Sunday, April 30, 2006

Dr. Su's Love and Cause

Dr. Su from Stanford University Medical Center, and Miss Su
Dr. Su is a kind person for the community. He genuinely wants to help the community. One man’s battle in treating the number one silent killer of Asians, Liver Cancer. Many white doctors have little knowledge in controlling this terrible terminal cancer. To many people, this type of disease is non-treatable and it is as if you are sentenced to one year or less. A Stanford Doctor for the humanity. Despite that Stanford has not given a dime, he has raised the money from the community for benefiting millions of souls in the area of liver cancer awareness. There are concerts, and other events for promotion. I have an antibody and never will be inflicted with Hepatitis B, or liver cancer. Sometime in my younger time, I battled and won against the disease, though my family members have a tendency of bile duct cancer and pancreatic cancer. A humane road despite it is long and winding, yet, from the steady voice and patient replies to many anxious audience members after hours of long lecture, Dr. Su still is unwavering in his stamina and gentle jovial sound to let us feel the warmth of his being. A god’s blessing for the love of past and existent souls.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Celebrate Dr. Zhu Jia Hua’s Birthday and Queen Elizabeth's Birthday

Dr. Zhu Jia Hua, great Nationalist statesman, educator, liberator, and father of modernization.
One of the three most handsome men in China, along with Ambassador Wellington Koo (Chinese: 顾维钧;Pinyin: Gù Wéijūn; Wade-Giles: Ku Wei-chün), and Wang Jing Wei.
Graceful British Queen Elizabeth’s 80th birthday! I also celebrate Dr. Zhu Jia Hua’s birthday. He was a Chinese Nationalist leader, the father of China’s modernization, a great educator, and utilized the British Boxer Redemption fund to educate China. During Zhu’s era, China was able to walk out of the shadow and dominance of the old Colonial system established in the 1830’s, after the Opium War. The colonial system was damaging to the general self-respect because a slave and a master can never be equal, and we all need to be free as individuals. We thank you. The graceful Nationalist leaders can give one hope and guidance. Only by studying the Nationalist leaders can one feel joy, wisdom, and experience love.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

