Thursday, October 12, 2006

China's Treasure Artist 林風眠 Lin Feng Mian 1900 -1991

近現代林風眠 秋山圖

Autumn Mountain

by NeoModern Lin FengMian 中國的國寶林風眠 香江第三勢力的自由藝術家

National Treasure in Their Humane and Free Spirit Hong Kong Third Power Free Artists

Apolitical expressionist 父親談及林風眠﹐總有無限的深摯的藝術家的激賞。 如今我才明白他那深厚的中原人的隱藏不語的難言之隱﹐是對林風眠有無限的同情。畢生的尋求﹐精神寄託是在丹青裡﹐揮灑他對母親懷念﹐一個少數民族被漢族給驅逐出村﹐而被賣到遠方﹐使母子無法再見面。

When my father talked about Lin Fengmien, he had a very deep thoughtful look. Only now, I understand his China Proper habit of a humanity not spoken. A sympathy of the unspeakable pain, only silence can express just like we moan with complete motionless.

His art in highest altitude, with such an unimaginable painful incidence that his mother was a minority ethnic in Guangxi province, and married to his old father, and was expelled after his father passed away due to her dating other man. Though saved her from being burned as a witch, he was holding a knife as a 7 year old to protect her, she was sold out as a maid to other place, and was never seen ever again.

The only treasure that she left behind for the young 7 year old, was the technique to paint. This gave him the impetus and reason, most importantly the basic element of a good painting, the passion to express.

So Lin became the greatest painter for the 20th century in China. 母親傳下來的唯一財產就是教過他丹青技藝,林風眠後來選擇的人生道路可謂對母親永恆的紀念。 他的抽象思維畫﹐“水漫金山”﹐就是替母親伸張正義﹐解救被鎖在塔下的母親。 被囚禁的生靈。 林風眠的水漫金山 為廣西壯族受趕出母親的 永遠的悲切 母親給他的是丹青 以畫來追憶其母 Lin Feng Mian 1900 -1991, born in Mei Xian county, Canton. His grandfather was a carpenter, and he studied calligraphy, and Chinese painting. At age 18, Lin went to France under the scholarship work program and studied oil painting. Later, Lin went to Germany, to study classic art, and was interested in modern and impressionism. Lin returned to China in 1925 and served as the Beiping National art school president. Late 1920s, he was the Hangzhou Art school’s president. 林風眠(1900—1991)出生在廣東省梅縣一個農民家庭。祖父是一位木匠,林風眠小時候給祖父當助手,並學習書法和中國畫。18歲的時候,林風眠赴法國勤工儉學,開始學習油畫。後來,他又到德國,對歐洲古典繪畫大師十分敬仰,同時,對後期印象派、現代諸流派也懷有濃厚的興趣。1925年,林風眠回國,任北平國立藝術專科學校校長。20年代末,他又轉任杭州藝專校長。40年代後期,他離開教學工作,潛心從事創作。   林風眠在青年時代主張為人生而藝術。他從歐洲留學期間所帶回的作品就是用寫實手法表現的主題性巨幅油畫,如《摸索》,描寫了以荷馬為首的世界各國先哲跟隨其共同探索人生真諦的內容。1925年,他創作了國畫《生之欲》,畫中4只老虎,兩大兩幼,從蘆葦中奔出,意取叔本華詩句,並吸收了嶺南畫派的表現手法。這幅畫送往巴黎參加萬國工藝美術博覽會,並且成為他從油畫向國畫的轉折點。 中西融合--林風眠 His art is a combination impression of the Chinese and the West.   林風眠是「中西融合」這一藝術理想的倡導者、開拓者和最重要的代表人物。他吸收了西方印象主義以後的現代繪畫的營養,與中國傳統水墨和境界相結合,並融入了個人的人生經歷。是已經接近了「東西方和諧和精神融合的理想」的畫家。 受到學界泰斗蔡元培的賞識與提攜,成為我國第一所高等藝術學府——國立藝術院(今中國美術學院前身)的首任院長。是中國現代美術教育的主要奠基者之一,主張「兼容並包、學術自由」的教育思想,不拘一格廣納人才。培養出李可染、吳冠中、王朝聞、艾青、趙無極、趙春翔、朱德群等一大批藝術名家。 Academia Sinica founder, great scholar Cai YuanPei appointed him to be the national art school’s president and became the modern art education’s main founder. To give the academics free spirit in education. He raised great artists such as Li Keran, Wu Guanzhong, Zhao Wu Ji etc. . 二十年代,尚在弱冠之年的林風眠先生負笈留學巴黎,自他歸國辦學及至成為名滿天下的丹青大師,都不曾重履故土,家鄉舊事對林風眠來說是一個揮之不去的夢魘。 故此,作為中國現代美術的奠基人之一,林風眠在五四新文化運動中獨樹一幟,他的作品與思想充滿著對人性人道的終極關懷,他代表的是一種個性解放的自由精神。 林風眠與徐悲鴻、張道藩同期在法國留學,而林與徐、張雞犬相聞,老死不相來往,當時留法的周恩來、葉劍英則和林風眠過從甚密。林和葉劍英同為梅縣客家人,林鄉情雖泯,人情卻濃;至於周恩來曾在林的巴黎寓所投宿,也接受過林的米飯與錢物接濟。然而,近朱者不赤,如此緣分,林風眠居然從未對共產主義信仰產生過興趣。 Lin was with famed artists like Xu Beihong, and Zhang Daofan. Zhou Anlai, Ye Jianying was in close contacts with Lin Fengmien. But Lin was never interested in communist beliefs. 加上林先生性格散淡,不事權貴,他在國民黨時代已被當局冷落。更為關鍵的是,他和注重美育的大賢蔡元培氣味相投,並聯手創辦了杭州西湖藝專。 Lin was already ignored by the nationalist and they were simply into art, and created with Cai Yuan pei, Hangzhou West Lake Art school. 蔡因持反蔣立場,最招蔣介石憎厭,後終被蔣所逐,連同林風眠的藝專校長之職也一並遞奪,改由張道藩出任。 Cai was anti-Chiang and was ousted by Chiang, and robbed the Lin FengMien’s art school’s president’s position, and Chiang appointed Zhang Daofan. There was another group of people, above both the communist and the nationalist, they were the free spirited alliance artists or the statesmen. Cai Yuan Pei, and Lin Feng Mien. Lin Feng Mian 1900 - 1991 just an ultimate humanitarian artist who is the number one master in the one hundred years depiction impression of China. 二十世紀已成昨日,百年回眸,誰是中國美術藝壇領導群倫的大宗師?他就是林風眠。 文革中林風眠以“間諜罪”陷獄五年,經周恩來施援手而獲救,1979年林風眠申請移居 港,經葉劍英親自批準,林得以離開大陸,在 港定居至1991年去世。 Hong Kong is a buffer for the Third Power, and the Third Art


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