Saturday, October 29, 2005

Constructionist vs. Originalist

Constructionist vs. Originalist The Media is in plain view, and the Justice system, in plain view, interprets the law. But if Media daily exposes and obstructs the work of the government, it is bringing the system to a halt. President Bush says that Harriet Miers is a constructionist and will not legislate from the Bench. This implies that she will not be in favor of overturning Roe vs. Wade. This sets a time bomb to the evangelical conservatives, as their goal is to undo Roe vs. Wade, and they want an originalist to not only interpret the Constitution, but to interpret it based on the founding father’s original intent, not by recent liberal decisions during the era of the civil rights movement, such as Roe vs. Wade in 1973. The Evangelicals are getting extreme. John Danforth, former ambassador to the U.N. “The ascending of the right, they are mean and willing to destroy a human being. They kicked the president in the teeth.” Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, has a biblical-phrased banner hung outside his office building in Washington about the Power of God being able to dispose of the king. This shows that they have a very aggressive attitude toward Bush or any government leaders. When Miers withdrew her nomination, the big winner was the far right wing of the Republican Party, the big loser is President Bush, and they attack him during his weak point when there are many other distractions, such as the CIA leak probe, hurricane relief, and management of the War on Terror. Harriet’s case illustrates the Fragility of an Aging System needing Reinforcement The confluence of factors contributed to her debacle, pressure from Republicans and from the media, so that the normal system of checks and balances was at a standstill. To quote, Justice Craig Enoch, Harriet Miers’ friend, “She felt senators asked her to cross the line, to give counsel documents out (to the Senate) on her work with the executive president.” Justice Antonin Scalia is an originalist who will go back to read documents from 1800, to find out what was in founding fathers’ heads. Abortion and an unbridled press certainly were not social issues in 1800. So the originalist justices such as Scalia will most likely reconcile the statutes of the constitution to tailor them for our contemporary desires. According to the N.Y. Times, he won’t allow the media into the Supreme Court. This way he preserves the rights of the government’s third branch, the Judicial Branch, to make its decisions with careful study and discussion, without every move and statement being scrutinized and assaulted by the mob and the free rein press. It is good that Supreme Court Justice Scalia barred TV reporters from a recent speech, and generally asks that his events be closed to television crews, although he allows the print media, and allows C-SPAN to tape comprehensive coverage for educational purposes. We see the daily destructive work by the White House female correspondent gangs in their sensational and activist approach to news reporting. They run amok in White House, there is no benefit for a serious audience. Often their careless remarks show that they are in league with some minor members of the administration to leak out news. They are careless, and unethical, and will do anything to create new problems for the president, and to exaggerate small problems until they become large ones. They are usually in the way of the administration, and in the case of Harriet Miers, prevented the usual system of checks and balances between the Executive and Legislative branches from functioning properly. New American Icon Fitzgerald. Walter Cronkite’s high standard for reporting is waning, so perhaps Fitzgerald should answer this calling by America, to rectify this free rein by the press. Fitzgerald has an aura of a remarkable talent, clear spoken and transcending all whims, not swayed by mundane desires. He is not swayed by the vicissitudes of emotion and he can transcend all emotional undercurrents or whims to allow an impartial visage and voice to emerge. Perhaps he will be able to embark on the important tasks of safeguard and enforcing the checks and balances between the three branches of government, which is an intrinsic value of a democratic and stable political social system. The intent of the founding fathers and their great minds is a legacy which needs to be understood and carried on, but with innovative modifications on statutes for the sake of expanding rights and the exertions and struggles throughout time. If decisions are to be made based on the views of the founding fathers, it is very difficult to guess what their views might be, because in 1800, slavery was legal, and women had no rights, so what would the founding father’s really think about Roe vs. Wade? In light of the slave status question for George Washington, would he be in favor of female abortion rights? Would he extend and expand a female’s rights to have control and say over her own body? His views on subjects such as this are pure speculation, and can be interpreted either way. This is the weakness of the originalist position. If Justice Scalia can interpret the ‘intent’ correctly, then he can jump out of the constricted frame of reference in the founding fathers’ world. If we ask Confucius’ view on Taiwan independence, what he would say is purely conjecture. But from different comments by him, I think that Confucius was a Nationalist, so he would want a strong cohesive nation, and was against separatists. The Justice system should make amendments to the Constitution and to interpret the First Amendment, so the freedom of speech of the media is not in conflict with the rights of the people. The legislative and the president are elected officials, while members of the media are motivated by profit, not elected by the people. If the media is under the pretense of free media, but steps into the domain and jurisdiction of the Judicial branch, legislative branch, and executive branch, the people must rein them in, by law, and by new reinforcement. The people’s delegations, Congressional members should not be overtaken by the anxious media who are not elected by the people and who have no consent from the people. The stability, the security and the checks and balances of the nation all should be maintained in conjunction with the first amendment. Media emboldened and want more protection shield But we still need Walter Cronkite. Judy Miller on a press conference, in Las Vegas, “I wish we have a shield law, so that we don’t have to go to jail because we don’t want to break our promise of confididentiality to our sources.” It doesn’t seem that the Bush administration deliberately wanted her to protect her source (Libby), and she obligated herself to protect her client’s confidentiality. This was perhaps an overly rigid interpretation, which unnecessarily brought the administration into predicament in times of war. Her jailing upset many members of the media, who thought that Bush was behind it, as revenge for wanting to publish a story about Niger not selling uranium to Saddam Hussein. Even though Bush was not behind the jailing, it was the special independent prosecutor who jailed her, and even though Libby had already released her from confidentiality, Bush’s poll numbers plummeted, and this caused a media uproar. In light of national security this case seems to damage the health and reputation of the nation. The media has become an uncontrollable beast and has free rein to obstruct important government works like hurricane relief, national security, and the confirmation of Supreme Court nominees.

Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald holds News Conference in CIA Leak Case

Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald holds News Conference in CIA Leak Case Thanks to this case, I discovered special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, a great man. So far, he is the most balanced, non-controversial man for a long time on TV. He is caring, is not cold-blooded, is forceful, he carries weight and authority with his every word. He is a great speaker. He spoke words with warmth and humanity, like the ancient China Proper men, and is not a cold prosecutor. You feel a righteous current flowing through your body. Libby is charged with lying to Federal agents and lying under oath. Fitzgerald: “Lying in a federal matter is not taken lightly.” “We need to balance between the first amendment and national security.” “Libby and Russert never discussed Valerie Wilson. It is not about the war, not to seek justification for war.” To keep Grand jury proceedings secret is important. “Take a deep breath. Let justice process the system.” Today Fitzgerald indicted Libby and concluded two years of agony. But, Karl Rove was spared, there was not enough data, so Karl Rove must be very happy and can have a good vacation. But it is still not over for Rove, there will be ongoing investigations. Democrats are very happy that Bush’s staff member Libby resigned, but Bush is probably actually relieved that Karl Rove is not indicted.

Who is running the White House? The White House Correspondents?

Who is running the White House? The White House Correspondents? Analysis: The Media is Rising Fourth Power in the Old Check and Balance System among the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches. The country has been galvanized by the Senate confirmation hearing process for the Supreme Court Justice nominee Harriet Miers. But the Senate never conducted such a hearing because of the interference noise of the media. To quote, Senator Specter, “Miers was tried by a one-sided press, and radio shows, not by the hearing process.” 1. Religious Aspect The evangelical Republican conservative base suspected that Miers was not their type of person, and they wanted her to prove it. This is in spite of the fact that Karl Rove told James Dobson, the evangelical leader, that she is an evangelical Christian, and is pro-life. But that never was quite enough to soothe the fear of the conservatives. During the campaign, they supported Bush, and now they want Bush to give them someone in the Supreme Court. It proves the strong evangelical force is alive, they are activists, and they want Bush to install someone who will overturn Roe vs. Wade. So the religious issue got the momentum to push her out. 2. The political aspect During the preliminary interviews with the Senators prior to the Senate hearing, scheduled for November 7, she was requested to turn in internal documents from the White House, to prove her qualifications, but Bush believed that turning the documents over would jeopardize executive privilege, as she was the White House legal counsel, and the documents are sensitive. Before the Republican base is drained and divided, the Senate Majority Leader Frist told President Bush to “cut the loss”, and the next day she resigned. 3. The Media Role The media is meddling and superseding the work of the legislature. The executive power is being cut down by the media. The process is supposed to be that the President nominates someone, and the Senate holds a confirmation hearing. But in this case, she was attacked by people on both left and right sides of the political spectrum, whose objections were magnified by the anti-Bush press such as CNN, so she was forced out without a Senate hearing taking place. Keeping the process quiet seems to be the only way. Dana Bash, 10/28 on CNN “Susan Malveaux says she talked to a senior adviser about the replacement for Libby.” It looks like the White House correspondents are in charge of the decision making process. So that is why president could not react to Katrina, he was with the correspondents and they were running the things. They nailed Karl Rove and Scott McClellan, so they are in charge. The second time, for Rita, he ran things himself, and did well, so to reverse his fortune. No wonder that Dana Bash had the audacity saying that “we were all laughing at the President at the White House” during his hurricane work in the south. According to her pal, Quijano, “there was not one death due to Rita, but only from a tornado.” So one can deduce that the President was able to reverse his fortune the second time around because he could ‘rebel against them”. Americans are not in favor of unethical correspondents. Elaine Quijano 10/27/05, Thursday “But privately, at the same time, White House officials are also acknowledging some missteps in the rollout of Harriet Miers' nomination. Also, one senior aide expressing concern over what would have happened had Harriet Miers made it to those hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee -- one senior aide saying that it could have been a -- quote -- "intractable scenario" on live TV.” This is an improper indictment, and the clandestine transactions between White House senior aide and the White House Correspondents are not transparent, are dubious and perhaps jointly in a conspiratorial way played a role in ousting the president’s nominee. This oversteps the Senate and the people’s rights. They predetermined the outcome for Miers is a dead end and an ‘intractable scenario’, before it reached to the Senate Judiciary Committee. This looks like a conspiracy against Miers between the White House aides and the White House correspondents, because jointly they overrode the Senate's role to have a hearing on Miers. So nowadays the White House Correspondents are the new rising power, which supersedes the people’s chosen representatives and Congress. If the President didn’t consult with the White House press in advance, then, after they were privy to the new nominee, they would cross-examining her, and until the flying rumors and sentiments were so out of control, it was deemed to remove her, simply to predict, if not, ‘it would have an intractable scenario’ on live TV. What are the skeleton bones that they are not telling us about? What is the secrecy, between the Correspondents and the Executive power and their efforts concerted shrouded in dark, to override Congress? This violates the Constitution. On CNN tape transcript October 24, 2005, Quijano’s reasoning against Miers is that: Conservatives are not satisfied of her credentials and her “intellectual” ability. Actually if Elaine watched other high intellect TV shows differing from CNN’s, which demonstrated high ‘intellect’ and ‘high standard and expertise’, is that the Conservatives for 20 years have been waiting to seek a solid conservative role model who can voice their agendas, like pro-life/anti-abortion, in order to overturn Roe vs. Wade. They had doubt that Miers is the person, and were worried that she would betray them. Conservatives were chanting to get Miers to prove that she is a true conservative, without any ambiguity, but she was not able to prove this. Meanwhile, secretly, Democrats were happy. Some conservatives started to run ads against Miers, but they were supporters for John Roberts. Things started to get out of hand. Before the conservatives further split apart, the president might have decided to ‘cut his loss’, as Senator Frist suggested when he called on Wednesday night, just to drop the nomination on Thursday morning. Great fears of the Conservatives and a possible revolt against Bush During his campaign, he relied on Evangelical votes, now they want him to give them their ‘ideal voice person’ in the Supreme Court. But Bush gave an ambivalent, albeit, a pioneer female lawyer, but she was not enough to please the Conservative ‘activists’. She is not as well versed as Fitzgerald, but in her own right, is a top lawyer, to quote Bush, “She's been consistently ranked as one of the top 50 women lawyers in the United States.” The downfall of Miers can be attributed to the press’ desire to wreck anything Bush proposes. The evangelicals’ fear that Miers did not have allegiance to them was magnified and repeated by the press to the point that it looked unlikely that she would be confirmed. The demand for the internal documents was the way the Democrats used to force the issue of executive privilege, by demanding to scrutinize Bush’s private documents; this intentionally made her nomination awkward for President Bush. Bush Analysis: During the election, Evangelicals supported him, and now they still expect him to live up to his image.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

