Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Little Tadpole Swimming to the Future 於是我一個小蝌蚪 游向了未來

於是我一個小蝌蚪 挺挺身 擺擺尾 游向了未來 In the strong light, I was in a gorge in the shade of large rocks. In a shroud of white foggy light Like a tadpole I swim toward the future 吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠成古丘。——李白《登金陵凤凰台》 Li Bai in Climbing up Nanking’s Phoenix Platform Wu Palace flowers and grass hidden in the quiet path; Jin dynasty scholarly gentlemen’s tomb clothing and official hats now become the ancient mound <乔木查>想秦宫汉阙,都做了衰草牛羊野。不恁么渔樵没话说。纵荒坟横断碑,不辩龙蛇。 I think that Qin Palace and Han exalted palace buildings have all turned into wild grass weeds to be the cows sheep roaming wild Fishermen and men gathering firewood have nothing to say They let the wild graves alone mingled with the broken stone tablets 日本侵略者﹐共產黨﹐均未動鐘山中山陵寢 Japan invaders and Communists didn’t dare to touch the Nationalist leader Sun Yat-Sen’s mausoleum 依舊玉潔冰清, 青山綠水繞秦淮 Same pure green mountain and the light water surrounding Qin Huai River 烽火扬州路。可堪回首, Remember that Yang Zhou road was ablaze with war fire 南宋。民國﹐認同江山淚, Southern Soong and Ming Guo were filled with countrymen’s tears of resistance 故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。人生如梦,一尊还酹江月 Old country to travel in my dream You are so emotional and laugh at me Chiding to see white hair grown Life is a dream, so one wine glass to pay tribute to the River moon 三十載﹐黃粱一夢﹐一覺醒來才蒸熟﹖ 30 years just woke up Yellow sorghum must have been steamed well to eat 美國白霧煙濛舞台上 American white fog shrouded stage in strong white lights 歌手熾情的在大型音樂會台上 一個消融 整體的退潮 那澎湃的歌聲 The passionate singing of a great concert Then collective all withdrew Without a sound The fell They disappear 他們均倒下 消失了 於是我一個小蝌蚪 挺挺身 擺擺尾 游向了未來 So a little tadpole I straighten my body Swaying my tail Swimming toward the future


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