Monday, February 20, 2006

Memorial for Sun Yun Xuan 孫運璿悼文

Sun Yun Xuan, 1913-2006, Former Minister of Economics and Prime Minister for ROC Memorial for Sun Yun Xuan A stellar man like one of the 7 stars of the Big Dipper cluster has passed away. In very ancient Chinese folklore, the 4 upper stars in the Big Dipper are the gentry and literature stars, and the lower 3 are the war-related martial stars. The deep culture line of philosophy and its human to supernatural myth is still in the Heaven’s Peace Altar in the Forbidden City, and many ancient China Proper palaces with Tai Shang Lao Jun, the Supreme old gentleman god. The Chinese philosophy of the universe is to endow the stars with human ability and with powers, so a mystic and great star can descend to do work for the blessing of the earthly kind. This is a holistic view of the universe, surrounded by kindness and harmony, heaven and humans. So the embodiments of the 7 saints are 7 stars. He descended like Sun Yat-sen, Zhu Jiahua, to save China, to save mankind. A Great man has passed away. His greatness was in that he was able to carry out his projects, and contribute to the nation and the people, without being bogged down by politics, serving under a controversial figure like President Chiang Jing-guo. His deep love toward the ROC is buried deep and with action rather than rhetoric, and must have withstood all assaults by extremists in his last few years after his stroke. He said, “I’m younger than the ROC by 2 years, all of my life, looking up to my elder brother to support my loving brother.” No matter if the ROC’s existence was limited to Taiwan, it has the right to survive and the existentialism, “I think, so I exist.” The theory that he and other mainlanders who came to Taiwan committed the “original sin” and disdained by Li Deng Hui is an unfair charge, in contrast to the contributions of many mainlanders like Sun to Taiwan. As a justification for the existence in Taiwan, one must take America into the scale of the unjust, because America forced the Yalta Treaty on the ROC, along with Russia and Britain. No one has the right to charge the ROC for being in Taiwan, and does not have any right to condemn or to discriminate. Li Deng Hui should take up this issue with the U.S. and not to oppress the ROC subjects. Sun’s philosophy was pragmatic and to fulfill his life journey, as such described by the scripture of the Big Dipper. Translation: 抗戰勝利後,面對戰爭後所造成的電力設施破壞,以及日籍技師全面撤出台灣的情況,孫運璿卻在五個月後使台灣電力恢復80%的正常供應,打破日本人的預言「三個月後,台灣將一片黑暗」,也為台灣經濟發展奠定穩定的基礎。 