On the Deep Meaning of a National Ceremony

On the Deep Meaning of a National Ceremony 論大邦國禮儀的深遠意義 古時﹐大國到小國時﹐小國人民﹐無以致意﹐僅以野人獻曝﹐團圍著跳舞﹐一片陽光明媚下﹐輕歌曼舞舉國上下歡慶。 In ancient times, when a big country went to a small tribe to visit, the people only offered sunshine and encircled the guests to dance as a celebration. 聽說﹐諸葛亮遠征到小國﹐野人以一方泥土﹐代表服從致意﹐免兵戎相見。 We heard that when Zhu Ge Liang (PM for the 3 kingdom era) went on an expedition to Sichuan, a small country’s barbarian offered up square soil in a container as the symbol of obedience and to avoid the military conquest. 胡錦濤訪美﹐用杜甫登上泰山的比喻﹐非常得體。 Hu JinTao visits America today, and he used the metaphor of Tang great poet Du Fu climbing up the Eastern Mountain range Tai Shan. It is quite appropriate, as it has been a great location for the emperors to show respect and goodwill for the country. 唐代詩人杜甫登泰山﹐而言”會當凌絕頂﹐一覽眾山小“。 Du Fu said “When you came to the top, you survey around the humbling smaller hills.” 古時天子到五嶽的泰山﹐敬拜天之禮。 When you climb up to Tai mountain top (Tai Shan is one of China's great 5 mountain ranges, the eastern Yue mountain range Tai Mountain, in Shangdong, Yellow Emperor, and Xia dynasty founder Yu, and Qin Shi Huang first emperor all went to pay tribute at Tai Shan to treat it as sacred, an ancient ceremony ritual to crown the mountain as the king, symbolically, for the nation, the emperor says, praying for the big earth, thanks for the good earth, our people respect our mountains, and geography), you see many smaller hills. 胡錦濤的哲理其意深遠﹐話中有話﹐布希聽懂此哲理的可能性不大﹐仍需不斷地點明他來。 Within his words, he contained other meanings of words. The chance that Bush understands this philosophy is not very high. It took me a deep dream to study in my unconscious to get what Hu is trying to imply. "It is good that he looks at great Chinese men from the past for advice, rather than Mao. Chinese culture is a great culture, that is what makes China great, not Communism. I think Hu means that the U.S and China are the most powerful countries in the world, and are at the high mountain top, so they can see all of the problems of the world (hills) from their vantage point." 如泰山鼎立人間。 貴國吾國友好﹐如五嶽之首泰山鼎立人間﹐是以遠古禮儀制度﹐皇帝必行天禮﹐替天行道﹐放眼望去﹐皆各小山頭。 Friendship between two countries is like the leading Tai Mountain range. With ancient ritual institutions, the emperor pays tribute to the heaven, and exercise the Tao and law of heaven to stretch the vision, all but small hills. 必沒有摧殘而是生生不息。一方的領土﹐文化凝結的意識﹐如文化之幼苗﹐是春風吹又生。一代人的犧牲﹐傾滅了﹐下一代再傳下去。 No eternal destruction but renewal. One land with civilization accumulating consciousness, as a sod, is a spring wind blowing born again. One generation even is sacrificed; another generation passes down the line. China and America are wide scope high range mountain countries, and it is of necessity to cooperate, to stretch our imagination with a wide angle. 中美都是高度大國﹐有必要合作﹐登高望遠極目四望﹐向廣遠角度來看。 二虎鬥必有一傷, 或兩敗俱傷. 兩大超強國﹐環望眾小山﹐應同富同強﹐應謀求戰略的同盟﹐而化解歧見。 What he is saying is when two tigers fight, there will be one injured, or worse, both will be injured. If you look around at the mountain top, there are many tops of the hills. Two super powers should coexist together, assisting in a strategic alliance, and resolve the diversions. 萬頃草原﹐起于一小草種子。一切因果﹐皆於其善良的居心﹐而必會造成廣無垠的疆土。 是敵是我﹐儘繫於一念之間。 “Acres of prairie starting from one seedling”. By Elizabeth Su Chuang Every result has a cause. If it is based in kind, it will generate limitless territory. Being an enemy or being on my side, is hinged on one thought. There is no destruction but eternality for generations to come. Hu Jintao seems to use the poem metaphor to urge Bush to be on his side. 必沒有摧殘而是生生不息。 春眠不覺薄暮晚﹐矇矓夢中人得釋而霍然而悟。 自由心 Free Mind 寫與中國領導人胡錦濤會見美國領導布希於白宮的一天 Spring rest until light dusk. From the evening dream came the realization Free Mind writes for the Meeting of President Hu and President Bush in the White House Spring Time 據《史記封禪書》記載:"黃帝封泰山,禪亭亭。"這句話說的是,黃帝在泰山封禪時在山頂祭天,在"亭亭山"祭地。文物專家竟然在泰山南麓22公里的雲亭山找到了黃帝封禪的遺址。而《尚書舜典》則記載了舜封禪的情形:"歲二月,東巡狩,至於岱宗。岱宗,泰山也。柴,望秩於山川。"所謂"柴"就是燒起柴火祭天,我們可以想像,4000年前在泰山之巔的熊熊煙火中,我們先民以虔誠之心祭拜天地。 Notes: According to History Book digest the Ceremony to Crown the Mountain documented as thus: “Yellow Emperor crowned the Tai mountain, and at the mountain top, paid tribute to heaven”. It was found at the Cloud Pavilion mountain relic at 22 kilometers south foothill of Mount Tai. In the Shang Book Shun Emperor Protocol”, it documented Shun King crowning the Tai Mountain also. The burn the bonfire to worship heaven. 4000 years ago, at the peak of Tai Mountain, in the huge fire flames, the ancestors worship with noble respect for the sacred earth and heaven.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Gates, Hu and Bush

