Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Song of the Exiled

Song of the Exiled Xiao Hong self-imposed exile from her Manchuria hometown Harbin. The Biography of Hulan River documented that although it was a very beautiful place, the Manchurian customs for girl to jump into a hot water huge bucket and were clamored by the villagers to yell that is good for you, is as low moral and no compassion the numb race as what Lu Xun termed “Ah Q” 東北滿族蕭紅的自我流放到他鄉 呼蘭河傳﹐記錄了東北家鄉雖美﹐滿族的燙人的習俗﹐還一群人站著只叫好﹐沒有人性的如魯迅的評判。 魯迅痛心的看到菜市場口﹐俄日軍用槍軍刀把俘虜的中國人砍頭﹐同胞爭先恐後觀望這一齣好戲。 Lu Xun with aching heart to come to the market center that throngs of Chinese people struggled to watch a show which was the Japanese soldier’s bayonet and Russian’s killing captured Chinese. They have no more feelings toward themselves, and others. Which Chinese to think other Chinese deserved to be killed, should be killed themselves. 認為其他中國人不值得生的人﹐自己也不值一文。 To Reconstruct Our National Man’s Value As inheriting the Lu Xun’s philosophy, she believes that we must be brave to reconstruct our nation’s soul and expressed about national citizens’ survival primitivism and fallacy to the extreme clarity point. We must be brave to reconstruct our nation’s moral Character 我們要勇于 改造民族靈魂 蕭紅的小說創作繼承了魯迅"改造民族靈魂"的主題,她把國民生存的原始和愚味,展示到極致. We are A – Q. We are so wrong To reconstruct the National ethnical soul, is the foremost task. This is for the Communists as well. The conscience of the Communist Party, Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang. What have the Nationalists done for this country? It is in the deep conscience of the Communist Central Bureau, and recently the facts are surfacing more and more. Mao mausoleum almost time to be removed away from Tiananmen Square, which was from Ming emperor’s blessing place.

蕭紅(1911.6.2─1942.1.22) 莫聽穿林打葉聲, 何妨吟嘯且徐行。






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