After we won the WWII victory, and the Japanese electrical technicians evacuated from Taiwan, within 5 months, Sun Yun Xuan restored Taiwan’s electricity supply, and he broke the Japanese prediction “After 3 months, Taiwan will be in dark”. This helped Taiwan to secure an economic development foundation. 一九四三年,距今六十五年,在美國田納西州一個小城捷特努加,報上有張十幾個中國工程師合照的照片,上面首段寫著:「當和平來到被戰爭蹂躪的中國時,在龐大的復原計劃中,這些工程師將建造幾個像田納西水壩(當時世界最大水壩)一樣的水力發電工程,」這篇文章更寫道:「他們要將中國的煤油燈換成電燈。」 抗戰勝利,本是這批人圓夢的時刻,但中國內戰槍聲劃破了這批年輕人的理想,可是其中一個年輕人卻把這個夢,移師台灣來實踐。 1943, in Tennessee, in a local Chattanooga newspapers, there is a photo of ten some Chinese engineers, and the first paragraph, is written as this: “When peace arrives in the war ravaged China, in the large scale post-war reconstruction plan, all these engineers shall build several such Tennessee dams (The world’s largest dam at the time), the same hydro-electrical power projects. This article wrote further: “They want to change Chinese’s gas lamps to electrical lamps.” After victory of WWII, the Resistance war against Japan, it was time for these people to realize their dreams. However, the Chinese Civil War broke these young men’s ideals, leading one young man to fulfill his dream in Taiwan. Commentary: Tennessee Valley Authority Large government projects funded at government expense. Hoover started and Roosevelt finished the Hoover Dam. When a Republican started something good, Democrats can take the credit. The Power of the U.S. Governmental structure, the U.S. Governmental Transition There were many good Transition projects, but from Roosevelt to Truman, the bad transition was very costly. Henry Morgenthau, the Secretary of the Treasury, was with Roosevelt’s New Deal plan, and he suppressed Chinese soldiers’ request for payment by Chinese treasurer Kong Xiang Xi. By removing Kong, the Chinese economy was derailed and inflation and economic collapse happened. After millions sacrificed for freedom, peace and sovereignty, and all the war efforts for U.S., Britain, France, and there were no comparable figures from Indians, Vietnamese, Burmese soldiers, the U.S. left wing subverted China’s Nationalist government. Secretary of State Marshall was to help Europe in his March 1947 Harvard speech, the initial conceptualized “Marshall Plan”. This was after Marshall intervened in the Chinese Civil War and made sure that the communists were on the winning side, and he left in January 1947. An Engineer to Bring Brightness to Taiwan’s Future Author: Yang Ailee, 1.1.1998 From TianXia, Worldwide Magazine, issue number 200 為台灣帶來光明未來的工程師 【作者:楊艾俐 1998.01.01 】                  天下雜誌第200期 如果你問經濟部長孫運璿一生最大的願是什麼?