National Digest – Miers withdrew her nomination of the Supreme Court

National Digest – Miers withdrew her nomination of the Supreme Court. The Week of Testing a Country’s Character and Integrity Today, Bush is in Florida to survey the hurricane damage. During the crisis, it reveals one’s aptitude, disposition, and vulnerability. President Bush attributes the reason that Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination to the Senate. The senate wants the White House to release the internal documents, which would violate “Executive privilege”. Miers says that she was a burden to the White House. Bush reluctantly accepted and said that she did it in a graceful manner. Senator Charles Grassley, Republican, Judiciary Committee “I won’t argue with you, Kyra, You have your work.” CNN reporter Kyra was asking how the government should help with Wilma in a raised voice, in an untactful, imposing way. How to help Wilma? Where is the action? Toward a reporter with a Cultural Revolution-like purging style, Senator Grassley, in a reasonable beseeching tone said, “I am not here to make policy on TV, but in a debate in Congress.” Kyra, in a headstrong and frantic manner, “Americans should not suffer. Americans want to know, want to get help.” She was screaming and acting in a condescending manner to the Senator, and then, without apologizing, simply finished up by saying, “We are good friends.” She is trying to look like a peer to the Senators when she is not, after she scolded him rudely. Senator Specter, Judiciary Chairman, “Harriet is subject to a one-sided debate, by the press, by the radio, not in formal hearing.” Despite a quote from former Bush speechwriter David Frum, “the Senator himself says the nominee is un-confirmable.” Big blood bath on National TV. Paul Begala, Democrat Strategist, CNN “Democrats should be emboldened, now that the President shows weakness.” He is referring to the withdrawn nomination by Harriet Miers. Begala is relishing the event by saying that the leads can go all the way to the Vice President and the President. On asking if there was any link between the withdrawn nomination and the grand jury Prosecution case, he said yes. He has never seen President shy away from a fight. This week also was when the 2000th solider was killed in Iraq. Robert Bork, Former supreme court nominee. Bork’s 1987 nomination by President Reagan was defeated. Bork called the Miers Nomination “A disaster”. Bork: Bush can solidify his base again. He can analyze the situation and get himself out of it. Tomorrow, the three processes of the Grand Jury 1. Explanation of Elements of the Crimes. 2. Evidence of the crime, to support the crime. 3. Whether there is sufficient evidence to bring charges. Each can take 3 hours. According to the New York Times, the Grand Jury will ask for an extension so that they can continue to investigate Rove, this will spell out continued turmoil for the country.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Happy Birthday to 30 Year Old Free Eagle!

Reuters - Tue Oct 25,10:56 PM ET U.S. President George W. Bush delivers a speech to the Republican Eagles, a major donor group of the Republican National Committee, at a dinner held at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C., October 25, 2005. (Mannie Garcia/Reuters) Free Mind is as old as The Republican Eagles, 30 years old in America. A Free Eagle and a Free Mind American!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Do Not Play the Blame game on all Federal Employees for the Katrina Disaster

Do Not Play the Blame game on all Federal Employees for the Katrina Disaster In all fairness to the Federal employees, They are moderately paid compared to their industry counterparts. They opt to work for the government, many for patriotic reasons, and some for stability, rather than the dot com fast rich start up fast fortune. Many work overtime to get projects completed without being paid extra for their effort. For example, some engineers work with experimental weapons test equipment to get the hardware and software components all working smoothly together, within a rigid test schedule without charging overtime. Clinton said that when he was president, FEMA was more effective because it reported directly to him, rather than to the director of Homeland Security, but he didn’t claim that the Hurricane Katrina disaster would have been prevented if he was president. Senator Landrieu said that the flood was caused by the collapse of the levees, not the hurricane. When the levee broke, the flood ensued and drowned the victims. We should remind all the Democrats that Levee was old in their rein from 1992-2000, yet they didn’t fix it either, so the blame should not be placed all on the Bush administration and the federal government.

Media Neutrality and Apolitical Reporting Should be the Norm Rather than the Exception

Media Neutrality and Apolitical Reporting Should be the Norm Rather than the Exception The corrupt elite White House paparazzi have got to go! The Invasion of the spoiled young starlet paparazzi into the "People’s House". They are making more income than senators, and they have the air of self-importance of questioning and sneering at the administration. They are wearing expensive jewelry, and designer suits when the fellow citizens drowned in the flood. They are ill-mannered, unmoving, cold blooded, squabble with themselves on TV, and lack sympathy in their understanding tragedies. They should be the culprits because they act like they are the boss, and threaten Karl Rove, so Bush is forced to keep Rove in the background for the past few months. In fact, they helped or slowed the response to Hurricane Katrina because of their celebrity status swimming pool party on 8/25 in the president’s ranch. The management procedures and evacuations could have been implemented more effectively with Rove and efficient aids surrounding the president, rather than their frivolous desires to preoccupy themselves in the crucial days prior to the 8/29 Katrina landfall. They are judgmental and are not honest in their reporting. They are so critical that they divert the administration’s attention at the time that they need to do work. To quote former FEMA director Mike Brown on September 1, “I knew what was going on in the Superdome, but the White House didn’t”. According to CNN’s coverage all day on September 1, Bush was doing fund raising with the Red Cross, not the real administrative rescue work. And yet a CNN reporter was saying, “We were all laughing in the White House as Bush went down to the second hurricane, Rita”. The reporters were indicting and trying the important top aids before the investigation was complete, so that the president had to distance himself from his aids like Rove and McClellan, and others. This gave the young starlet more access, more coverage, and a promotion to the limelight, to advance her career. They are in Bush’s way in trying to go to the Emergency Center, and they tackled him. So if aid came to advise him to go to Northern Command in Colorado, in order to extricate himself from looking bad and inefficient, they attacked back by saying, “His response to Rita was not necessary, as no one got killed, just by Tornado, and Bush mainly went there for photo Ops”. American people are fed up by these comments. We wonder why the President is reduced to have no liberty to go where he wants to go? If it is the White House women team responsibility to keep a tab on him, and to dictate his every move, are they infringing on the executive power? According to Richard Prince’s report on April 22, 2005 CNN's naming of White House correspondent John King as national correspondent means "that the CNN White House Unit on-air line-up of Suzanne Malveaux, Dana Bash, and Elaine Quijano will become what some media historians see as the first all-women White House correspondent team in the history of television," ABC News' "The Note" reported. The press has done a good job in silencing Rove, and McClellan. Bush still has an over 80% approval rating among Republicans. Perhaps this is the point, to have him lose this Republican base. The press has tried to divide the Republicans about Harriet Miers, even before her Senate Hearing has started, and the press is always exaggerating “the growing divide” of the Republican Party, and whatever scandals Republicans like DeLay, Frist and Lott are involved in, no matter how small or unimportant. The American people need to discuss the issues, they do not always need a crisis. The media always tries to create crises. Democracy is based on discussion, not on agitated hyped-up commotions. The press hopes that they can remove the tactical advisor Rove, and next to dismantle Rumsfeld, the federal government, and the Republic can fall like domino. The ultimate goal can be obtained to have a disabled Bush. They say, “Not a dead duck, but a lame duck”. The news reporters that make $200,000 can parlay the journalism worthy a million with their face on Time magazine and internatonal stardom. We just want updates, not soap operas, or National Enquirer’s level of reporting. In their disrespectful way, with overly arrogant attire and gestures, they are losing all appeal to the public, but are insulting American people’s IQ with their stories attacking the president. People are saying that the reporting is too political, without a sense of media neutrality, and balanced reporting needs to be instilled urgently.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Free Mind’s Birth Date Is the Symbol of Freedom

Free Mind’s Birth Date Is the Symbol of Freedom Born after Taiwan’s Liberation and Independence from Colonial Japan. The Nationalists made October 25, as the “Taiwan Recovery Day, Liberation Free from Japan” date. So the freedom loving Free Mind was born on a Free Day, October 26. Free Mind chose to come to the United States for the first time ever, on October 26, so that I have 2 birthdays, after my rebirth in America. Like the 26th US President Theodore Roosevelt who was born on 10/27/1858, I have strong will like him. A strong sense of mission. We set out projects and we like the ultimate work to get done. I’m in joy to be born very close to a great man like Teddy Roosevelt, who negotiated the peace treaty between Japan and Russia in 1905. I will continue to study Roosevelt, China, and do relevant work to bring the two great cultures together, so they are convergent, not divergent. Also, possible future president Hillary Rodham Clinton was born on October 26. Hillary Rodham Clinton — Date of Birth: 26 October 1947

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I think President Bush does more help for AIDS than former President Clinton

President George W. Bush and Bono discuss global AIDS and Africa policy in the Oval Office Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2005, following lunch in the White House. White House photo by Eric Draper I think President Bush does more help for AIDS than former President Clinton. Despite Clinton wants to be the spokesman for AIDS in China, I have not heard anything that he does with the AIDS patients, or any photo of it. But I just know that Clinton does each speech with $250,000, in Taiwan, or in China. Who contributes more cash or medicine to Chinese AIDS victims?
Artist: U2 Song: With Or Without You
Lyrics See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait....without you
With or without you
With or without you
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away
My hands are tied
My body bruised, she's got me with
Nothing to win
And nothing left to lose
With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Advice for President Bush, about how to look good in front of the Chinese people during his upcoming trip to Asia

