Sunday, October 29, 2006

Raisa Gorbachev, the Woman Who Undid the Soviet Union

Raisa Gorbachev, the Woman Who Allowed Russia to Continue by Dissolving Soviet Russia She wasn’t Napoleon, and didn’t have a great French revolution. A learned professor capitulated the very empire based on the anchor theory which was her main study. A Sociologist Dissolve the Old Shackle and Liberated Russia to Regenerate Russia As a sociology student, I watched attentively on Raisa Gorbachev’s speech and interviews, and listened with respect. She was a professor at her alma mater Moscow State University and she was a sociologist student, and taught the courses later in her university. At first, she studied sociology at Moscow State University and that was how she was trained in understanding deeply about the social structure, social changes, and the new ways to adapt in order for Russia to advance and survive. Russia must thank her for doing so, to save it from being phased out as a stagnated Communist ideology. Only someone with tremendous understanding at heart of the culture, and social structures, could have great charisma and courage to have an innovative mind and wisdom to reform, and to change, and gets the savior respect name. In her era, she was a new thinker, a woman with social conscience and social study, a professor in the theory of the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism and the Soviet life in collective farms. She must be in tune with the Soviet people and the comparison of the Tsarist serfdom and European fief, and collective farm system. To the west, it is a novelty about all these concepts, and commune way of life, as it has disappeared from the Western life, due to the alienation of workers in our form and conducts. But Chinese farmers are the most egalitarian and free group, many exiled officials could enjoy peaceful farmers life, once they are out of Central capital limelight, or detached from the official life. In truth, many want to be free farmers, not officials. From the conceptualization, of her theoretical mode of existence, and it was a must to have the 1989 forego of all this Soviet as a terrible regime in the oppression of mankind. She liberated Russia, and only from that moment, of self-determination, she founded a new Russia, a reformed Born Again Russia. A woman of tremendous wisdom, cultivation, and fortitude. Her flamboyance softened the dark Russian image the world has. Her candid speech and conducts gave a human dimension and helped tremendously in the mystic of the Russian unknown evil empire. She honestly told audiences how the black market was to buy lipstick and stockings in Russia. The black market system that the Russia people all across the living standards must go through to have even a little enjoyment. A sociology student well read in all the theories of social structures, and social revolutionary, collective movements analysis. She knew the distinction of a good social conscience movement from a blind commotion movement. China communist also has such a good thinker and he is not blindly endorsing any movement for movement sake. There are many misinterpretations coerced on blind movement and they claim from the origin of Russia. Many in Moscow study, were incarcerated, and sent to Siberia. To avoid a grand sudden unexpected capitulation, there must be good works done on the part of the sociologists, and people with great social conscience to cope with the likelihood of such events, so that there won’t be a big revolution. Reagan called “Take down that Wall!” Gorbachev and his wife did accordingly. Many lands and old country in different socio-cultural systems were back to the original form, to her, this is the falling into its original order, though to some, it is a police-state question. An international treaty needs to be broken to return justice to a country. Such as Yalta, Paris Treaty. Revolutionary needs not to be bloody. Justice can be gained without violence. Russia’s woman and resolution was achieved by a good sociologist who understands the culture and the needs to go on as Russians, not so much as Communists. What is Bush’s dream and capacity? What’s his speech about we stand down, they stand up? Iraq as a central front. Can we really reduce the Iraqi hatred and anti-American ideology? What is the Communist bloc in the pursuit of Anti-America? Do we have to polarize Socialist to Capitalist? Socialist country vs Capitalist country? What’s the training behind Gorbachev’s wife who is behind the man?


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