Gates, Hu and Bush In an autumn day, I saw Mr. Bill Gates in San Francisco Commodore computer show. He gave me a card saying Redmond, Washington. As if a Halloween costume, he was in a black cocktail suit, not in a business suit. He was tall and young, reserved yet anxious about something, inquisitive and curious. Then he went away. My Microsoft PhD cousin uncle says I should visit Seattle, and I probably should have called to see if I can be listening in the audience when Hu visited Microsoft. But I’m probably too much a Taoist to be an opportunist to meet all these great men, so I passed the opportunity. As maybe it is too mercenary to appear for me that I would pop up to see Seattle for the first time, just when Hu comes to visit. For Bush, the conundrum of a good job 4.7% unemployment rate, but a low approval rating of 36% is analyzed as thus: 1) His PR is failing. While a good economy will protect him from everything, still he needs a good clean image. His old chief of staff was too lax on standards, too indulgent in his desires, and he was in trivial pursuit not in running the country. Katrina is an example. His Mexican trip missing the first lady also is a suggestion of his running into a secret affair there. Though he doesn’t appear like a womanizer, he is off somehow. 2) He is possibly in encouraging ‘ethnic cleansing’. In state sponsored forums like “China’s Influence in East Asia”, We hear the remarks from Indonesian media personality on Anti-China remarks are very chilly and violent just like the Nazi against the rich Jews “Indonesia has less than 4% Chinese population, but over 74% wealth are controlled by Chinese.” We already know that Indonesia through time to time, would slaughter Chinese in anti-China incidents. 3) China’s cheap goods offset the high rising gasoline cost, for a family to pay over $200 a month for gas is like a tax. So why is there no inflation despite the high gas prices? This is because Chinese cheap consumer products rescue the U.S. If America overly complains against the currency, before long, the cheap items will all be inflated by the rise of the currency value, then American inflation will set in, and it will be too late to turn back. Possibly the 1929 crash will occur again, the world is jammed, the incumbent Republicans will surrender to the Democrats for 20 years like Roosevelt and Truman. (1933 – 1953). America’s predicament is in that to have a stronghold in Asia, America must have Taiwan, and Japan, and if retreating, then America is losing the lead in Asia. So the Race is on, “China vs. America”. But given the history, it is China ROC that is always assisting the US, and US received a tremendous amount of money from military purchases, yet, America is acting in betrayal of it, is winding down to the current effect. The Cause and the effect in India’s Karma is reenacting on America. When America betrays a nation, America must pay back in her own redemption by God. No one has the power to claim number one by randomly going to a Philippine China town to confiscate all items, and to punish the end retailers, but forgo the real governmental custom officials, and those receiving the containers in luxury living grafts corruptions are high and dry. Hundred of families left without any living means, so this is $2 million obtained, given to the poor as Robin Hood, will only mean the small corrupted individuals got punished like flies, but real pythons in their lair and snarling away. Ethnic cleansing makes one shudder. God really doesn’t approve of this. Going to church doesn’t cleanse one’s crime.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Happy Easter!

Baby Rabbit in the hand, with flowers
Happy Easter! To celebrate this great religious season, this blogger is put on hold. All good things must come to an end. Chinese famed phrase: No unfinished banquet on earth. 天下無不散宴席 This blogger is dedicated to promote awareness of the graceful nationalists. When the intention is not well received, it will be terminated. This blogger is so good that it has been a year of great insights about world affairs. So mark an anniversary, I will call it quits while it is achieving mighty effect. The grace of this project is to ameliorate the unknown mistakes.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

One China, Multiple Interpretations

From April 14 to April 17, Chinese President Hu and former Honorary KMT chairman Lian Zhan are going to meet in an economic forum. Possibly they will clarify about 1992 mutual recognition between Wang Daohan representing China and Gu ZhengFu representing ROC in Taiwan, on One China but to express on each’s own way, to give legitimacy to both PRC and ROC as sovereignty China. This is to build rapport prior to President Hu’s U.S. visit. We have only one China, but multiple interpretations. In Chen Shui Bian and KMT chairman Ma’s meeting, Chen Shui Bian gave his One China interpretation as below: “One China is PRC, we are not China, but a Taiwan country and identity.” Chairman Ma’s version: One China is ROC, and we should go back to 1992 mutual recognition from China’s Mr. Wang Dao Han and Taiwan’s Mr. Gu Zheng Fu to describe China in their own way, namely, one China, PRC and ROC co-country for the Chinese people. Scholar, Strategist and adviser Su Qi came out to claim that the 1992 mutual recognition was his conceptualization of the political ultra state and didn’t reach to any legal basis, just left for both sides to freely have their interpretation and identity in the joint conference. Prime Minister Su Zhen Chang on April 4th to the senate: China never wants to fully recognize ROC, they only honor one China as the PRC, and omit the self-expression part. So the Taiwan side is saying One China is ROC, but China only says it is PRC, but is not truly recognizing ROC. PM Su has no problem with “One China self explaining” if ROC is to be recognized by China. My personal One China interpretation: China communists split from the Nationalist in 1949 as a result of the secret foreign power intervention of the Yalta treaty, which went harmfully and illegally against ROC’s sovereignty and the US George Marshall meddling in truce and peace negotiations. Most of the international community recognizes PRC as China, this being a fact, while the Nationalist government never surrendered to the Communist Government. So Taiwan DPP wants to claim independence, this is independence not from PRC, but from ROC. This is because Taiwan DPP was never under PRC in any legal sense. Do we know that Sunni or Shiite want to claim independence from Iraq? But America right now is not splitting the Iraq into Kurds, Shiite, or Sunni, but rather urging a unity government called Iraq. So should we urge the Nationalist to be unified with the Taiwan independence party as a Republic of China first? Then we can talk about how to merge the ROC with PRC.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Men in Love and Polygamy in China