Nanjing Qixia Mountain Maple

Advice for President Bush, about how to look good in front of the Chinese people during his upcoming trip to Asia 1) Hire knowledgeable, professional translators to go with the president, not inexperienced but ambitious showy stars without any knowledge of the culture. With a team of good translators, the President and his staff will be well-informed and well-served, and will not be culturally blind and illiterate. 2) Avoid the White House or local correspondents from U.S. news stations. Even if they can speak Chinese and claim to have local connections, they still have the same anti-Bush agenda as they do in the U.S. They want to challenge or embarrass the President in order to preserve their own identity and to advance their ratings. He should remember that one of the reasons his response to Hurricane Rita was so good was that he bypassed the media and managed things directly, in his own way, rather than falling into the trap of trying to defend himself from the media’s constant attacks. 3) Meet with some advanced cultural scholars from leading universities such as Qinghua University and ignore any protesters or troublemakers. This will counteract the people who are culturally blind and biased, and help out with Chinese-American relations. 4) The media recently invited scholars such as O’Hanlon from the Brookings Institution, and misquoted him as part of their anti-Iraq funding campaign right on the White House lawn, in an attempt to stop the Senate from voting on the defense appropriations bill with $50 billion for Iraq included. 5) They will undoubtedly use the Asia trip to make the President look bad and to derail the U.S.-China relationship. CNN’s Lou Dobbs makes daily attacks on China, saying that the President’s visit to China is an assault on the American middle class, because Bush wants to export American jobs to China.

6) To Quote Senator Arlen Specter, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, 10/18,

"Harriet is being tried by the media, but the one place she should be tried is by the Senate Judiciary Committee". "So we need a date to start". The date to start could be November 14, in order for all of the papers to be sorted through, as November 7 would be too early.

The media is encroaching on both the legislative and executive branch.

The White House juggles daily with the media gang which makes a living by churning up controversial stories.

But the rating is always that American approval for the Media is fallen by at least 10 points. If CNN says the approval is 39% for Bush, then the approval for the Media is only 29%.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Thoughts on author Ba Jin 巴金 passing away

Ba Jin 巴金 (1904-2005)

Ba Jin left. A century of congealed thick mottled compassion becomes history A Book simply called 家 "Home" A dream people hold dear in 100 years' turmoil and invasions A Chinese portrait of an Eternal Serene family facing changes Long long Time Ago He wrote "Home" The rebel and the rise against the family wall and tradition

In the book of 秋 "Autumn"

I can see my beloved "City of Wan, Bowl" In the autumn leaves rustle

In the book of 春 "Spring"

Like the Soong dynasty calendar drawing of the green ox under the willow tree At the foot of the city gate

Country doctor Grandfather passing through the city gate many times All are dreaming of coming homes

Coming back home to our darling city

After 2 days excursions

Thrilled in the sunset

The driver and tour guide

One likes traditional songs and one likes western songs

We are rushing home back to our city

Our return heart is like a fast arrow

Our car is speeding like an arrow shooting straight in the dark Exiled. Far away children. Ran away to island. Continental America. Some support and relying on this thinking of gentle homeland where you can't be called "an alien"

Never can you reach Or return to homeland Everyone has a homeland Li Bai "Tonight this song I hear the willow snapping sound Who doesn't summon up the old garden love? Unbridled, he was also looking forward to a center called "Home". 巴金的離開人世 中國人一世紀所凝結的感情﹐ 厚凝﹐斑駮﹐成了歷史。 一個家的夢﹐ 家與夢。 中國人永恆家的塑像 好久好久以前 巴 金寫了‘家’ 如那秋葉颯颯的縣城, 宋曆畫的大青牛,拴在城根柳樹下, 都是夢中之家。 游子﹐或放逐﹐逃亡到海島台灣﹐在美國斷斷續續的讀些好書, 油然而生的﹐卻永遠不可及﹐回不了家的思念。 人人都有故園﹐李白飄泊在外﹐ “此夜曲中聞折柳,何人不起故園情?” 動蕩不安的人生大海裡的,不羈的李白不也嚮往著一個家的中心﹖

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Thoughts on湯山溫泉Tangshan Hot Spring Mountain, Nanjing

Thoughts on湯山溫泉Tangshan Hot Spring Mountain, Nanjing I shared my first hot spring bath in北投 陽明山Yangming Mountain in Taipei, Taiwan with my grandmother. She told me: “You are five, grandmother is 50.” Grandmother was hiding in the water, and beckoning me toward the huge wood bath tub, bubbling with steaming hot spring water. The air was filled with a sulfur mineral smell. Water was coming from pipes in the mountain linked to the hot spring. I was afraid of the steaming heat. Embarrassed that I took off clothes under her look, I slipped into it, and it was warm but not horribly hot. I thought it was strange why she was like the Japanese. I never washed together with anybody as this was not the Chinese custom. We laughed at entire Japanese families soaking in a large bath pool as “有禮無體 Though you have the façade of etiquette, you don’t have fundamental substance.” The closest root of the language spoken by the Japanese in the Tokyo region is the local dialect of Suzhou ancient Wu State capital. It is not the other way around.Then, I realized that using hot spring baths was her cultural habit, as TangShan hot springs was near the Chinese capital in Nanking. In the same region, 350,000 year old Nanking ape-men’s skulls were found. When I visit there I wonder if I will hear the apes of TangShan howling in the sparkling agate night. 蔣緯國 Jiang Wei Guo’s father戴傳賢Dai Chuan Xian bought Nanjing land at the top of a hill.Later, the land was used as Yi Ning school ground. Ning 寧 is so named after the ancient Nanjing compound of 江寧府 Jiang Ning Prefecture. Dai Chuan Xian was a Buddhist, and his brother was a principal and an educator, so he bought the temple land and then used it also for a school. Later, they relocated the school to Taichung, Taiwan. It still uses Yi Ning Middle School as the name for the private school. History background of Nanjing. Nanjing possesses ample water resources, both from the Yangtze River and ground water, and it has several natural hot springs such as湯山Tangshan Hot Spring in 江寧Jiangning. Natural lakes such as玄武湖 Xuanwu Lake and 莫愁湖Mochou Lake are located in the center of the city and easily accessible to the public, while hills like Purple Mountain are covered with evergreen trees and host various historical and cultural sites. The famous strategist and politician in三國the Three Kingdoms Period, 諸葛亮Zhuge Liang, was so pleased by Nanjing's geographic position, he gave the following praise: “With Purple Mountain as twining dragon and Stone Wall as crouching tiger, Jinling (old-name of Nanjing) is absolutely a home of emperors.” (钟山龙蟠,石头虎踞,真乃帝王之宅也) Jiang Wei Guo later went to Tang Shan hot spring when he was in his 80s.He was an old man. He reminisced about the hot bath when he was a boy, with his father.Zhu Jia Hua was his godfather; he invited an Austrian professor for geology research. A retired German marshal was dancing to a Strauss waltz with a Czech violinist in the villa hall. In Germany when they were both young, they received German training, Dr. Chu in social sciences, and Jiang in the military artillery armor school. Dr. Chu studied medicine in Shanghai's Tong Ji University, founded by the Germans. 難以想像﹐湯山曾有的金陵溫泉盛世, 清泉汨湧。如今, 害怕看到渾水﹐工人洗澡間, 成為低下的貧民游樂場所景點。正如﹐我從龍門石窟看到的鮮卑女孩﹐已對過去時代﹐北魏的盛世一無所知,茫然不復記憶.

Bewildered about the Past Glory, on Luoyang capital and Nanking capital

It is hard to imagine the sparkling hot spring surging out and the past beauty of wonder, be it a nationalist-run or a Wu State kingdom. I am frightened to see the dirty water, and the communist public pool bath with workmen soaking there. This is just like what I have seen with the Xian Bei girl in the glorious Longmen Grotto by the Yi River. Toward her ancestral past, somehow, she ought to have a sense of pride. I thought that Northern Wei dynasty's ruling scored some good points. The bible of the Northern Bei dynasty stone inscription tablet is still stored in the Confucius temple. The non-Han people were so eager to be honored and recognized by the Chinese Han.

水經注訴說著 那久遠的史前史﹐大禹開闢拓寬谷道﹐伊水注入黃河﹐兩岸有龍門及香山對立。龍門與香山﹐二山永恆的相望. The Book of Rivers tells us that long ago, in prehistory, Da Yu, the first emperor of Xia Dynasty, widened the valley, allowing the Yi River to connect with the Yellow River. By the side of the Yi River, the Longmen and Xiang Fragrant Mountain are facing each other. Comment by Free Mind: This pristine environment was marred by invaders from the north and west, who carved Buddhas and statuettes in the side of the mountain, during the Northern Dynasty. The Sui Dynasty unified the north and south split. It is difficult to imagine the thriving times for the fountain resort.Right now the hot springs resort is in a declining state. Just like when we travel in Longmen Grotto in Luoyang. The green-eyed Xianbei race, a mixture of white Slavic and Arabic genes with wheat complexion but Chinese smooth delicate skin texture toward their once glorified past is without any trace of memory.The Northern Dynasty occupied North China and was assimilated into the Chinese race. Yi water is flowing by with different occupiers.They are peddling the Guanyin pendants with smiles. I bought the dark green nephrite jade Guanyin pendant from the Xianbei girl, with an inset Guanyin portrait. It is real solid natural stone. The 13,000 temples were burned and the dynasty changed. It ushered in another dynasty. A man in the name of depicting the temples, secretly drew down the Luoyang city map. So to this day, we have this secret book of Luoyang blueprint prior to its burning.The mixed blood emperor, of Xian Bei race of Slavic father, and Chinese mother, Bei Wei Xiao Wen Di, North Wei Xiao Wen emperor, ordered that in the court to give up non-Chinese customs, and the official language must be Han language, or else they would be fired. I asked the Xian Bei girl:Do you know that you look like a foreigner to me? She smiled in her mystical disbelief:No. Is that so? That pair of green eyes is shimmering in the distant light of another race, another culture that went extinct on the horizon. But the Yi Water River still moves quietly toward the Yellow River to see the grand world. 龍門與香山 隔著伊水 二山永恆的相望 幾番風雨 青山依然在 幾度夕陽紅 Longmen and Xiang Shan Yi River flowing between them Two mountains forever facing each other A few times of Wind and Rain The Green Mountain is still here after how many red sunsets? -- Written by Catherine Chuang

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bush Meets Frontline Troops via Video Conference on the Eve of the Iraqi Referendum