他會毫不猶豫地說:「當工程師。」在哈爾濱工業大學唸電機系的時候,他的心目中擺著一個當工程師的願望,希望透過工程師的腦海,一手讓某種夢想實現。(楊嘉慶攝) 抗戰勝利後,面對戰爭後所造成的電力設施破壞,以及日籍技師全面撤出台灣的情況,孫運璿卻在五個月後使台灣電力恢復80%的正常供應,打破日本人的預言「三個月後,台灣將一片黑暗」,也為台灣經濟發展奠定穩定的基礎。 一九四三年,距今六十五年,在美國田納西州一個小城捷特努加,報上有張十幾個中國工程師合照的照片,上面首段寫著:「當和平來到被戰爭蹂躪的中國時,在龐大的復原計劃中,這些工程師將建造幾個像田納西水壩(當時世界最大水壩)一樣的水力發電工程,」這篇文章更寫道:「他們要將中國的煤油燈換成電燈。」 抗戰勝利,本是這批人圓夢的時刻,但中國內戰槍聲劃破了這批年輕人的理想,可是其中一個年輕人卻把這個夢,移師台灣來實踐。 剛剛過完八十四歲生日的孫運璿,靜靜地住在台北市重慶南路,平日忙於復健、訪客不多。白髮蕭蕭,雖已遠離紛擾國事,但仍以家國為念。 他走過中華民國最動盪年代,也走過中華民國最驕傲年代,在偏遠的甘肅做過基層工程師,也平步青雲、擔任百官之長——行政院長。 不服輸的心 半世紀公僕生涯中,孫運璿挽起袖子、動手去做的特質,最令人懷念。 尤其愈遭困難,他愈要披荊斬棘,克服困難。民國三十六年,台灣百廢待興、滿目瘡痍,尤其盟軍轟炸,台灣輸電線幾乎全毀。日本人行將撤退,臨行前,台電的日本技師預測,台灣在三個月內必將黑暗一片,因為中國人沒有能力修復龐雜電力設施。 當時孫運璿從重慶調來台灣、任台電機電處長,滿心不服輸,對部屬說:「他們打敗了,還看不起我們,我們一定要做給他們看。」 當時,人、財、貨都缺。孫運璿帶領部屬,一一解決難題。他到當時的台北工專、台南工專,借調三、四年級學生,他對校長說,情況緊急,不要讀書了,到台電來工作,供吃供住,又能學技術。這些人與台電原有工程師,在台灣山澗溪邊,並肩修復電力。 盟軍轟炸過的電廠,不是缺零件,就是缺外殼,連螺絲釘都常告缺。孫運璿帶領部屬,拼裝機器,這邊缺的零件到那邊去找,找不到的就到土式工廠去做,上萬個零件就如此拼成。「唯一的辦法,就是沒有辦法中想辦法,」台電前任總經理陳蘭皋說。 結果五個月間,全台灣的電力已恢復八○%,日本技師回台灣看時,都嘖嘖稱奇,不敢相信中國人有此成績。 當時的孫運璿才三十四歲。「全靠這股勁,打敗日本人的預言,」他說。 之後,政府開始發展工業,因為復電順利,無後顧之憂,台灣終在風雨飄搖中駛出自己航道,更打出經濟奇蹟基礎。 民國四十年代,孫運璿以行動,為台灣開拓另一里程碑——人人享受電力。 身為台電總工程師的他,力主人人都有權享用現代科技,於是擬訂長期計劃,在深山、僻遠農村架設電線。 在偏僻深山架電線不但困難,而且穩賠本,做幾公里的路線,只有一兩家用電,出毛病還要修理。他說服電力公司的營業和財務單位,進行農村電氣化工程,「縱使賠,也要做,」他一直這樣堅持。 這項計劃使得本省九九.七%的人口都享受電力,比日本、韓國還普及。今天,不管到台灣哪個角落,舉頭都可看到盤空錯節的輸電線、變電器;當初農戶用的幾支小燈泡,也變成冰箱、電視,拉近了城鄉間的距離。 不論身居何種崗位,孫運璿更能號召大家一起動手。在台電時,他常坐著拼裝的、門隨時會掉下來的吉普車,走遍全省工地。每到一地,他和部屬喝酒談天,叫出對方的名字,甚至還記得部屬的小孩名字,讓員工覺得自己很受重視,更加賣力工作。 他與士卒同甘苦,更身先士卒。有一次台中日月潭發生山崩,當時任台電機電處長的孫運璿趕往現場,要深入地下三、四十公尺,檢查減壓水槽是否損壞,任務危險,不小心就會粉身碎骨。現場有廠長、工程師,都是他的屬下,但孫運璿自告奮勇坐搖車下去檢查,經過許久,才安全出來,旁觀人都為他捏把冷汗。 孫運璿不論擔負何種責任,都堅持兩種理念——堅持行動,關懷基層人民。「不要講無力感,想你能為國家做什麼!」有次他在立法院院會裡說。 在經濟部長任內,他排除眾議,發展半導體,選派研究員赴美學習半導體製造技術,又支持工研院設立工廠,成立聯華電子,奠定現今台灣產值兩千億台幣,全世界排名第四的半導體產業。「跟著他做值得,你知道,他不是為官場下一步打算,」當年曾義務幫忙的旅美學人潘文淵說。 孫運璿沒有忘記政府存在是為人民。民國六十年代,台灣經濟開始轉型,農村子女北上求職,但因為交通不便,北上後,常常一、兩年才能回家一次。有一次,孫運璿在雲林台西汽車站看到一對老夫婦,與一位年輕女子抱頭痛哭,原來是送女兒北上做工。當時擔任經濟部長的他,決定要在中南部設立工業區,使得那些農村子女就業時,不必離鄉背井。「誰無子女?到現在我還記得那對老夫婦的白頭髮,」二十餘年後,他仍難忘。 即使擔任行政院長,孫運璿也時時以基層老百姓為念。民國六十八年,他首次舉行鄉鎮長會議,千位鄉鎮長齊聚僑光堂,他要直接聽基層人民的心聲。當高雄縣茄定鄉女鄉長楊金治,講到自己家鄉年年海水倒灌,鄉民損失慘重,他禁不住痛哭失聲,「我覺得對不起那裡的人民,人民受那樣的苦,我都不知道,」他說:「政府不怕問題多,就怕不知道問題所在。」 他撥出兩百億元經費,修水溝、建海堤、裝路燈,看似瑣碎,卻能實在造福百姓。一位南投縣的老農夫當時曾寫信到行政院:「附近裝了路燈後,我讀夜間部的小女兒,再也不怕走夜路回家了。」 世紀交替、政權交替,國家及個人命運也在交替。從窗外射進的冬陽,靜靜射在孫運璿身上,宦海浮沈、政壇是非,已告終結,但領導人影響深遠,在他身上已充分展現。 《下一篇:帶領台灣走出風雨年代的行政院長


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