Tuesday, October 24, 2006

芒鞋踏遍隴頭云 Lost Road Man 關山難越,誰悲失路之人

芒鞋踏遍隴頭云 宋女尼:《悟道詩》,全句為"盡日尋春不見春, 芒鞋踏遍隴頭云." A Soong dynasty nun, "Realizing the Tao poetry": All day long I have been searching for spring but can't find it. My prickly shoes stepping everywhere on the mountains of clouds. 古代肅州曾流行過一种叫"隴頭流水"的民歌,多寫征人行經隴,征除艱辛,發為悲歌. In ancient Su Zhou State there was popular song, called the flowing water at the head of the Long mount, folksong, depicting the far expedition troops, and how hard the road and the travel is, sad song. 天涯孤客 即使隴上迷霧重重 不見一絲光明 竹杖芒鞋我走盡天涯 A Lone Traveler Guest Even though the Mount has misty shrouds of Fog many layers Can’t seem to see one shimmer of light With bamboo stick and prickles shoes I walk all over to the edge of the world 關山難越,誰悲失路之人? 萍水相逢,盡是他鄉之客。 Great Wall gate and mountain can’t pass Who sympathizes the lost road man Just like weeds drifting on the water to meet you By chance, all are from the other regions’ guests 胜地不常,盛筵難再。 蘭亭已矣,梓澤丘墟。


登高作賦,是所望于群公。 No more the scenery Banquets hard to come again Orchid Friendship Pavilion far gone The catalpa wood old hometown and lake become hilly relics Before we part, some words as a gift for you Fortunate to have your blessings in this great farewell banquet We climb up high to make singing poetry Are the desire of the highly respectable lords 那失路之人是 是王勃父親到交趾的迷途 是天涯海角孤鴻尋母的蘇曼舒 唐代诗人王翰



That lost road man is Tang great talent Wang Bo’s father as an envoy on his way to Vietnam

That is the searching great monk Su Manshu A seeking his mother through the ocean corner

Song of Liangzhou

Grapes tasty wine sparkling in the night

I want to drink some but the pi-pa on the horse is hurrying me up

If I get drunk on the desert sand, please do not laugh

How many expedition men return since the ancient time?

By Wang Han, Tang dynasty


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