Bush Meets Frontline Troops via Video Conference on the Eve of the Iraqi Referendum Today, the President spoke with troops in Iraqi via video teleconference. Today the President spoke with the U.S. Army's 42nd Infantry Division serving in Iraq, via video teleconference from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington. He serves the purpose of a leader who cares in the advent of the Iraqi Constitutional national referendum vote on October 15, about 48 hours ahead of a major national event on Iraqi referendum day. This is a brave and scientific act. But it met the critical eye of the Washington White House correspondents and the reaction from them was that it was 'scripted', as if to say it is lacks genuine feeling. The leader of a country talking to frontline troops is for the public, for the good of the country. I can never forget about the Nanking soybean poisoning of over 200 people and the first arriving journalist's genuine account. This journalist showed a very good photo of the Nanking old man in their deeply shaken tragedy, made me cry inside for his desperation. The reports told us the nuance of the story. The village head was told not to talk but only the official Xinhua. Even Xinhua was told that this belonged to a political intrigue, as we know that Tangshan Hot Spring Mountain was the Northern Expedition headquarters for Chiang Kai Shek. Then the story line started to be blurred as the official started to seal the location, and everything was to be filtered out, and varnished. The initial direct account just told us the scare and the utter chaos and Nanking people's trauma and crying for justice. The story developed line was that the man who did the poisoning was disturbed, had a quarrel with his cousin, and put the poison into the soybean milk and poisoned hundreds as that is the student-populated area. He later escaped to railroad toward the Henan area and was caught in the train. He was executed shortly afterwards. I forever thank that very initial true account of the report. I think China has good reporters and they showed their social conscience in preserving some glimpse of a society under the heavy veils of news control. One would like the US to do better than China, not with White House press being arrogant and anti-government. The president is laughed at as a lame duck. But his lame duck time is after 3 years from now, and for 3 months, from Nov 2008 to Jan 2009. 清君側 Clean the side attendants of the Emperor In ancient China, the purging of the close bad servants by the side of the Emperor sometimes is necessary, in order to preserve autonomy and the free movement of the national leader, the emperor. 1. Change the format to present the presidency seems to beg the leadership and the no nonsense executive privilege mandated by the Constitution. Let the neutral and rational station like C-SPAN talk to the people, they usually have some supporting Bush and some not supporting Bush. They are not like the anti-Bush CNN programs to paint, and to whine and moan about every move of the administration. Fox is friendlier and composed than hyped CNN. There is this Mike Chinoy who didn't do justice in reporting an overseas crisis of the Taiwan presidential election. The aftermath was causing half of a million to demonstrate on March 26. We know that many people appeared. My heart was wet with tears and I wrote poem and song about it. But Michael Chinoy so casually put the doubts into the 'seriousness' of the matter by shrugging it off, like he doubted that it was half of a million. 2, Put the White House under House Arrest. 請君入瓮 There is a phrase, please enter my burning urn. The current White House correspondents system is looking like a set up for failure. All the news subjects were released a week ahead, so that the news reporters have ample time and to position themselves to strike the administration. Like the defense bill and the Iraqi bill. Like the justice nominee's protégée and escort person on Capitol Hill. If they don't meet the news people's approval, then they attack the administration. The sabotage doesn't require any solid research, and they purely based on their instinctual reactions. It is a litany song of discontent. Nothing can quiet them down. Once they are privy to the important issues, they get the better handle, become sharp tongued, and they run over the White House, trample the administration like the military spending $455 billion. They staged and tape a professor's anti-war remarks in Iraq. So it is like Hanoi Jane Fonda, we have an Iraqi news starlet. On the horizon under excuse, and disguise of free press, but in reality just use White House as the vehicle stepping stone, to exercise a personal view, to give American people negative anti-war views. Like Jiang Qing familiarized herself with ancient Chinese opera and trained by Tian Han great playwright. She used this training, to add on Mao's particular thinking on Communism; together they merged into a force to curtail the Nationalist efforts, as the poor nationalists were too busy in fighting at the frontline against the Japanese invasion like Taierzhuang bloody battle lasting from April 1938 to May 1938. But at this time, Jiang Qing and Mao were rehearsing and doing this important show called "Da Yu Sha Jia, Revolting of the Fishermen". They were into pleasures while their countrymen were sacrificing. The Communists were trying to educate the people to have violent riots against the local government. We love America and we love the nation and respect the leader. We do not want to sink the administration. A leader has the right to lead and not to be 'reported' and via a tainted lens. If without love, there will not be any loving report or portrayal.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Journalists in China and in the U.S.

Journalists in China and in the U.S. China should be Aware when the Status Quo White House Correspondents go to China There is an intrinsic difference in the perception of the Chinese media and the American media. China perceives the White House correspondents as officials representing the White House. That is very different from actuality, because in the U.S. news reporters see themselves as the critics of the government administration, which is the opposite of the role of reporters in China, whose job is to promote the Chinese government. This is particularly true with CNN, usually the more controversial the reporting is, the higher the ratings. President Bush’s ratings are at a new low, 39%. Only 28% believe that the country is headed in the right direction. The CNN reporters are very happy with this. So we don’t need help to compound the problem from the news reporters to criticize the administration abroad and increase hostility between China and US. The Bush administration basically believes that the White House is an educational center, and a nerve center for the distribution of the news. This creates a superficial but ambitious style of coverage that is not in-depth, but sells out the administration with their half truths, or pre-conceived notions. Many times, the reporters are privy to the current ongoing issues, and they carry out their platforms freely from the White House, as this is the status quo, and they can be the spokesman for the president. It is a challenging environment for both sides. An outspoken journalist can pose these questions to the president: a. What he thinks on Freedom of Press in China b. One China Policy c. China’s ailing one party political system d. China’s human rights record e. Taiwan’s rights to be independent As we know even Bush’s good friend Karen Hughes once made the mistake by speaking of “Taiwan Republic” and was to let go soon after that. She is Bush’s solid friend, but needs many classes in this sensitive area. Young news reporters are eager for more blunders to report, and will do their best to make the government officers look bad. Like gladiators, they think they can become heroes by defeating corrupt officials. The problem is that they attack the honest officials also before all of the facts are known. Bush may be used to the reporters goading him, if they are not around in China it may be too unusual for him. While pit bulls may think they are brave and assert their rights to be true journalists, China will perceive that as threat to the State stability. But if a gag order is served, then they would not fulfill their true mission—to keep asking questions. So the best solution perhaps is simply fake as a tourist, and talk about weather, be a wallflower and leave the real sharp diplomatic question to the professionals. Suggestion: Don’t issue the difficult juvenile outspoken journalists the visas, as that even the White House can’t control them for fear of trampling the Freedom of Speech, and they are marching everywhere. This is called the abuse of the rights of the general public, in the name of free media, and the American and Chinese people have to pay on their account. Because the Bush Administration is portrayed unfairly in the American media, we don’t want China to be portrayed unfairly also just for the sake of getting people to watch CNN to increase their ratings. World peace and national security are higher goals that should be worth more than ratings. The dichotomy is that the reporters are secretly happy when the government is in turmoil, because their ratings will be up.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

16th Annual Central Committee Members in the Financial and Economic Sector 16th Annual Central Committee Members in the Financial and Economic Sector 财经界16届中央委员 王旭东 信产部党组书记王岐山 国务院体改办主任田凤山 国土资源部部长吕福源 外经贸部党组书记、 副部长华建敏 中央财经领导小组办公室主任牟新生 海关总署署长杜青林 农业部部长李金华 审计署署长李荣融 经贸委主任李毅中 中石化董事长CEO杨元元 民航总局局长汪光焘 建设部部长张左己 劳动部部长张春贤 交通部部长金人庆 国税总局局长周小川 证监会主席项怀诚 财政部部长徐冠华 科技部部长阎海旺 中央金融工委书记曾培炎 国家计委主任解振华 环保总局局长戴相龙 人民银行行长 财经界16届中央候补委员 朱之鑫 现任国家统计局局长谢企华 现任宝钢集团董事长谢旭人 现任经贸委副主任刘 玠 现任鞍钢集团总经理 吴定富 现任保监会主席竺延风 现任一汽集团总经理奚国华 现任网通集团总裁刘明康 现任中国银行行长卫留成 现任中海油总经理尚福林 现任农业银行行长姜建清 现任工商银行行长马富才 现任中石油总经理陶建幸 现任春兰首席执行官王明权 现任光大董事长CEO张瑞敏 现任海尔首席执行官陈 元 现任国开行行长 财经16届中央纪检委委员 王建宙 现任中国联通总裁李传卿 技术监督总局书记张恩照 现任建设银行行长常小兵 现任中国电信副总楼继伟 现任财政部副部长魏家福 现任中远集团总裁