Men in Love and Polygamy in China Grandfather didn’t want the burden of more than one woman. He did not believe in polygamy. Though he was a dashing man with a charismatic light of demeanor and he could have had many women. His character was like the Jiangxi talent in Soong dynasty, Wen Tian Xiang, a representative of Jiangxi’s high quality, an unyielding righteous court official who would rather die than surrender to the invading Mongols. Wen Tian Xiang was an extraordinarily brave man with a handsome visage and dignified character. He was number one in the royal academy test and was nominated as the champion by the emperor himself in the test hall when he was merely 20 years old. Like his predecessor, China’s great national hero Wen Tian Xiang didn’t surrender to the invading Mongols, my grandfather as a Nationalist official didn’t surrender to the invading Japanese. He organized numerous projects to resist and eventually win the excruciating war to expel Japan.

So grandfather’s regional culture Jiangxi province is for the pride of Wen, and he upheld his value and standard. Like his predecessors In comparison, the Hunan Mao’s character was very sentimental. There is a different character and behavioral mode in different provinces. As in ancient time, different regions have borders and state principalities, with regional food, language, and sets of personality. The Geographical Character Bound by Geography Grandfather didn’t ever want another woman to be in the family as my grandmother. This was because of his own childhood painful experience, when his father left to be with another woman and left his mother. Grandfather was raised by a very scornful stepmother and suffered. He was trying to even have his mother’s tomb stone relocated to be next to his father’s. Be as he tried, that tombstone dropped on the ground and almost on his feet. He sensed the ‘impossibility and unwillingness’ of love and marriage in his parents. Grandfather consciously suppressed his desire and in opposition to Chinese tradition of men’s need to love multiple objects and to be reciprocated by many women’s attention. This takes the form of numerous wives, and concubines, and maids. This caused the social system to be divided in a family for unity. From a larger scope, the Xi Jin (Western Jin) Dynasty (265 - 316 AD), which had 2000 generals of the same last name Sima, caused the era in history dubbed the “Great Eight Feudal Lords Mayhem” which undermined the entire nation’s strength and China at that time was indeed invaded by five alien tribes referred to as "Five Alien Tribes Roiling China", and the capital was moved from Luoyang, Henan province to Yangtze river, Nanjing, to become the Eastern Jin dynasty, Dong Jin Dynasty (Eastern Jin, 317-420 AD) After general Sima usurped Cao Cao's Wei country throne, he sensed that the Cao family had too few sons and so he had many Sima family sons in charge of the country, as many as 2000 Sima surname were scattered across the entire China, each with a feudal land of control.

