Thursday, October 26, 2006

Singing Toward Me, the Youthful Emperor from Hometown 宛城龍尾 向著我傾訴唱歌的少年皇帝

宛城龍尾 向著我傾訴唱歌的少年皇帝 Singing Toward Me, the Youthful Emperor from Hometown 柳樹下﹐矮牆旁﹐少年英俊的文雅的軍士﹐他的風度已經絕跡了﹐中國人不再會那麼斯文的邊傾訴邊有那樣美的動作, 古文明已經失落數千年。 Under the willows, near a low wall, a youthful handsome gentleman in my hometown His behavior and singing with a style posture movement have been gone forever Chinese do not have those aesthetic motions anymore The lost way of civilized life have been gone for several thousands of years It was with great compassion, gentle polite manners Artistic body languages Even singing in long poetic voice is no more 長歌當哭也絕塵了。 只有在我的夢中﹐他們會出現拜訪我﹐提醒中國人是有多麼美學的一面。 But in my dreams, they would visit me, to remind me Chinese once had aesthetic expressive manners 那個在唱歌的是一個儒子﹐也是農夫﹐做年青軍士的打扮﹐比劃有禮的訴說他的抱負情懷﹐他好像是父親﹐也極可能是同郡的東漢光武中興的開皇劉秀。 That singing man is a learned scholar, also a farmer; he is in the young soldier outfit. He with hand movement, is telling me his ideals and his care He may be what father was like when he was young in his peaceful region without invasion He may be the founding emperor for Eastern Han dynasty 有句話﹐任宦當作執金吾﹐娶妻當得陰麗華﹐ 中國治理的有名盛世﹐文景之治﹐景帝後嗣來到舂陵郡﹐舂陵龍尾﹐易學的表示他的記號。 An old saying, "When aspired in official life, what can be more emulated young solider to hold the gold stick, and find a virtue and pretty wife such as Yin Li Hua." Indeed the couple is China's most modeled king and queen, from my hometown. China's celebrated era of great economics management and prosperity with cultivation. Wen and Jing Di emperor and the descendants of the Jing Di emperor came to Chunling imperial tomb estate prefecture (Nanyang prefecture). The dragon tail of Nanyang prefecture is the emperor mark in Yi School (Book of Change). 白水鄉情無盡時 White River Country Unending Love 青青的天家 原在北橋西 地老天荒情不了 綿綿無期一番情 Crisp misty aqua heaven home Originally by the North Bridge west Earth is old and heaven wild Love is not gone Continuous love 卿卿我願來家山對你說 煙雲如詩的千秋國度裡 Sweet I would come back to hometown telling you Poetic our misty beautiful land in thousands of autumns With the trace of you It tints the shades of red clouds 只因有你的蹤影 江山染上彤雲飛 你可知我內心深處 永遠鐘愛你一后家 秋水剪瞳一世相惜 莫忘家鄉至善至美 You know deep in my heart I always love you as a queen The autumn water reflecting in your clear pupils We are in love for our life Never to forget our hometown The utmost beauty and kindness 宛城龍尾作於2006年秋 Wan City Dragon Tail, written in autumn 2006


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