Chinese communist party 16th annual 5th Central Committee Members Convention Chinese communist party 16th annual 5th Central Committee Members Convention, was held from October 8th to 11th in Beijing. It has 191 Central Committee members and 150 in waiting attendance list. During the Convention, everyone listened and discussed Hu JinTao’s work report delegated by the Central Political Bureau. It passed the Communist Party Central Instituting the National Economy and the Social Development the 11th 5-year plan, starting with the first 5-year plan in 1953. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao also made an explanation on the “Suggestion for the discussion draft”. Statistical Data, Comparing the 16th with the 15th annual convention
16th 15th
Age average55.455.9
College %98.692.4
Under 50 %2014.8
十六届 十五届
中国共产党十六届五中全会公报 2005年10月11日21:12 新华网   新华网北京10月11日电 中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第五次全体会议公报   (2005年10月11日中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第五次全体会议通过)   中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第五次全体会议,于2005年10月8日至11日在北京举行。   出席这次全会的有,中央委员191人,候补中央委员150人。中央纪律检查委员会常务委员会委员和有关方面的负责同志列席了会议。   全会由中央政治局主持。中央委员会总书记胡锦涛作了重不啊?   全会听取和讨论了胡锦涛受中央政治局委托作的工作报告,审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》。温家宝就《建议(讨论稿)》向全会作了说明。   全会充分肯定十六届四中全会以来中央政治局的工作。一致认为,中央政治局坚持以邓小平理论和“ 三个代表”重要思想为指导,团结带领全党全国各族人民深入贯彻党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会精神,全面落实科学发展观,加强党的执政能力建设和先进性建设,坚持发展这个党执政兴国的第一要务,加强和改善宏观调控,着力推进改革开放,加快调整经济结构和转变经济增长方式,正确处理改革发展稳定的关系,社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设和党的建设取得新进展,我国经济社会保持良好的发展势头。   全会高度评价“十五”时期我国经济社会发展取得的巨大成就,认为过去的五年,各地区各部门在党中央的正确领导下,聚精会神搞建设、一心一意谋发展,不断推进改革开放,我国经济实力、综合国力和国际地位显著提高。我们有效抑制经济运行中出现的不稳定不健康因素,成功战胜非典疫情和重大自然灾害的挑战,从容应对加入世界贸易组织后的新变化,国民经济持续较快发展,工业化、城镇化、市场化、国际化步伐加快,“十五”计划确定的主要发展目标提前实现,经济体制改革不断深化,对外贸易迈上新台阶,国家财政收入大幅度增加,价格总水平保持基本稳定,城乡人民生活进一步改善,民族团结不断巩固,各项社会事业取得新进步,社会主义民主政治和精神文明建设继续加强。这些都为“十一五”时期的发展奠定了良好基础。面向未来,我们站在一个新的历史起点上。   全会深入分析了今后一个时期我国经济社会发展面临的国际国内形势,强调在全面建设小康社会的进程中,“十一五”时期具有承前启后的重要历史地位。我们必须紧紧抓住机遇,应对各种挑战,认真解决前进道路上面临的突出矛盾和问题,立足科学发展,着力自主创新,完善体制机制,促进社会和谐,开创中国特色社会主义事业的新局面,为后十年顺利发展打下坚实基础。   全会指出,制定“十一五”规划,要以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻落实科学发展观。坚持发展是硬道理,坚持抓好发展这个党执政兴国的第一要务,坚持以经济建设为中心,坚持用发展和改革的办法解决前进中的问题。要坚定不移地以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,坚持以人为本,转变发展观念、创新发展模式、提高发展质量,把经济社会发展切实转入全面协调可持续发展的轨道。“十一五”时期,必须保持经济平稳较快发展,必须加快转变经济增长方式,必须提高自主创新能力,必须促进城乡区域协调发展,必须加强和谐社会建设,必须不断深化改革开放。   全会按照十六大对本世纪头二十年全面建设小康社会的总体部署,提出了“十一五”时期经济社会发展的主要目标:在优化结构、提高效益和降低消耗的基础上,实现2010年人均国内生产总值比2000年翻一番;资源利用效率显著提高,单位国内生产总值能源消耗比“十五”期末降低20%左右;形成一批拥有自主知识产权和知名品牌、国际竞争力较强的优势企业;社会主义市场经济体制比较完善,开放型经济达到新水平,国际收支基本平衡;普及和巩固九年义务教育,城镇就业岗位持续增加,社会保障体系比较健全,贫困人口继续减少;城乡居民收入水平和生活质量普遍提高,价格总水平基本稳定,居住、交通、教育、文化、卫生和环境等方面的条件有较大改善;民主法制建设和精神文明建设取得新进展,社会治安和安全生产状况进一步好转,构建和谐社会取得新进步。   会议认为,建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务,要按照生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主的要求,扎实稳步地加以推进。要统筹城乡经济社会发展,推进现代农业建设,全面深化农村改革,大力发展农村公共事业,千方百计增加农民收入。要把增强自主创新能力作为调整产业结构、转变经济增长方式的中心环节,加快发展先进制造业,努力提高产业技术水平,加快发展服务业,加强基础产业基础设施建设,推进产业结构优化升级。要继续推进西部大开发,振兴东北地区等老工业基地,促进中部地区崛起,鼓励东部地区率先发展,形成东中西互动、优势互补、相互促进、共同发展的新格局。坚持大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,按照循序渐进、节约土地、集约发展、合理布局的原则,促进城镇化健康发展。要加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,大力发展循环经济,加大环境保护力度,切实保护好自然生态,认真解决影响经济社会发展特别是严重危害人民健康的突出的环境问题,在全社会形成资源节约的增长方式和健康文明的消费模式。   会议认为,改革是促进经济社会发展的强大动力,目前我国正处于改革的攻坚阶段,必须以更大决心加快推进改革,使关系经济社会发展全局的重大体制改革取得突破性进展。要着力推进行政管理体制改革,坚持和完善基本经济制度,推进财政税收体制改革,加快金融体制改革,加强现代市场体系建设,形成有利于转变经济增长方式、促进全面协调可持续发展的机制,完善落实科学发展观的体制保障。对外开放是我国的基本国策,在国内市场和国际市场联系日益紧密的情况下,我们要有宽广的世界眼光,着力提高对外开放水平,加快转变对外贸易增长方式,继续积极有效利用外资,支持有条件的企业“走出去”,实施互利共赢的开放战略。   会议认为,发展科技教育和壮大人才队伍,是提升国家竞争力的决定性因素。要深入实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略。科学技术发展要坚持自主创新、重点跨越、支撑发展、引领未来的方针,不断增强企业创新能力,加快建设国家创新体系。坚持教育优先发展,全面实施素质教育,普及和巩固义务教育,大力发展职业教育,提高高等教育质量,深化教育体制改革,加快教育结构调整,促进各级各类教育协调发展,建设学习型社会。加强人力资源能力建设,实施人才培养工程,加强党政人才、企业经营管理人才和专业技术人才三支队伍建设,抓紧培养专业化高技能人才和农村实用人才。   会议认为,要按照构建民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会主义和谐社会的要求,正确处理新形势下人民内部矛盾,认真解决人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题。把扩大就业摆在经济社会发展更加突出位置,坚持实施积极的就业政策,千方百计增加就业岗位。建立健全与经济发展水平相适应的社会保障体系,完善城镇职工基本养老和基本医疗、失业、工伤、生育保险制度,认真解决进城务工人员社会保障问题。完善按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度,坚持各种生产要素按贡献参与分配,更加注重社会公平,加大调节收入分配的力度,努力缓解地区之间和部分社会成员收入分配差距扩大的趋势。深化文化体制改革,积极发展文化事业和文化产业,创造更多更好适应人民群众需求的优秀文化产品。认真研究并逐步解决群众看病难看病贵问题。继续深化医疗卫生体制改革,完善公共卫生和医疗服务体系,基本建立新型农村合作医疗制度。稳定人口低生育水平,提高出生人口素质。要落实安全生产责任制,强化对食品、药品、餐饮卫生等的监管,加强社会治安综合治理,依法严厉打击各种犯罪活动,保障人民群众生命财产安全,维护国家安全和社会稳定,保障人民群众安居乐业。   会议强调,实现“十一五”规划目标,推进全面建设小康社会进程,关键在于加强和改善党的领导。要坚持立党为公、执政为民,加强党的执政能力建设和先进性建设,加强各级领导班子和基层党组织建设,不断提高党领导经济社会发展的水平。全体党员要坚定理想信念,坚持党的根本宗旨,兢兢业业地工作,坚定不移地为建设中国特色社会主义事业而奋斗。各级领导干部要坚持权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋,继续搞好保持共产 党员先进性教育活动,深入开展党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,始终保持党同人民群众的血肉联系。   会议强调,要贯彻依法治国的基本方略,加强社会主义民主政治建设,积极稳妥地继续推进政治体制改革。要加强社会主义精神文明建设,使全体人民始终保持昂扬向上的精神状态。要加强国防和军队建设。保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定。推进两岸关系发展和祖国统一大业。   会议强调,推动经济发展、改善人民生活始终是中国的中心任务,我们坚定不移地走和平发展道路,就是要通过争取和平的国际环境来发展自己,又要通过自身的发展来促进世界和平。中国的发展主要靠自己的力量,同时也坚持实行对外开放,愿意同世界各国开展互利合作,共同致力于建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。   全会号召,全党同志和全国各族人民,要紧密团结在以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央周围,高举马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想伟大旗帜,坚持党的基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,振奋精神,扎实工作,锐意进取,开拓创新,为实现国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划和全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标而努力奋斗!(完)   相关专题:中共十六届五中全会 手机上新浪随时了解神六进展 短信看世界与航天员一起翱翔

President Bush’s 8th trip to the Gulf Coast, and Shortfall of Quality Journalists like Water Cronkite

President Bush’s 8th trip to the Gulf Coast, and Shortfall of Quality Journalists like Water Cronkite Free Mind's thoughts about the declining quality of American news media, October 11, 2005. To quote Senator Landrieu, in her Senate testimony, she said, “We used to have Water Cronkite, but all we have is Geraldo.” She was angry that the coverage was too sensational and inconsiderate of people’s feelings. Americans are split. One White House correspondent said “For foreign countries like the Pakistan earthquake, the response is within 12 hours, so much faster than Katrina.” A Washington Post journalist said, “It is expensive logistically when the president travels, in terms of security, and police.” The real watch dogs are the White House correspondents; at least that is what they think they are. Their job is to be critical and hold the president suspect of something improper and they have to expose and deny everything he does. A juvenile reporter was outspoken like a pit bull trying to bark and maul down gentle and civil Harriet Miers. They can be intimidating. I feel sorry for Scott McClellan’s position. Everyday they beat down on him, like “Today, the president refused to answer the question, is he going to withdraw Miers’ nomination?” Like a juvenile mob, she interrogated and challenged McClellan. For someone who is daring to interrogate the president during a visit by a head of state, and is extremely undiplomatic, is ill-suited to follow the president abroad. Someone who is good in a well-situated controlled situation, like the East Room, is not good outdoors where the real action is. If this outspoken but careless reporter would travel with the president to South Korea or in China, she can ask questions to generate huge turmoil on the international scene, and damages the U.S. relationship with other countries. It is better to keep dirty laundry at home, not drag it out in the international arena. For world peace, we don’t need this wild reporting style. Most viewers would like to see calm logic, not sensational reporting. Bush’s Struggle in Rectifying His Tarnished Image In Front of the American People Without 20-year-old reporters with their own agenda misrepresenting him. We saw that the president got off the Air Force One steps and jumped into a SUV waiting, without giving room for the press to interrogate him with questions like “When you will withdraw troops from Iraq?” Then he hurried to the Emergency Center to keep things calm and organized. The news reporters didn’t have a chance to barrage him with bullets and questions. This was a successful tactics. As they could only use the official released tape and do the true reporting, not massaged, albeit with some of their own criticism. With the different tapes, they varnished the story. Like 1) “The president was slow to respond to Katrina, continued with his vacation, and didn’t return to Washington for two days.” 2) “Rita was so unnecessary, and he was just doing it for show and photo ops.” They didn’t bother to talk about the facts. They lied to the American public. The fact is that of Galveston, though spared, Cameron parish was totally obliterated to splinters by Hurricane Rita, and the past history was that in Galveston 8000 died in a 1900 flood, and in Cameron parish 390 died during Hurricane Audrey in 1957. We hope that the coverage when the president visits China and Korea can be constructive and there will not be unsuitable reporters intentionally portraying the president badly to cause diplomatic disasters. Foreign diplomacy is in need to be promoted, not to be damaged further. Some people following him will have critical remarks like he is bad to balance the China trade, he is bad to encourage outsourcing for corporate profit, he is bad to adjust the currency, he is not strong enough about human rights, or will insult China’s one party system at her free spin of the story. Ahead of the Senate passage of the Defense Bill of $455 Billion for fiscal year 2006 on Friday 10/7. This included the Senate-approved $50 Billion in Iraq and Afghanistan for Bush’s request. A White House correspondent on 10/2 released the tape against Bush’s Iraq troops. This looks like it was politically motivated and timed to attempt to defeat the defense bill. Also the Republican Party rift is being exaggerated with the intent to shake the administration. So if a conniving reporter made up their juvenile mind, and made unsuitable remarks for lack of response to Hurricane Katrina, laughing at the overreaction to Rita, trying to block the Defense Budget, are the reporters trying to influence US policy? Did Bush announce a cut non-security discretionary budget to appease these unruly reporters? This criticism will amount to many good employees’ to lose their jobs and support for their families. One wonders if such a conspiracy is a nightmare or become true. Media Intervention and the Executive Role in Immediacy to interact with the American People Should the Americans listen to the media more or the president’s remarks more? If the reporters are Shirley Temple, and with cute dimples, maybe. Does Bush exhibit a poor taste in bringing along juvenile reporters with him? The American people continue to watch him sink and fall into low ratings, and the flirtatious twenties-something reporters taunting him. Sometimes, like Texas cattle being prodded in a lost direction on lost prairie. Their judgment is to hold his collar belt leash him tightly to their standard, with low morale, till the puppet falls apart. A Taiwan woman DPP secretary, Chen WenQian, who ruined the Nationalist party. BeiGang North Port incense container can be inserted by every man. She held multi-relations with several men and was secretary to DPP leaders. She basically destroyed the KMT. But later she defected and supported the KMT. But the Nationalists were already finished by her, and her movements. Some media reporters behavior is like these women. Women who can ruin a party, or a country. Ambush Bush on the White House lawn to cause a government breakdown, albeit in slow motion. Like Mao’s wife. Jiang Qing. A shameless woman who plotted to sabotage so many people. Are these women the same to the finishing line? Coming plots Stop Bush’s most helpful strategist, Karl Rove Get rid of Harriet Miers Roil Up China, South Korea President’s Thursday speech was made to boost support for the defense spending bill, passed Friday. ……… On Unruly White House Correspondents These news reporters don’t represent us. We didn’t vote for them. They should not be in every way “Interrogating the president”, strutting on White House Lawn. Waiting on Sundays for the president return from Camp David after escaping Sheehan. With their 20s voracious style for power, and satisfaction of getting a country’s leader to kowtow to them. They are paparazzi, in the way of the president when he was going to the Emergency Center. But they always added on something no one cared to know, perhaps only themselves, “The president will stay here (Austin) tonight”. We didn’t care, and never could confirm it anyway. In China, should she have a state room hotel, next to Bush, so she can more in tune of what his every move is and give a critique? Perhaps the big achievement will be that she can remove Karl Rove, so that the president will be a truly puppet of hers? At her whims, and dictate every suitable correct way to do things.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

