Ying Jiu made his speech over consecutive days, in the London Political Economic College, about his position on China/Taiwan unification or independence. According to the Hong Kong media, this is too early to express his position and provided to his opponents ammunition to attack him. It once again reveals his team is immature. 評論認為,在台灣「總統」陳水扁將推動廢除「國統綱領」和「國統會」提上議事日程,加速推進法理台獨進程、可能導致兩岸關係進一步緊張惡化的今天,馬英九公開表示「不排除以兩岸的終極統一作為選項」,這樣的表態顯然有與陳水扁對對幹的意味,馬英九對自己政治魅力的自信也顯露無遺。 To counter Chen Shui Bian’s plan to put the “abolish national unification” resolution on the discussion table, Ma expresses “Not to rule out the possibility to have the eventual unification as the elective”. 港報: 馬英九團隊不成熟2006-2-16 【大公網訊】針對中國國民黨主席馬英九連日來在倫敦政經學院發表的兩岸統獨談話,,香港媒體認為,馬英九過早地在兩岸政策和統獨方面表明自己的立場,無異於向對手提供攻擊自己的彈藥,也再次暴露馬英九團隊的不成熟。 香港報章今天發表評論稱,作為二零零八年台灣總統選舉的最熱門人選,馬英九的相關闡述雖然讓外界清晰看到他對兩岸關係未來發展的思路,但作為在野黨領袖,尤其是在統獨陣營壁壘分明、執政民進黨正在加快推進法理台獨進程的台灣,馬英九這番表白,需冒的一個風險是,過早地在兩岸政策和統獨方面表明自己的立場,無異於向對手提供攻擊自己的彈藥。 評論認為,在台灣「總統」陳水扁將推動廢除「國統綱領」和「國統會」提上議事日程,加速推進法理台獨進程、可能導致兩岸關係進一步緊張惡化的今天,馬英九公開表示「不排除以兩岸的終極統一作為選項」,這樣的表態顯然有與陳水扁對對幹的意味,馬英九對自己政治魅力的自信也顯露無遺。 評論又說,台灣政治的險惡,馬英九應當具有清醒的認識。連戰、宋楚瑜在二零零四年的「總統」選舉中最後因兩顆不明子彈輸給陳水扁、呂秀蓮,這樣的教訓馬英九不得不記取。作為在野黨領袖,馬英九原本應採取的策略是以逸待勞、後發制人,將自己的著力點放在對民進黨的監督之上,或許對自己未來的「總統」選戰規劃更為有利。 「中央社」香港十六日電 注:【大公網訊】或【大公專訊】為本網即時新聞,非引自《大公報》,敬請留意。 The next thing Ma did, to woo the pan green voters, was to put out an ad in the green media, to list “Taiwan Independence” as a political option that he will not rule out. Ma asked KMT spokeswoman Zheng Liwen to come back to Taiwan from Europe to clarify the motif for this ad. 馬英九急派鄭麗文返台灭火2006-2-16 【大公網訊】國民黨主席馬英九急於討好台灣泛綠選民,以國民黨名義在綠系色彩的媒體刊登廣告,首度在國民黨史上將「台獨」列入日後兩岸關係政策選項。台獨選項說不但引起國民黨榮譽主席連戰嚴辭駁斥「反對」,也讓「立法院長」王金平提出質疑未經黨內決策。 據中時電子報消息,由於茲事體大,馬英九急於澄清滅火,立即要求國民黨文傳會主委兼發言人鄭麗文火速奔回台灣,鄭麗文銜馬之命從歐洲返台後,立即於今(16)日上午在國民黨中央黨部發表談話,澄清這次國民黨刊登廣告動機其實相當單純,只是讓自由時報的讀者瞭解馬英九主席的談話,並不是國民黨在兩岸政策上有重大或不同以往的宣示。 鄭麗文表示,大陸對岸的反應也沒有媒體報導的如此緊張,她表示國共溝通平台一直相當暢通,就是為了兩岸避免因為誤會造成擦槍走火,因此兩黨之間一直透過大陸事務部主任張榮恭有固定的溝通,他們對國民黨的立場一直都很清楚,經過簡單說明之後,也已經沒有疑慮,大家可以不用擔心。 注:【大公網訊】或【大公專訊】為本網即時新聞,非引自《大公報》,敬請留意。 Comments: Ma’s Team is immature and has stirred up troubles which need good fixes. In the process to try to please all sides, he has angered all sides. The blunder is that Ma made a statement by saying “The eventual outcome is to unify.” This caused an uproar of the deep green independence supporters. The following comment caused a big stir in the deep Reds, “In our KMT agenda electives, we won’t rule out the possibility to discuss Taiwan Independence”. Ma should replace his immature spokeswoman, Miss Zheng Liwen. In examining her past, she has done damage to bring down the Nationalist construct. Many of the eroding forces such as Zhu Gao Zheng and Cheng Wen Qian, according to English Cai’s professor, Zhang LinZheng’s words, “Have given up their dark practices and are running toward the light.” The DPP racial agitators against the Nationalists have righted the wrong by giving up their DPP affiliation, and are turning toward the light. She helped out the DPP in attacking Chinese. She made errors. Then she turned around after the DPP deserted her and paid her nothing in return. This is called the utilitarian politician style, not true spirit. Unless she is the only choice and no one can exceed her, this is indeed the tragic declining in the mind of the Nationalists in Taiwan. We offer the critique: No one is above a party, not even Ma Ying Jiu. Real depth will win, not the shallow media-hyped type such as Miss Zheng Liwen. Ma Ying Jiu should be the leading force, above the media, not being driven by the media, not the dog being wagged by the tail. Otherwise, he is being represented and manipulated. The collective contribution and sacrifice is the basic anchor of the party’s spirit. No one can represent it, or ruin it. Ma ought to hire a serious Ji Yao Mi Shu, Chief of staff, or top adviser, not a media junkie, this is not a show. Even in Taiwan, the standard is lower than the U.S., but still, Ma needs to stand out as a serious contender, not a showman, and along with an actress. This immature Public spokesman will doom Ma Jing Jiu, if it keeps prolonging the stabbing the beehive strategy. By taking out a letter in the Wall Street Journal, is to secure nothing more than a roused show, without substance or strong theoretical backing. What he needs is passion, and theories to state the case of the collective Nationalists for honor and freedom, not for the pleasing of China, or the DPP, but for the Nationalists. Then he can stand with a straight backbone, and the world will listen. When the blue supporters start to desert him, then he will lose. He still has chances, to get it done with care to prevent the DPP’s agenda of abolishing the Unification measurements. What is wrong with someone being used: Li Deng Hui used many people to oust his KMT opponents. A Ph.D. told me that Lee Deng Hui’s one man presidential candidate is to serve the democracy. His reasoning is that Lee’s way was to remove Chiang Kai Shek and his son’s power in Taiwan, and gave democracy a chance. What he failed to see is that one candidate for presidency is not a democracy, irregardless of whether the purpose was to conclude the mainlanders control in Taiwan or not. Likewise, with Miss Zheng was being used as a pawn to do demonstration against the KMT by Li Deng Hui, to oust them, now has a change of heart, to work for the KMT. How can Ma Ying Jiu’s good name to be put on a yoyo and to re-establish KMT after the traumatic evaporation works administered by Li Deng Hui for 12 years under his belt and rein as the KMT chairman and ROC president? A Zen master and some master needs to instill in him and help him with a wise methodology before it is too late, and the chance passes him by that will never come again.


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