Eastern Dong Jin is the Era when China’s Capital Moved east to the Sea Coast for the First Time This marked the beginning of the end of the China Proper region as the glorious political center, as the national capital moved to the coast for the first time rather than in the interior. My Grandfather was an only child. He was a reformer and he cultivated new ideas of reform and practiced them in his own life. The Chinese cultural tendency is polygamy, and he went against the grain of ideology and the accepted social norm. Only the law puts a rational boundary, although too many are breaking the law. It is society’s unwritten rule with public consent. China’s individuals are never detached from a family, and the social contacts. The only exceptions are some who decide to hide as hidden Taoists and do not deal with the mundane world. When Love Runs Rampant with Chinese Men It is like unleashing the Great Wall to allow the foreign troops to intervene with the bandit Li ZhiCheng, who unleashed the river dam to flood the Luoyang region and who took away the General Wu SanGui’s concubine Chen Yuan Yuan. Men would sell out their country’s interest to invite in the invaders, just so that their lover can be returned. Many like Yangzhou slaughter were annihilated because of his selfish aim. In the end, the woman Chen Yuan Yuan committed suicide in a lily pond in a nunnery in Yunnan mountain remote region. Men grab the prize, and then desert, once the prize belongs to them. Men do foolish things for women. Tang Ming Huang emperor asked his favorite concubine consort Yang Gui Fei to hang herself, in order to soothe and appease the soldiers’ demand to continue on to the far exile road. Polygamist men ultimately sacrifice their women. Written by Free Mind on April 5th The Sweeping Tomb for Ancestors Qing Ming Festival

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sweeping Reform for the White House Suggested to Improve Ratings

Crisis in the Unclean White House The White House needs a scrub man, and out the door is Chief of Staff Andrew Card, and in is the man Josh Bolten. Every great leader must have at least one Ji Yao (vital, prime) staff to inform him timely matters. My grandfather was a Ji Yao assistant to his ten year senior, the father of China’s modernization, and that was such a glorious job. Chiang Kai-shek made many mistakes, but my grandfather and his boss did many sterling achievements without hardly any mistakes. Both are extremely rare high caliber talents in their noble character and ideals, the type that only comes around every 300 years. Bolten looks a good accountant, someone good with money, maybe he can be good in disciplining staff as well. But first, Bush himself must be willing to comply with the law of fair and balanced in the press relations. Bush and CNN White House Press relationship is neurotic at best, or on the brink of scandal. It does not have any dignity or decency and looks very much on the brink of giving away national security or animal house fraternalism with low morale, and raucous Enquirer paparazzi style of commotion. Maybe Bush does not realize how these frivolous reporters make him look, they make him look very unstable, like a Texas cowboy run wild in the White House. It has hindered his rating. If she is gone, then his rating may be up, so will be CNN. In earlier time, when colonial prince visits a local native, bare breast women danced to welcome his arrival. In America, Bush made sure his two young press corps left to wait for him in Argentina beach front hotel; this is so that the Prince won’t grab the limelight and perhaps these frivolous women. So that Bush won’t be upstaged by all the appearances of the royal visit. We worry about the Hu Jin Tao visit, and the neurotic press chase and White House down and out rating for spelling gloom and doom. The young women turned aggressive and had infighting and one was booted out. Though one is winning, but neither has the audacity like Clinton and Monica. So this drags on in front of everybody. But if the press corps woman hangs on until Hillary becomes the President, she will still have a chance with Bill Clinton, other than the fat and young will turn into fat and old. Sweeping Reform for the White House Suggested to Improve Ratings and Avoid Impeachment after November Hope may be looming on the horizon with new Chief of Staff. Unlike Andy Card, a loyalist only served up to his whims, the account and budget director possibly will exercise judicial discretion in regulating the rampant dark White House. Discontinue the shadowy press relationship between the White House women correspondents to the link to the President. This will improve rating for the White House and Bush, and CNN rating. CNN’s rating has not improved with the tactics of creating strife. Despite special aids from the White House, CNN interviewed with First Lady twice in the last two months, and President granted exclusive interview with CNN Espanol, it simply drags down more. Apparently, a woman is so obsessed with the President that she refused to go home after Mexican trip, and showed up on the Crawford ranch all by herself on the decoy farm. Bush is not interested in her, or afraid to let scandal show up to drag down the bone thin rating to the 20%. Democrats are waiting on the wings to win the November election, so to bring the Administration down once occupied the House. At that time, this reporter still can serve up to Bill Clinton after she brings down all the President’s men and women like Harriet Miers, General Myers, Vice President’s Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby (Why the Vice President only watches Fox, sad screen reminds him his Libby gun down by CNN after the failed attempt on Karl Rove). Next can be Snow, Scott McClellan. Once it is Rove’s turn, Cheney, Rumsfeld, then it is in essence Bush’s alter Ego get assassinated. He may just fade away too. According to Bush, “we look forward to working with them to put together a unity government, a government that will reject the sectarian violence, will reject the militias, reject Zarqawi and the terrorists that are trying to create enough chaos so that America loses nerve” He needs to understand that for some Iraqis, militias may be the only security force available for the local residents. No one is there to fend off violence, as the Central government is already dispersed or disassembled.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Immigration Reform

Appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill Monday, April 3, 2006, to discuss immigration litigation reduction, from left are: Federal Circuit Court Appeals Chief Judge Paul Michel, Second Federal Circuit Appeals Chief Judge John Walker, Ninth Circuit Appeals Judge Carlos Bea and Second Circuit Appeals Senior Judge Jon Newman. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)
President Bush often says, “We want to cut down the frivolous lawsuits.” But apparently, that is a measure against the lawful citizens. Part of the Immigration reform should be to eliminate the frivolous lawsuits and filings in the appellate court. The president is unaware the illegal immigrants are allowed to have merit-less filings and to smother the process of the Federal Appellate courts system. He means the normal citizens lawsuits, but he is unaware the dysfunctional immigration office which inundated with piles of long waits for the illegal immigrants’ lawsuits. I know this problem firsthand, when I was a law intern in the university for an attorney professor, and worked as an interpreter for the field work assignment to help out the immigrants to their court date, each judge was evaluating the case on an individual basis. Unfortunately this has become a way for the illegal immigrants to apply this filing as a way to dodge immediate deportation, and while this 27 months wait is taking place, American taxpayers are footing the bill for all their social services and medical cares. I was disillusioned about the legal profession and never pursued a legal career but I have the fighting spirit from my great grandfather as a court judge. We are very concerned to hear that American lower middle classes do not need any job. A California woman was calling to remove Senator Feinstein, as she has no guts and strength to speak for her constituency. California has 5 million illegal immigrants, twice as many as Texas. If a country is to be lenient to non-citizens and harsh to citizens, then it is not such a graceful country. A US citizen spouse should be granted a citizenship a lot faster than an illegal immigrant. California has the Jarvis tax reform. This is to regulate the government in the harsh taxation on housing. Law clerks should look into the California state to regulate the immigration and pass new amendments, should the Senate to decide to sell out the Middle class. Solution 1) Cut down on ‘frivolous filing’ and immigration litigation to free up the courts for real cases. 2) Have the domestic Mexican government to stimulate their own job market so that it is not an absolute enticement for Mexicans to come to the US. I praise China for the prime minister announcing the farms are free from levying taxes, and this helps keep balancing jobs in the local regions, and stems the flow to urban cities. 3) Install more health agencies to accommodate the legal citizens. Approve more of a budget for middle-class Americans. This will reduce the resentment for illegal immigrants competing for the scarce resources. 4) Sustain a good policy. For charity non-profit groups, a model program is El Cerrito, Fountain Planning Project. This is a free clinic once a month with doctors of bone, eyes, teeth, Chinese herb medicine, acupuncture, and physical therapists. 5) Remedy the ill policy. Hold the service accountable. The Latinos being the majority, often the social service case workers are biased only toward people with Latin last names. Civil rights should be applied to all races.