To Celebrate the Double Tenth

Picture 1 (top). Li Mo filmed at Nanking Judicial Executive Department Picture 2 (bottom). Li Mo and his wife at Sui Dynasty (580-618 AD) Rooster Crow Temple, Nanking Facts and Life of a Nanking lawyer in the judicial executive department in both Nanking and Taiwan (after 1949). Li Mo, born in Shanghai, studied in Suzhou, worked in Nanjing, Judicial branch’s executive department. He was the first to study in Harvard Law School after the war. In November 1945, the Central government started to return from wartime capital in Chongking to the capital Nanking. The Judicial branch executive department started to send the first group back to Nanking to ‘take back the normalcy’ with 52 members. Two military planes C46 to flew to Nanking. Li Mo took the second plane on the 5 hour trip back to Nanking. The original site of the Nanking Judicial Executive department, the interior was destroyed totally or emptied, even the secret electricity line inside the wall was removed, there was no electricity in the entire city. P. 115 Memoir of Li Mo
Nationalist Goverment Supreme Court, Old Site, Nanjing
To Celebrate the Double Tenth I celebrate Double Tenth by revisiting and studying the construct of a graceful government. Study of the Nationalist Government Heritage and the Current Institute Maintenance in Upholding the Pride of the Chinese Revolution against Foreign Aggression, and the struggle for Internal Racial Equality for the Han people, keeping their sovereignty after Qing Dynasty’s cutting land away to sell the Chinese land to the west, to Japan, and to Russia. We need to return justice to the Nationalist government and pick up the pieces imposed by Mao and his wife for the misery on the masses and to help the oppressed to clear their names, and their tortured life. So that the Chinese people can see the light once again, and feel the pride of being an ancient graceful land of culture, deep compassion, and humanity. Nationalist Government Executive Branch old site It is situated at ZhongShan North road #252, 254. It is the Chinese People’s Liberation army Nanjing Political Academy site. Xing Zheng Yuan Executive branch one of the five Yuan branches of the Nationalist government. The origin is the Dr. Sun’s Five Power Balance, and is independent in administration school of thought. Dr. Sun borrowed the constitution from Europe and America. He added Chinese cultural-specific “Examination Yuan Department” and the “Supervisory and Auditor Yuan Department”. His thinking was not realized during his interim presidency and the Northern warlord era. In 1927, Chiang Kai Shek finished the Northern Expedition; and the Nationalist government announced a unified Chinese state. In August 1927, the Nationalist party called for the second term five complete Conference. Chiang announced to end the Military political era, and to start the Political Teaching era and to follow Dr. Sun’s will to practice the “Five Yuan branch system”, with each branch independent, with a balance of power among the five. This is how the Executive branch and the other four branches were formed in this historical background. Zhong Shan North road 252, 254, prior to 1937 was the Nationalist government’s Railroad transportation division location. In 1945, the Nationalist government Xing Zheng Yuan, Executive branch moved in. In 1949, was used by the army. The current remaining structure is a straight-line office building, the other buildings have been torn down. It has 10,000 square meters, 18,625 square meters of architecture space, following Chinese traditional palace architecture. The main building has 3 stories, two wings 2 floors. It was designed in 1928, by famed architect Zhao Shen, Fan WenZhao, completed in 1930. 1991 being praised by the National architecture department certified as ‘modern high quality architecture’. 1992, listed as Nanjing city cultural artifacts preservation site. 国民政府行政院旧址 编辑时间:2005/05/17 南京旅游预订网   在中山北路252、254号。现为中国人民解放军南京政治学院院址。   国民政府行政院是国民党政府五院之一。这五院起源于孙中山的“五权分立”学说。“五权分立”是孙中山借鉴欧美宪法,在“三权”的基础上加进他所认为的中国旧体制中独有的“考试权”及“监察权”所构成。他的这一学说在他担任临时大总统及北洋军阀统治年代,一直没有得到推行。1927年蒋介石完成北伐,国民政府宣告统一。8月国民党召开二届五中全会,蒋介石宣布从会议之日起,军政时期告一段落,训政时期开始,并决定依照孙中山遗教,实施“五院制”,各自独立,相互制衡。国民政府行政院与其它“四院”一起在这种历史背景下成立。   中山北路252、254号,1937年之前为国民政府铁道部所在地。1945年后国民政府行政院迁入。1949年后为部队所用。院内有办公楼、以北“工”字形二层楼为办公人员宿舍、再北有3幢两层小楼,均为国民政府高级官员住房;院内北端有花园式别墅两幢,分别是行政院长和铁道部长官邸,孙科曾在此住过。  现存“一”字形办公楼1幢及孙科楼l幢;其它建筑均被拆除。占地面积10000平方米,建筑面积18625平方米。办公楼坐东朝西,中国传统宫殿式,钢筋混凝土结构,主楼三层,两侧二层,另有一层地下室。重檐歇山顶,琉璃瓦屋面,檐下斗拱彩绘,通面阔157米,通进深35米,建筑面积1048平方米。该建筑为1928年我国早期著名建筑师赵琛、范文照设计,1930年竣工。  1991年被国家建设部、国家文物局评为近代优秀建筑。  1992年列为南京市文物保护单位。

For Joyce Hsu

Joyce Hsu is the daughter of the former Chinese Nationalist ambassador to the US, Sheng Jianhong. She is a very good lady and is smart also, with a masters degree in chemistry from Cal Tech. She had breast cancer 9 years ago. In June of this year, cancer recurred again. After chemotherapy, today, October 9, she is coming out to give a speech in Santa Clara at the Annual meeting of the American Cancer Society Northern California Chinese Unit. I wanted to say hello to her and to encourage her. But, I was just unable to face a hall of cancer patients because so many of my family members have had cancer. My mother died of bile duct cancer because of diabetes, my uncle had pancreatic cancer along with diabetes, my grandfather, prostate cancer, and my great aunt still living after suffering a bout of cervical cancer and an after a hysterectomy operation, she is still living. Without female vital organ, I can’t imagine what it is like for her. Dr. Nuland wrote a book about “How We Live”, it has the entire connections of our physiology; it may give me some clues about great aunt in a clinical way. I want to do some work, mainly to speak and to help out with the old nationalists in their struggles. After some marvelous works, I can say farewell to this world. I adopted America’s life 30 years ago when I came here as an immigrant. I don’t know if that changes any biological genes or behavior. -- Written by Catherine Chuang

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Comments on the President's Speech about Elitism versus Illiterate Revolutionaries

