Sunday, February 12, 2006

Analysis of the Fall of the KMT Party Legacy Symbolic Building

Dr. Jiang Wei Sui (1890-1931), a peaceful democratic political leader, who advocated rights of Taiwan residents during the era of colonial rule by Japan (1895-1945), after the Qing Dynasty lost the 1894 war to Japan.
The Analysis of the Impending Toppling of a Political Party’s Legacy Building The title of the building in Taipei, Taiwan, is, “Central Party Headquarters”. It is about to be evacuated and auctioned off. There are views of this event from four sides that can be analyzed. It is for the wise to weigh in. 1) From the DPP (Taiwan Independence) side. The KMT building is an eyesore confronting the ruling DPP party, directly facing the Presidential Building. Many times, logos are hung there espousing the Taiwan democracy leaders past and current. One example (see photo) is past leaders such as Jiang Wei Sui (1890-1931), a Taiwan doctor during the Japanese colonial era, who founded a workers movement and raised intellectual awareness to go against the ruling Japanese control in a peaceful way, as a patriotic Chinese conscience in advocating opportunities for racial equality. 2) From the KMT Chairman Ma Ying Jiu. His focus is the 2008 Presidential election. He believes that a Democracy Fortress needs to be humbled, and we need a spiritual togetherness, and not a fortress, in particular, this real estate prime lot. So, even though he is the KMT chairman, he wants the KMT to move out of the building to another smaller location. As the KMT members and employees inside the building have dwindled and it is too expensive for maintenance sake for an economically straddled party. But, to counter this logic is that the building has been in its place since after WWII. It has its full force as a symbol of the presence of the party. The KMT building is not lavish and grand compared with the communist party and local government offices in mainland China. If for the humble imagery sake, the entire China mentality is that the Chinese in mainland China turned against their own luxurious local county office buildings as many are much more luxurious and plush than the KMT Party headquarters building. The Chinese are very aware of the lavish corruption of the local government, so that they are shocked to see that the KMT building looks so humble. People from website are in uproar and critical of their own government in need of reform, rather than thinking KMT party building is too sumptuous. So really it is the symbolic removal of the party that is the motif for the plot in Taiwan to decimate this symbolic building. Comment: Since its founding, the KMT is a noble and sacred ground for democracy in China, over the years many great minds and figured have worked for the KMT and sacrificed themselves to fight for democracy. Another Comment: Because the building is in such a strategically important site in the capital, and in the current politically-charged atmosphere, whatever replaces the KMT at this site will be watched carefully by all sides, so it will be difficult to replace it with anything that will not further inflame some political group in Taiwan. 3) America is high handed in pressing for the military purchases by Taiwan, and the DPP is not in control of the Senate and can’t coerce the Senate to pay the amount. Americans were outdone by the DPP, because DPP already had the Senate long ago to have approved the Kaoxiong Transportation construction, and delayed the U.S. military to be discussed later in the Senate. After DPP lost Senate seats, they were unable to counter the democratic professors leading force to turn up all the cash as the economics have fallen behind and the people lost their work and say they rather have milk than arms. The problem is to negotiate a favorable package from both sides. After the 3 pan-blue party leaders from Taiwan all went to China to visit, they don’t feel the urgency of an impending threat, just as the DPP party is still in hateful warring sparring with China. The soldiers do not feel like they are in a war. No one is anxious to protect themselves from the threat. 4) Communist policy, although lightened up against the KMT, still lacks the sign that they want to add more voices to a one party system. So sometimes, the KMT building is perceived as an old nemesis, and it is best to remove the old enemy in order to resolve all the past grievances. If a fortress is gone, the spirit may surface even stronger in America, or elsewhere. You can’t stifle a just cause. America has cherry-picked data on discriminating against the Nationalists. The KMT’s control of China was toppled through the dark conscience and scheme by Truman’s cabinet, infiltrated by the communists, which forced Hurley to resign and Truman to impose an arms embargo against the KMT right after World War II, at the height of the civil war against the communists. We need not to endorse more wrong policies to settle a historical great unjust error.


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