Saturday, October 21, 2006

My Friend During the Cold War, Romain Roland 冷戰時的朋友 羅曼羅蘭

先相信自己,然後別人才會相信你。 —— 羅曼羅蘭 20世紀法國著名作家、音樂評論家,1915年諾貝爾文學獎得主 First to trust yourself, then others will believe in you. – Roman Roland, 1866-1944. 20th century French celebrated author, music critic, and 1915 Nobel literature prize winner 那個冷戰的時代﹐一個少女如我﹐夏日長假探討人生哲理﹐看了羅曼羅蘭的論著﹐這是偶然性嗎﹖ 遠在天邊香港的祖父﹐是社會學科系主任﹐他年青時代﹐也是新潮的追尋﹐造成狂瀾, 他那悲天憫人的天性, In that cold war era, a young teen age girl that I was in the long summer vacation, in my curiosity to seek out the foreign philosophy, I read some of Romain Rolland’s work about the world. Was it so happenstance? My far away grandfather was the sociology department head, and with his new wave of thinking in his youth to have created a tidal wave for China’s new breathing into free air of pursuit of foreign ideology and in his good sympathetic nature. 一個人要幫助弱者,應當自己成為強者,而不是和他們一樣變成弱者 -- 羅曼羅蘭 A person to help the weak, must to become a strong man, and not to also become a weak individual. – Romain Rolland 創造,或者醞釀未來的創造。這是一种必要性:幸福只能存在于這种必要性得到滿足的時候。 -- 羅曼羅蘭 Creation, or to foment the future creation, this is a necessity: Joyce only exists in this bound to gain satisfaction moment in time. – Romain Rolland 少女的她開始由天寒地凍的東北逃亡南下﹐僅穿薄布鞋踏在冰天雪地 放不下親弟弟 到籃球場去話別 如同馬克吐溫中國的苦兒流浪計版本 As a young girl, she started to run to south from the freezing Manchuria, with only a pair of clothing thin shoes stomping on the icy land. She couldn’t leave her brother easily, and went to the basketball court to see him off. This is like Mark Twain’s version of Huckleberry Finn. 蕭紅的生死場。 In her life zone and death zone, she had been through the Concession’s bright light, and the Chinese territory’s death darkness. 租界的光明。華界的死亡。 生死存亡 生生死死 絲絲入扣 聽潮聲澎湃 Listen to the sound of the Yangtze river and ocean wave. Only that wave splashing is free. 唯有那潮聲是自由的 不被日軍刺刀穿殺 That can’t be penetrated by the bayonet. 她又投奔到租界地 She came to the Concession. 這裡日本屠夫有點忌諱 Some scruples for the Japanese butcher In the Concession 萬馬齊喑 她沒有啞然喑住 做了犧牲的人民的沈默的聲音 Ten thousand horse stand mute. But she didn’t become mute in The sacrificial people’s silence 喑【yīn】 <書> silent; mute; dumb. 萬馬齊喑【wànmǎqíyīn】 ten thousand horses stand mute. Lu Xun borrowed Romain Rolland’s words to say that “Keller Hutzer is German modern’s greatest poem. It shone on the poor and the people’s difficult life and pain. This is a woman with man’s high quality, in with sensitivity in the sympathy, to keep in her eyes, in her kind mother’s wrists; there are poems to substitute those victims’ people’s silent sound.” 魯迅曾引用羅曼.羅蘭的話說﹐珂勒惠支的作品“是現代德國的最偉大的詩歌﹐它照出窮人與平民的困苦和悲痛。這有丈夫氣概的婦人﹐用了陰鬱和纖穠的同情﹐把這些收在她的眼中﹐她的慈母的腕裡了﹐這是做了犧牲的人民的沈默的聲音”。


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