According to George W. Bush, “The murderous ideology of the Islamic radicals is the great challenge of our new century. Yet, in many ways, this fight resembles the struggle against communism in the last century. Like the ideology of communism, Islamic radicalism is elitist, led by a self-appointed vanguard that presumes to speak for the Muslim masses. Bin Laden says his own role is to tell Muslims, quote, "what is good for them and what is not." And what this man who grew up in wealth and privilege considers good for poor Muslims is that they become killers and suicide bombers. He assures them that his -- that this is the road to paradise -- though he never offers to go along for the ride. “ While he may be right on the elitism of Bin Laden, the Chinese Nationalist “elitism” is different. A very indelible figure, author Lu Xun 魯迅, internalized and embodied a figure, called The Autobiography of A-Q 阿Q正傳. He mocked and jeered this fictional Chinese man, with all of the confusion and flaws of an uneducated Chinese. It is so sad that it is not so much that he is illiterate that is tragic, but his capability to feel for his countrymen. Lu Xun deplored that some Chinese would watch the Japanese and the Russian colonialists openly punish the Chinese under their law, by chopping their heads off in execution style, and the Chinese mob would come to the market to watch as if a show. A-Q was such an unfeeling person. He was mistakenly taken into jail as a “Revolutionary Nationalist” who normally had advanced education and dared to say no and to challenge the authority, either the Qing Dynasty oppressive rulers or the foreign colonialists. A female martyr, a schoolteacher, Qiu Jin 秋瑾, and her hometown men were the typical revolutionaries who went to Japan to study. A revolutionary man from her hometown, Xu Xilin 徐錫麟, was murdered by the Qing army with his heart and liver poked out and literally cooked. She was executed and wrote a poem about the sad autumn prior to her death. A –Q was executed after he signed a forced confession with a circle and he was proud, and believed his grandchildren could do better than himself, as that was the first time he had written on paper with a pen. First point. The idea is that the Chinese Han people wanted to overthrow the suppressive Qing Dynasty for a long time, but were unsuccessful, because the Boxers in 1900 were a superstitious youth group who were mobilized to hate the foreigners, as the foreign invaders brought pain to the country in return. The Chinese Nationalists, in contrast, were highly educated and believed that violence was not the way towards progress. In this sense, the intellectual elitism was needed to organize and lead a democratic revolution to overflow the Qing. The consequence of killing a German diplomat was to invite the German Army to lead the rest of 7 countries (including the U.S.) to enter the Forbidden city in 1900, looting and burning for 3 days and nights, while the Chinese royal family escaped to Xian, and signed a treaty which rendered the Qing bankrupt, leading towards the revolution that took place 1911. . Second point. America can not solve the Sunni and Shiite problems, just like the racial split between Han and Qing. They need to resolve their differences among themselves. Bush’s words again: “This is a dangerous illusion, refuted with a simple question: Would the United States and other free nations be more safe, or less safe, with Zarqawi and bin Laden in control of Iraq, its people, and its resources? Having removed a dictator who hated free peoples, we will not stand by as a new set of killers, dedicated to the destruction of our own country, seizes control of Iraq by violence. “ In China, the communists got rid of Chiang, and gave us Mao, and then the Chinese had annihilation and persecution within for decades. Conclusion: When the Nationalists started, they were mostly of the elite class who studied hard and did not rob anybody, but they were robbed and did not know how to maintain their fortunes, so they ended up to have very little to pass on to their families. Though, they are not tycoons anymore, their deeds are forever like pure moonlight in its love spreading to the hearts who were longing for their protection, caress and care. I was blessed to know them, as I was their descendant. The world doesn’t know them, as only Mao and Chiang dominated the space and thinking, even for Roosevelt who sympathized with the left and mistakenly thought all nationalists were the elite right wing, and he might have been fooled as he had never been to China, didn’t know the language, and could not ever touch the love emanating from those figures. They gave everything they owned and their family life also suffered. They sympathized with the masses. When they had to evacuate and burned Hangzhou Bridge, they made sure that all the people were evacuated and were safely out with their belongings, before they ordered the bombing of the bridge. It was not wantonly done, as it was ordered by Chiang Kai Shek.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Negative Balance between the Media and Bush

Supreme Court Nominee Harriet Miers and George W. Bush
A Negative Balance between the Media and Bush The inverse function between Bush’s approval chart and media’s satisfaction. The more Bush’s popularity is up, the less is the media’s rating. Bush’s rating is up from 38% to 45%. His Katrina rating was 40%, and Rita rating jumped to 70%. But media will not let him have it easy because they are diabolical. The media profits from the Bush’s predicament. The more he is in a jam, the more their rating is up, and more sensational. Today Bush looks very moody and “less spring in his step”. Actually, he did 3 things that should be worthy of commendation. They are 1) John Roberts’ nomination as a Supreme court chief justice. 2) Success of Hurricane Rita planning. For Bush to spring back so fast from Katrina is his strength. 3) Harriet Miers met little resistance from democrats like Senator Harry Reid and Senator Schumer. 1) John Roberts’s nomination. It was very successful. A landslide confirmation victory of 78 vs. 20 votes in the Senate, a bipartisan approval, rare agreement nowadays in the American political landscape. We watch C-SPAN’s in-depth coverage Roberts’ friends and understood the man. He said that he would be a historian, as that is his first love of career. 2) Rita’s zero death. Though oil rigs got Gulf coast lost 15% of the US production of crude oil, the evacuations were a success. But the anti-Bush media used a backward logic, in the critical remarks, “It has zero death, so why bother to have all this work on Rita.” They didn’t bother to research that in 1957 Hurricane Audrey brought 390 deaths, and became one of 10 deadliest U.S. hurricanes. Without evacuations, Rita could have become bigger problem than Audrey. Another spoiled and undisciplined a white female news reporter’s comment, “We were all in the White House, watching the dysfunctional response to Katrina.” These are hard and cruel jokes, to cause a racial divide. 3) Harriet Miers. She is an American woman with a good soul.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Hu Jintao's Most Likely Potential Successor, Li Keqiang

Li Keqiang

Duo Wei, Issue #895, September 28, 2005 Wang Gang, Central Office Manager, Not Following Hu Jintao Caused Conjecture A 9/27 article in the Asian Times, written by Bai Zhuang There was a recent change when Hu Jintao, chairman of the Communist Party, was visiting. Both Hu Jintao and Li Keqiang have the same background, which is that they are both from the Communist Youth Party. Li Keqiang was only the Liaoning province secretary for 10 months before being promoted.

The Chinese Communist fifth comprehensive party convention is about to open, and Hu is starting to be in the firm leadership. Last year at the September fourth comprehensive party convention Hu Jintao took over the Military Executive chair. Li is 50 years old. In 1998 he served as the Henan Province vice chairman. In 1999 he served as the Henan governor. In 2002 he became the Henan Province party secretary. This “central office manager” position is like the Beijing version of the White House chief of staff, Andrew Card. Current PM Wen Jiabao was central office manager from 1986 to 1993. 多維郵報 2005年09月28日出版,總第 895 期 中辦主任王剛不跟胡錦濤外訪惹猜測 亞洲時報9月27日白庄撰文/近日中國國家主席胡錦濤出訪時出現了一個小小 的轉變:往日如影隨形的中央書記處書記兼中央辦公廳主任王剛并沒有伴隨左 右。非常巧合地,最近又有港報表示,跟胡錦濤一樣出身共青團的李克強在遼 宁省委書記的崗位上才約十個月就快要調走,另有任用。這兩個現象在差不多 同樣時候出現,特別容易引發外界聯想。 今年滿63歲的王剛過去跟胡錦濤可謂是形影不离,但凡胡錦濤离開京師考察或 出國訪問,王剛都會伴隨左右。但胡錦濤9月初出訪加拿大、墨西哥并出席聯 合國首腦會議時,王剛并沒有在隨行人員之列。 王剛由1994年開始出任中央辦公廳副主任,1999年起中央辦公廳主 任,被廣泛視為江澤民的“嫡系”。 非常巧合地,近日有港報表示,跟胡錦濤一樣出身共青團的李克強在遼宁省委 書記的崗位上才約十個月就快要調走,另有任用。這兩個現象在差不多同樣時 候出現,特別容易引發外界聯想。 應該指出,假如李克強要取代王剛成為中辦主任,他將會是繼胡啟立,王兆國 之后第三位曾任團中央書記的中辦主任。 此時也是中共五中全會快要召開之時,所以分析也普遍認為,胡錦濤現已開始 進入領導角色,去年九月四中全會他接過了中共中央軍委主席一職后,胡錦濤 也有誘因在中央鞏固其影響力。 今年滿50歲的李克強,被指跟胡錦濤關系密切。李克強于1983年已任共青團 中央書記處候補書記。1985年當選為共青團中央書記處書記。他于1993年至 1998年6月任共青團書記處第一書記,1998年任中共河南省委副書記,1999年 當選為河南省省長,2002年任中共河南省委書記。 分析指出,假若中央辦公廳真的出現人事變動,則中南海的政治生態可能出現 微妙變化。若中辦主任這個“大內總管”一職重回胡錦濤的方面,胡錦濤將有 可能進一步發揮其政治能量。 現任中國總理溫家寶曾于1986至1993年任職中央辦公廳主任,李克強 如能出任此机要職位,則他的仕途可望會有進一步的机會。

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Comments on Tony Blair’s Speech at Labour Party Annual Conference

Picture from an online chat with the Prime Minister, September 28, 2005.

Comments on Tony Blair’s Speech at Labour Party Annual Conference Britain, China, America and Iraq The best cultures are sorting themselves, in order to reinvent themselves, and to co-exist. Study of Britain’s Institutions with China and America Great Britain’s New Outlook and Aspiration The Labour Party Annual Conference took place in Brighton, England this past Tuesday, September 27. The C-SPAN broadcast shows the fine eloquent delivery of an in-depth speech by Prime Minister Blair. This registers him as a quality statesman, not like many politicians who are whining banalities without thinking or analysis. Tony Blair outlined and assessed the British past glories and future struggles, and gave a positive and pragmatic ring and encouragement in a very stately delivery. He urged the British not to dwell on the past glory, but look forward with the advent of China and India marching forward with a new step. He urged the British to profit and go along with new stratagem of social denominations and cultures and not to stay ‘inertia’, so to grow together. He praised that even though many people live still in poverty, the masses are slow to complain. Unless Britain’s values to match this grace, this pace, take sacrifices, reinvents itself, builds on its strength, self virtues, “We Will Fail”. The complaints and resistance for change will simply become ‘Idle sentiment.” During the London Bombing, the American news press corps followed Bush’s trip, but didn’t do a good service in presenting London or Britain. This Conference serves a good backdrop for Britain, facing the great challenge of renewal in the new millennium. London is rising from a challenge. He is proud of London. Quotes from the speech: “And then London, scene of triumph and tragedy in successive days in July. And throughout both, it remained indomitable.” “It is a privilege to be Prime Minister of such a country with such a capital city. The city of the Olympic Games for Britain in 2012.” “And let me tell you what won the bid.” “Yes, we had a magnificent team led by Seb Coe, a great London Mayor who backed it to the hilt, a country behind us. But what won it was London itself. A London with pride in its past, but with eyes fixed on the future. A London that said to the world: We’re proud of our diversity: proud to stand before you on our merits; proud we are an open, dynamic, outward-going city full of life, locking horns with modernity and doing it with enthusiasm.” “And when terrorism struck, the same pride and confidence asserted itself, to the envy and awe of the watching world.” “London, that day, did Britain proud.” “This is a country today that increasingly sets the standard.” “Not for us the malaise of France or the angst of Germany.” America lacks speakers with good imagery, and is in need of great thinkers like Tony Blair to build the New Iraq Though America has Britain as an ally, in Iraq fighting terrorism, gradually, America has become inadequately meshed with the new social structure that is taking place as Iraq transforms itself. 8.5 million voted. The Society is willing and ready to make changes. America’s hard work is paying off. The new stage of planning for social stability and infrastructure must be built on ‘fixed’ established social institutes, not ‘transient, mobile’, makeshift values. A stable theory needs to be hammered out, to be developed, and to be incubated with the value system of the Iraqi people. According to their own news report, the Iraqi people do not need to be patronized by American officials. Americans are needed because they can get the Congress to come out with hundreds of billions of dollars and the PM can come and get checks signed by President Bush.