2008 Presidential Candidate General Wesley Clark

General Wesley Clark Compilation Dossier of Presidential Candidates for 2008 Road to the White House 2008 A two-day trip by General Clark to New Hampshire on March 18-19. Windham, New Hampshire, Searles School and Chapel General Clark’s view on the War on Iraq On Fox News’ program, General Clark explained in regards to the recent Operation Swarmer, we did many of these operations before, but the effect is that you can’t win Iraq by military force alone. David Halberstam, in The Best and the Brightest, about Vietnam, “…Our total military superiority was checked by their total political superiority. In effect this meant we could win any set-piece battle we wanted, but the other side could easily replenish their battlefield losses whenever they wanted.” It is unfathomable but true that with a titanic might that U.S. had the stellar rich resources, but still lost in Vietnam. “Like the French before them, the U.S. tended to underestimate the bravery, strength, resilience, and the political dynamic which fed the indigenous force they were fighting.” Japan way underestimated the Chinese character, since winning a war with China in 1894, and 1904 with Russia, Japan was determined to encroach on China, and claim the dominance to become the superpower like the powerful Naval country British Empire. Japan’s Prime Minister was trained at the British Navy Academy, as was his Chinese counterpart classmate, but it was only the Qing Dynasty’s fatal fault to not to enlist his Chinese classmate to advance a similar modernization program. My grandfather and the Nationalist government never surrendered to Japan and Japan was brought down by natural geographical forces mingled with Chinese blood, sweat and tears, after the imperial Japan military’s ruthless killings. It also seemed odd to the Doolittle pilots that China’s even poor mountain hideouts would still have a tattered ROC flag despite the war had been going on since 1931, over 10 years went by, in April 1942, people still didn’t forget about their beloved nationalist government far away. This is not unique, as history happened repeatedly, that the defeated government from another location would eventually come back to redeem the China Proper people, and to liberate them from the occupation. It is very obvious that both Japan and the West way underestimated the Chinese people’s fight for sovereignty and this intrinsic National character which is a pure unwavering character. General Clark remarked that although the Bush administration won’t admit it, they let the Shiites create a Constitution that is totally unacceptable by Sunnis. With the Shiites set up as a separate state, to deal with foreign countries, to have oil revenue, Kurds also have own share of oil, this leaves Sunnis as a dysfunctional component in the overall national Iraq statehood. This is a recipe for Civil War. Bush’s speechwriters have been repeating the same old logic that is skewed in that he presumes that Sunnis were the beneficiaries from Saddam, and since America toppled Saddam, the Sunnis must be punished as that is Saddam’s domain. When Iraq has a unity government, then the American troops can be pulled back. General Clark’s view on China The U.S. policy toward China should not be confrontational. China is open, and wants to be on good terms with America. General Clark is confident that America can work out all the issues with China. In his opinion, China is at its best, in retrospect of the past tumultuous decades. Free Mind’s comments: Need to have a new century plan for the U.S. and China. Taiwan’s Independence extremists have been declining and becoming marginalized while more moderates are rising. Because the economics is not benefiting to the middle class, the social order is declining, people are forced to swipe cards for the difficulty in making a living. The card slaves were forced to commit suicide as the banks to hire collection agencies to bombard people. The support for the central ruling DPP government is only 18%. This leaves them fewer followers to be on the Independence path. Though China doesn’t want either, still China should make a choice on Republic of China or the Taiwan Republic. If China wants Taiwan to fight off each other, then America would have headaches, and China would be directly confrontational with America. If China supports Taiwan Republic, then China should have guts to deal with America. PRC and ROC has one overlapping interest, neither wants to be independent Taiwan Statehood. PRC has the party secret file which tells who was the real Communist Party founder, and it was not Mao. Mao has done Communist party soldiers unfair annihilation. For that matter, Chiang Kai-shek also did bad things to the Communist soldiers, but regional Jiangxi province, both good nationalist leaders and good communist leaders never would let any annihilation happen.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

