Saturday, February 18, 2006

Advice on President's Day

In Celebration of President’s Day Respectable Eisenhower Reigns Best in My Memory Saving wars, lives, and pools of blood is the man’s ultimate decision. In 1954, Eisenhower, against his top advisers’ recommendations, did not use nuclear weapons against China. Eisenhower told Hagerty that his “one purpose” was “the job of keeping this world at peace.” p.379, “Eisenhower Soldier and President” by Stephen E. Ambrose. Five Times in 1954, virtually the entire NSC, JCS, and State Department recommended that he intervene in Asia, even using atomic bombs against China. 1. 4/1954, the Dien Bien Phu crisis grew critical 2. 5/1954, on the eve of the fall of Dien Bien Phu. 3. 6/1954, French said the Chinese were about to enter the Indochina conflict. 4. 9/1954. Chinese Communists began shelling Quemoy and Matsu. 5. 11/1954. Chinese Communists announced the prison terms for the American fliers. Five times in one year the experts advised the President to launch an atomic strike against China. Five times he said no. Eisenhower was talented in disengaging the domestic pressure to attack China by using nuclear weapons. How Eisenhower Administered CIA to Maintain Peace in Asia (from book excerpt, by Free Mind) Under Allen Dulles’ direction, and with Eisenhower’s encouragement, the CIA had been conducting covert operations around the world. (footnote, bibliography p.475 “Eisenhower Soldier and President” by Stephen E. Ambrose). Also, by late Ambassador Sheng Qi’s article when he served as interpreter in 1953 for Chiang Kai Shek, when Eisenhower’s ambassador was talking in Taiwan. Eisenhower’s CIA works and Taiwan In 1953, Eisenhower started to talk to Chiang Kai Shek and eventually led to the dissolution of the Third Power in Hong Kong and employed them in Hong Kong Chinese University, and allowed the democratic dissidents to serve in the Senate and different teaching posts, and economical sectors in Taiwan. This group of people was a good anchor to regulate Chiang Kai Shek’s military power and rule in Taiwan. Serving as educators, administrators, government employees, they would organize and stimulate and augment Taiwan’s depleted human resources after 50 years of suppressive ruling under Japan. This group of people maintained stability, and contributed to economical prosperity to China. How Chinese Blood Saved Korea and Insured Korea Stability Since 1953 According to Marine General Zhou Yu Huan’s article, from July 16 to July 18 1953, in the Dongshan East Mountain Island battle, over 1000 Communist soldiers lives and over 3000 Nationalist soliders lives were shed in order to secure Mao’s agreement on a cease fire, for the Korean people’s peace that continues until today. US used Chinese soldiers, and 3000 died on both sides, in order to press Mao to sign the peace treaty on Korea war. 東山島戰役地面登陸攻擊係於1953年 〈而非1962年〉七月十六日清晨五時四十二分發動,與中共防守及增援的解放軍激戰後,載運部隊撤退的兩棲登陸戰車LVT-3C於十八日凌晨二時二十分完成在黑夜中自灘頭搶運所有地面作戰部隊返航的任務,歷時不足兩天〈而非三天〉〈參自楊友三於中外雜誌2003年,四月號,海軍陸戰隊周宇寰將軍一文〉。 登陸部隊的編成包括金防部、陸軍第十九軍、空降部隊、海、空軍和陸戰隊。 陸戰隊以第一旅為基礎編成一個登陸部隊,代名河北支隊。〈參自孔令晟於中外雜誌2003年,一月號,追念海軍陸戰隊故司令周宇寰將軍一文〉。筆者註:第十九軍參戰部隊主要為第四十五師的兩個團所組成。另有乘坐機帆船的國軍反共救國軍參戰,而隨同傘兵空降作戰的尚有十數位政戰學校學生志願軍,筆者就讀台南二中高中時軍訓教官傅峻即為其中一員,傅先生於著陸後在戰鬥中身中五槍,可以想像戰況之慘烈,極幸運地後為登陸部隊搶救返航。 據徐焰著的台海大戰〈上〉中共觀點一書引述中國社科出版社的〈當代中國軍隊的軍事工作〉提及該役解放軍以傷亡、失蹤1250人的代價,殲滅國軍3319人〈其中死傷2477人、被俘842人〉。 〈陸戰隊只派了一個旅,而桑文稱陸戰隊派了兩個師損失了一個師,即便與此一出自中共內部的消息來源出入均甚大〉 該役為當時金防部司令官胡璉與美國情報單位西方公司所共同策劃完成〈參自胡璉金門憶舊文,桑文說沒有知會美方並不正確〉。 Quemoy defense commander general Hu Lian and American intelligence unit Western Company to jointly devised the plan, this is based on general Hu Lian’s memoir article, American not only knew about it, they jointly participated and executed the plan. 在當時的時空下,韓戰停戰協定尚在拉扯仍未簽署,〈即使到了1953年七月十三日夜中共抗美援朝“志願軍 ”尚以1000餘門大炮及卡秋莎火箭部隊兩個師在韓國金城西南及金城川以北地區對盟軍野戰工事猛烈轟擊,在20分鐘內落彈1900餘噸,突擊部隊發起衝擊,一小時內全面突破盟軍前沿陣地:參自遼寧人民出版社朱世良著彭德懷在朝鮮戰場〉。 On July 13, Communist Chinese anti-American, and aid Korea “Volunteer Army” fired violently with over 1000 cannons and rockets. It dropped over 1900 tons of bombs in 20 minutes. The attack front line broke the allied troops entire front line. 〈筆者認為〉:美方當時為了給在韓國戰場談判中的中共造成心理上的壓力以促談,又藉在台灣的老蔣總統三年多來一心一意反攻大陸的宿願與決心及中共佔據中國大陸腳步未穩懼怕台灣反攻等因素,而提出以傘兵空降與陸戰隊作先鋒的三軍突擊方案給台灣。 American added psychological pressure to the Communist Chinese in the Korea war zone negotiation in order to complete the peace talk, and also to use Chiang Kai Shek’s old wish and resolution to make a comeback in mainland China, and the deep fear and worry by the Communists that Taiwan would attack back before China communists thoroughly were standing firm in their stability, and thus America proposed a "3 branch" war strategy to Taiwan, with parachutes and marines as the frontal force. Hence the DongShan battle happened. 