According to a Washington Post report by Glenn Kessler, many people Karen Hughes spoke with recently said the core reason for the poor U.S. image remained U.S. policies, not how those policies were marketed or presented.

According to Abdel-Rahman Rashid, a prominent writer and head of al-Arabiya satellite television, Hughes "will face an important decision: repair the U.S.'s reputation, which is nearly impossible, or modify the country's policies, also almost unfeasible."

Suggestion for the third track system for Iraq. The first one being the military to keep terrorists at bay, the second one being political for planning elections and constitution, what the U.S. foreign policy lacks is a third track that should include America's objective modern professionalism, which is well respected, not just political rhetoric. The best American values should be combined with the best Islamic values to bridge the best of the U.S. with the best of Iraq. To quote Rumsfeld, "if we are not careful, for each insurgent we kill, we may create many more insurgents". There should be a self-sustainable environment and culture in Iraq, without the U.S. being in their way.

This level of work should be accounted for, as hundreds of billions have been spent so far, not all of it accounted for. American citizens are generous, but fear more government debts after Hurricane Katrina, the increasing total can make the US in half of a trillion dollars in debt. The reform does not need $200 billion so much, as it needs an overhaul of the communication and logistics system. Despite the first rate federal works in meteorology predicting the storm, there was not a concerted effort between federal, state and local governments. Given the current state on August 31, for the president not to be present at the flood zone for two days after the storm hit is understandable, because he would have been in the way of relief efforts, and he still needed to concentrate on running the country and rallying the navy to fight the war on terror. Even if the U.S. can muster their might to get countries like China to pay, and to balance the book in the trade deficit, it is still far short with large bills unpaid. On web sites in China, people are jeering America for writing checks, and asking China to lend them the money. They are upset that the U.S. has asked China to forget about Saddam’s debt to China, some billions of dollars. China ordered 2600 Boeing planes over 20 years. Taiwan’s $15.2 billion military purchase from the U.S. is getting ready to be fulfilled. A country still needs ‘momentum’ to grow. If China’s economy is to fall, with a hard landing, America’s trade partner won’t be able to pay Boeing. If China’s economy falls, the financing for US housing won’t be so affordable, as interest rates will go up dramatically. The American economy will be stymied. There will be no free flow of capital. In the U.S., there already is a high rate of inflation and unstable gas prices, and sky rocketing natural gas bill that eat up a family’s spending. Without housing equity, and with reduced consumer spending, the economic pendulum will be stopped. Americans will not be able to afford medical services and insurance for dental care, with monopolies subjecting people to unfair charges that are beyond middle class affordability. Citizens in earthquake fault areas can not count on any federal governmental assistance, yet Californians contributed a large proportion of tax dollars to the federal budget, this is spent on disasters in other regions, but California rarely seems to get any federal attention when there is a crisis.

The US has climbed out of recession since the 1990s, and China’s economy is growing at a ferocious 9% pace. America’s economy was sustained and shielded from suffering an aging industrial sluggish period like Japan since 1986. So, China and Chinese immigrants saved the US from being an aging beauty, and injected the U.S. with China’s youth and momentum. If the South gets all of the federal subsidies to rebuild, but does not innovate, it will stagnate, and the U.S. will permanently lose the competitive edge and rank number 2. If government cuts the budgets so deep it hurts the infrastructure and takes all the good projects away, it will become a hollow bureaucracy, and many sorry tears are to come as a third rate third world country.

The strength of the Chinese ancient government is that, depite its flaws, the system was well designed, the bulk of it ran very well, and sustained itself for many centuries. The challenge for the U.S. is to pinpoint, identify, and resolve its weaknesses, and define its foreign policy so that it can be sustained for the long term.

On Global Terror Tony Blair respects Islamic values. “There is no second class in Britain. But when Muslims come to this country, must have a sense of duty, and respect Britain’s values.” Grievances must be addressed by ‘politics’, not by ‘Terror’. “Today, of course, we face a new challenge: global terrorism. Let us state one thing. These terrorists do not, never have and never will represent the decent, humane and principled faith of Islam. Muslims, like all of us, abhor terrorism. Like all of us, are its victims. It is, as ever, only fringe fanatics we face. But we need to make it clear. When people come to our country, they have and should have the full rights we believe in. There should be no second-class citizens in Britain. But citizenship comes with a duty: to give loyalty to our nation, its values and our way of life. If people have a grievance, politics is the answer. Not terror.” Burgeoning flower China, old “Sun Will Never Set” British Empire. China still lived under the shadow and suffered the psychological scars of Nationalist shame and humiliation of signs such as “Dogs and Chinese are not allowed to enter”. This was the sign in the Shanghai Huangpu Park on the bank of Bund. Now Chinese stroll in the park, watching the glistening Dong Fang Ming Zhu, Eastern Pearl, Three huge Red Purple Jewels fallen onto green jade Fields of Plate. As Tang poem, “Big and small pearls fallen onto the jade plate.” China Becomes Stable Only After the Selfless Dedication of Many Old Nationalists, in the Untold Tales since 1839 Britain with its mighty navy cracked open Chinese trade in the 1830’s and subjected China to be under the Unequal treaties, the first such treaty was in Nanking, giving benefits to Britain. This colonial act ushered in many countries subsequent invasions such as in 1860 when France and England together burned and looted Peking Royal Versailles-like Palace of Yuan Ming Yuan. This was condemned by Hugo, an ousted pro-left wing parliament member himself. Russia and Japan followed the suit and joined the invasions. So China was under the dark ages for quite a long time. China was finally rescued by the western educated Nationalist elites, and they fought a war against the Qing Dynasty and formulated the Republic of China, the first such Republic in Asia. Assimilation after Annihilation Though Britain is the old colonial aggressor and economic occupier, they didn’t become the conquerors like the whites in the America Continent. The reason is that China had a civil governmental system and a clear way of becoming the administrators, and the written language which the Indian natives didn’t have. Many cultural gems were embedded in folklore, but also in books. Oral history can’t sustain the culture’s existence in the face of great annihilation. If the Japanese were successful in winning WWII, by now, Japan would not have existed, because of the strong cultural assimilation of the Chinese people. It is best that they wanted to keep Japanese tradition, a derivative of the Chinese, or a morsel of the original Chinese flavor, all to themselves, this is to “preserve themselves, not be assimilated” by China’s mainland. During Blair’s visit to China, China gave him preferred trading status, after he pleaded his case that he Britain had contributed more to the growth of the Chinese economy than the other newer EU members in the competitive bid. Blair appealed to the Chinese, on that the Britain was the one that contributed first, so that south country should not preempt the trade benefits with China now. The PM Urges Britain to Move with the Rising Tide of the Third World in New Remake of the World Order Social solidarity is the only way, not resisting globalization. Education is the number one priority in government. People who come to Britain to work to make Britain strong. This reminds me of many highly educated Chinese and the number one students from Central University all contributed to America’s science and research and has helped make America the leading edge. America has reaped China’s best minds and harvested on many families’ best minds and resources to send them to the U.S. to advance and to serve the U.S. America’s success is built on the Chinese ancient virtue of the education system, which is the most humane and egalitarian system because it allows even the dirt poor farmer’s children to become prime ministers as long as they were willing to study and articulate themselves, the Central Government would use them, via the Examination System. Russia serf and Indian’s Caste system locked classes into dead end hopeless limbo. Philosophical words on Governing: Compare Tony Blair and the Nationalists Only people at the top and responsible can reflect and have such a comment. For the short span when some of the best Nationalists who governed in China and Taiwan, this held true, but they were robbed and ultimately China’s people were robbed with graceful governance, instead they were pelted with disgraceful movements, incited by poet Mao and the third rate actress psychologically unhappy Mao’s wife, who ruined the country and assaulted a good government who was trying to stand up against foreign aggression and domestic insurgents. “Government is not a state of office but a state of mind. A willingness to accept the burden of true leadership. And when you govern, so much can be done. Think of the things the headlines rarely touch. The first ever proper law on domestic violence. 1 million pensioners homes insulated. 350,000 miners with compensation. Paid holidays for all workers. Equalising the law on consent and civil partnerships. And do you know how many visits to Britain’s museums last year? 34 million. Why? Free museum entry.” John Edwards is reproaching the Labor insurance funds that were taken out of Labor Secretary Elaine Chou’s fund, funds for workers compensation, and health etc. First $70 million, and $12 million later. So the Labor department has been raided clean to pay for the Hurricane Katrina. Tony Blair made a remark about not in being in the Dickens Era, but the social welfare system still linger during that era, and desperately needs to be revamped. To quote Blair, “For 8 years I have battered the criminal justice system to get it to change. And it was only when we started to introduce special ASB laws, we really made a difference. And I now understand why. The system itself is the problem. We are trying to fight 21st century crime – ASB, drug-dealing, binge-drinking, organised crime – with 19th century methods, as if we still lived in the time of Dickens. The whole of our system starts from the proposition that its duty is to protect the innocent from being wrongly convicted. Don’t misunderstand me. That must be the duty of any criminal justice system. But surely our primary duty should be to allow law-abiding people to live in safety. It means a complete change of thinking.” Compare to Korea, and Japan. Korea has an Asian Mutual fund guru and venture to help set up South Korea’s Pension system. Japan’s cabinet gets the Parliament to pass legislation to privatize the old secure sectors such as banking and pensions, stored in the Postal trust system. Korea made headlong progress while Nationalists in Taiwan’s magic economic work has lost the shine. Nationalists built Taiwan to be the leader of Asian four Little Dragons, and already had $13,000 in per capital, when S. Korea had only $6,500. Now S. Korea is $14,000 practically has more than doubled, but Taiwan still sinking in inertia after Lee Deng Hui roiled and raided the entire nationalist system as a fake Nationalist chairman, but just relentlessly sold out every value and ruined the reputation and the hard work. The once-rich Philippine country has also become starkly poor and people are still selling individual cigarettes and live off trash tents, without their own economic projects. This shows that American subsidies do not always work.

Federal good government workers do not get due credit

Rita turned Cameron, Louisiana to splinters and submerged it. Without evacuations, 9000 people and cattle would all have been under water and there would have been heavy fatalities. But there was little damage during Rita because of the lesson of Katrina. For news reporters who jeered at Bush’s precautions and overkill in Rita as a waste of gas for a photo-op, their professionalism and news quality need to be discussed, and ethical standards should be scrutinized.

The rating for the news reporters are lower than the president. The fact is that the American people trust the news reporters less than the president. This should be alarming to the news reporters.