Sunday, March 19, 2006

Advice to Bush 他山之石可以攻錯

他山之石可以攻錯 “Other mountain’s rocks can be attacked wrong”. From Shi Jing, earliest compilation of Chinese Poetry “If you tear down one mountain, the rocks will form a new mountain”. Modern interpretation. “When removing your enemy’s enemy, you are canceling all your work, in effect hurting yourself.” By Elizabeth Su, Social Columnist Writer. “If you sacrifice the ROC, the PRC and Russia will benefit”. We wish Mr. Bush has a solid adviser on the Middle East, as Karen Hughes is a good friend and a good Texan, but is not culturally or strategically sound. This week Mr. Bush launched an air assault on the Samarra Sunni city. This decision was made by Florida Central Command General Abizaid and by the commanders on the ground; according to the White House press secretary, as if Bush was not in the decision-making loop to attack the Sunnis. With 1500 troops in clandestine operation Swarmer, reporters were not permitted to be embedded with the troops. But the video shows the only insurgents are two lovely but dead Sunni little kids. So why did Centcom commit another foolish mistake, and later was questioned by the White House? Hence the advice that perhaps you are fueling Iran’s holding grip on the Iraqis. With Saddam’s Sunni government out of power, Iran’s enemy for the past 25 years is now gone, and Shiites friendly to Iran are now gaining power in Iraq. Another meaning is to learn from the mistakes of others. The U.S. can learn from what happened to the KMT in China during World War II. The Chinese ancient deep philosophy has a pun meaning also, that is, when Chinese were busy fighting the Japanese, this made the Russians eventually the biggest winner since the Russians lost to Japan in the 1904-1905 war. Are you helping your invader/enemy number one by annihilating invader/enemy number 2? Then the public outcry will drag Bush’s low rating below 36%, possibly to lower than 30. Some senior analysts start to remind Bush that Iran poses the greatest threat, and America should not just help Iran’s Iraqi friends, the Shiites, to be in power. From the Democratic radio broadcast, Senator Diane Feinstein urged the U.S. to create an inclusive government, with unity between the Shiites and Sunnis. This way Iran would not benefit from the Iraq situation. Without one Iranian soldier spent, America got rid of Iran’s enemy, Saddam Hussein, who possibly could have cost hundreds of thousands of Iranian lives. Steve Hadley and McClellan all are not for Iran’s proposition to want to talk to the U.S. directly, when Iran can talk to the US ambassador in Iraq. The U.S. believes that Iran’s offering to ease civil strife Iraq is only a stunt.


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