East Finally Understands the West

East Finally Understands the West I can sympathize with Rudyard Kipling’s frustration that "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet". It’s not because they are dichotic, but because of “Pride and Prejudice”. I thought I understood Pearl Buck, and wish that I could be face to face with her in asking her why she was not supporting the Nationalist government, since she was in the best university the capital, Nanking University, teaching English at the time. She must have believed that the world could provide us a better environment even with Japan’s invasion. Still I discovered something pinpointing to her heart and her heritage and her obligation to be a chosen dissenter to the Chinese Nationalist government by miscomprehension. From the backdrop of West Virginia as described by a very eloquent speaker, I learned that she was born in a lesser kind in America backwoods area like West Virginia, as this was clarified by a writer describing her wounded self-deficiency which prompted her to be sympathetic toward Chinese, and her belief that all of the Nationalist government were rich tycoons and needed to be replaced by Mao, the kind and humble farmers. Color of America America is not just black or white, or red, brown or yellow. America has class consciousness in addition to race issue. From author, Jeff Biggers’ book, “United States of Appalachia”, he tells how Southern Mountaineers Brought Independence, Culture, and Enlightenment to America. Though this region never was a political or economical center, it has another side of American intrinsic character. As he is from Southern Illinois, he understands this alienation that is lashing on the people as hillbilly, racist, in corn fields. But Jeff Biggers in his American eloquent and easy going way, unearths the unknowns and elaborates on the suppressed people by a natural force of an accepted norm of behavior inside the American culture landscape. He is very much like a Henan man in China to ask people to rethink and rediscover a belt of region that has been mislabeled for a long time. For Henan Province witnessed the last glory in the Northern Soong dynasty when it was forced out of the capital Kaifeng to establish the capital in the southern region, Hangzhou as the capital. The Cherokees had newspaper, in 1818, invented their own alphabets, and language. When he was 19 years old, Biggers hitchhiked through Appalachia and learned much of the local history in the process. He blurted out many personalities, such as Betty Smith, from Chattanooga. But one important figure was Pearl Buck (1892 – 1973), who was America’s first woman Nobel Prize winner in Literature. “In 1938 she won the Nobel Prize for Literature, after writing biographies of her parents, The Exile, and The Fighting Angel. She was the first woman from the United States to win the Nobel in Literature.” From United States of Appalachia to China. First of all, there is a deep consciousness in regional Appalachia. As opposed to the Bourgeois urban Americans, the Bostonians, the WASPs, there is an independent regional culture in America. So I finally understand Pearl Buck, in the context of the American author’s fast blurting out a sketch of the Appalachian region. In America, it is considered as a backward land, and not the first in rank. In Chinese minds, as a world underclass, she represents the upper class American. She married Richard J. Walsh, president of the John Day Publishing Company, on June 11, 1935. A life with the West Virginia missionary parents, and though later married into a Publishing Company owner, she always had the identity of West Virginia. The small family then moved to Nanjing, where Pearl taught English literature at University of Nanking. She had a touch of Nanjing and was very humane as she described some of the figures in the novel, though some are just plastic characters out of her imagination. For years, I wondered why as a missionary in China, and being with good families in China, Pearl Buck didn’t help the normal Chinese, but adopted an anti-current leftwing slant. This is because her sympathetic upbringing and her own Appalachia regional suffering gave her an inferiority complex and she needed to revolutionize and change the predicament of her station. She mistakenly thought that it was her calling to rid of the government and to give people a Mao for the farmers. To help the poor to anti-government is not the real way to give to people. Somehow, many people believe that if you help the communists, you are identified as for the underclass. Pearl Buck is a premiere example of many Americans who simply loved to paint their imagined China but let the real force and value be buried in time.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Easter Concert by Chinese Engineers

Easter Concert by Chinese Engineers Chinese Engineers to sing on Easter Holiday Coronation Mass by W.A. Mozart Exactly like Mozart wrote for the coronation ceremony of Austrian King Leopard II. Proceeds and donation go to Lutheran World Disaster Relief and Habitat for Humanity Mozart wrote the Mass in C Major, K.317 ("Coronation"), for Easter Sunday (the work acquired its nickname when it was performed for the coronation of Leopold II, in 1791). This generation of Chinese students in America is reaching out to learn the western culture with curiosity and zest to be absorbing the west, all but communism. The group from China is to be merged with Taiwan to hold concerts. Although the Chinese side can’t read music notes, they are accurate in singing with numbers. People from Taiwan can read original music notes, and are good at composing. It is a blessing to see the two merging. “Culture is expressive, only when you listen to its tempo. I enjoy the breath of humanity in Chamber Choir.”,_Holy_Roman_Emperor Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor If Leopold's reign as emperor and king of Hungary and Bohemia had been prolonged during years of peace, it is probable that he would have repeated his successes as a reforming ruler in Tuscany on a far larger scale. But he lived for barely two years, and during that period he was hard pressed by peril from west and east alike. The growing revolutionary disorders in France endangered the life of his sister Marie Antoinette, the queen of Louis XVI, and also threatened his own dominions with the spread of a subversive agitation. His sister sent him passionate appeals for help, and he was pestered by the royalist emigrants, who were intriguing to bring about armed intervention in France. From the east he was threatened by the aggressive ambition of Catherine II of Russia and by the unscrupulous policy of Prussia. Catherine would have been delighted to see Austria and Prussia embark on a crusade in the cause of kings against the French Revolution. While they were busy beyond the Rhine, she would have annexed what remained of Poland made conquests in Turkey. Leopold II had no difficulty in seeing through the rather transparent cunning of the Russian empress, and he refused to be misled.