老蔣總統方面意識到韓戰一旦停戰,共軍勢必大舉南移,解決台灣問題迫在眉睫。藉由美國嚴肅看待中共對美國的威脅,如果美國能協助中華民國逐步完成反攻大陸的願景,此正其時。東山島正是中選的實驗場。 Chiang realized that once the Korean War ended, the communists would come south, so the Taiwan problem was imminent. If America could help ROC in the prospect of recovering China gradually, America was seriously evaluating the threat from China, then this was the moment to have the battle, hence, Dong Shan island became the ‘select target for Experimentation for Combat’. 東山島雖然它是侷促於中國大陸極南方的一個小島,可是1953年七月十六日在島上發生的戰鬥對位於千里之外的韓戰結束起了臨門一腳的作用,毛澤東終於願意簽字了,韓戰最後停戰協定簽署於1953年七月二十七日板門店。 Although a tiny island, in a July 16, 1953 battle, Dongshan had a deep impact on the Korea war conclusion 1000 miles away, as it kicked the cease-fire into the door as previously it was right outside the door, Mao finally agreed to sign. This Korea War Cease Fire agreement was signed on July 27, 1953. So the outcome of this was that America was instrumental in having the communists and the nationalists fight each other, and the assessment of the Dongshan battle outcome was that neither side would gain if the war continued, so this prompted Mao to sign the Korean War cease fire. This also was after Mao incurred 1,000,000 Chinese soldiers lives lost in Korea, he did not have another 1,000,000 to sacrifice. Two points 1) America designed a package to ask Chinese to kill off each other. This is hardly a courageous act, to see who outlasts in a duel format in Dongshan Island battle. America didn't have to waste a life, and got a cease fire agreement in Korea which saved many more American lives, without committing any blood. 2) This cast in stone or status quo is 'secure and tidy' for the American interests, but this split many families up, and restrained Chiang and many young ROC soldiers and government employees the chance to ever go back to China, trapping them in Taiwan for the rest of their lives without getting any benefit of land or capital. This is cruelty and against the principles of human rights and human conscience. We need to credit and give condolences to the Nationalist government and to pay tribute to all the sacrificial blood, only to honor them, and by realizing this historical injustice, can God give or once again grant America the freedom to live without the plague of war and attacks, after the Chinese Nationalists fought very hard to shelter Americans from suffering. How CIA grabbed Chinese Mine Resources from Jiangxi Province (From Excerpt of Chinese Contribution after WWII and Waived the Japanese War Retribution by the U.S., researched and written by Free Mind) From a real encounter of the rare mineral mine owner’s personal testimonials. U.S. president always needs to find an equilibrium balance between two extreme voices. As the trade dispute with China, the best policy is to remain moderate. The pro-China American beneficiaries provide two forceful arguments to support trade, first, China being the fastest growing consumers of US exports, second, China gives the US a low inflation climate, and enrich homeowners, home equity is the essence of consumer market economy. The anti-China sentiment is that Americans lose jobs to China. But America sells Boeing and China should be able to sell other items to America. If you break down this mutual economic circle, no one can repair it, not even India, Japan, or any country. China also should realize that to hurt the U.S. economy doesn’t portend too well for China. This is because through trade with Americans, China is able to rise from rags to riches, to create a middle class, although this doesn’t come easy, many are from sheer intensive hard labor and toil in the factories. America needs to have sympathetic ways to understand that China has contributed greatly to World peace and that the U.S. has a historical record of abusing its power to demand Chinese to serve U.S. purposes. Many historical events point to the fact even during early 1900’s, U.S. sold off Chinese interests. During World War II, Chinese soldiers fought for free for the Americans, without being paid by America. When treasurer Kong Xiang Xi requested some payment, he was forced down to leave his post. Much of the corruption attached to Nationalists is on a smaller scale compared to the U.S. lobby group who influence policies on a larger scale, so is the communist network of interests, each node is many folds more mightier than Kong or Soong family.


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