Thursday, October 26, 2006

A New Strategy of Help from America

Reverse the Mistake of Vietnam America is a good country and doesn’t want to be hated. How to do this? Democrats want to withdraw from Iraq for their logic of self-phobia, but Republican mentality is to hang on to get the fruits of for the planted trees to flower and to see the prospect of a new democratic life breed for Arab world. Strategy one: Get Iraqis security force up to speed, and take on the National responsibility to discipline all the radicals, either Shiite Sadr militias or the Jahid Sunnis. Americans should not kill them, and let Iraqis do the killings if they so do choose. As Maliki said, “No country can tell Iraqis any order or any timelines.” 1) Have Iraqi parents discipline their own bad kids. But don’t Americans ever go there to punish Iraqi kids. So get the Iraqi security to take on the task of getting Al-Sadr in line in his Iraq discipline. If Al-Sadr is radical or pro-Iran, this is Al-Maliki’s headache and not Americans’. Moderate Maliki should rely on Iraqi security troops to accomplish restrain radical militia Sadr at bay. If Iraqis want to kill Al-Sadr, American don’t even need to participate. So Americans won’t be hated. Note from the Shia of Iraq: "We have nothing to do with Iran. We share the same faith, but we are different. We don't want Iran to rule us." 2) Get Iraqi moderates to deal with the radical Jihad-Sunnis. History shows that America will be hated and thrown out if gets involved in dictating the government what to do. That is why Al-Maliki says, “Only Iraqis can have the timelines, and no one can impose any time line.” This is to respond to what general Abizaid and the US to Iraq ambassador Khlilzaid’s meeting to want Iraqi to get it up to speed. Up to speed in English is a polite term and in its efficiency, but translated in Islamic, it has a condescending undertone. So there is a cultural and language clash here. With all due respect, America and Al-Maliki are on very good terms, given the historic state of the things. American only wants a government that is stable and gives people freedom. This is the religious leaders’ secret wish, they wish Americans to stay, and get Americans’ support in material goods, and in support to refrain the ruling government. “For fourteen centuries, no ruler has given us justice, but we have endured.” Many Americans and the Arabic world don’t realize about geo-political significance of the Bush Administration projects. In many religious sense, it is being considered ‘positive’ and as a ‘gift’ which is foreign origin, hence the term and concept of “Foreign Gift”. Bring the Iraqi security force up to speed and while for saving face, Rumsfeld only admitted that the Iraqi equipments are backward and he will ask for more money to support the Iraqis, he vehemently denied that the Iraqi security are not make good progress. What Rumsfeld’s feeling is very justified. Rumsfeld is a good American and doing his best to get Middle East in a non-hostile American zone, and peace for all Arab nations. But what Rumsfeld fails to understand about the Islamic culture is due to his own understanding toward the western culture. For 1400 years, religious leaders and the people have endured, despite the rulers not giving justice. It should not be Rumsfeld's sole task to embark on a religious reformation along with state v.s. religion revolution, the Iraqi people must participate, and not just by elections, or by Shiites, but Sunnis should get into it. Rumsfeld can't take Iraqi culture from 600 A.D. to 2000 A.D. without the Iraqi want it also. People are stuck for 1400 years, yet, it seems that they are more complacent than Chinese. In my future book, I will tell you the secret link of China and Middle East changing great landscape at 600 A.D., few Chinese know about, rare for Middle East to know, let alone the Americans or the Europeans. The first step met tremendous applauding via the form of votes, the enthusiasm for democracy in the Iraqi national elections. Along the way, the dark side of the religion are gradually being pushed out. A silent Martin Luther like, Islamic religion reformation is underway. "The terror at play in the world of Islam, of the use of religion in the service of a cult of violence..., people are grateful for the mercy in the Islamic world for the moderation." After Jesus’s questioning the Roman God and authority, and being persecuted, the West went into a dark medieval time until 1400 years later, when Martin Luther led the religious reformation, and this enabled Renaissance’s man’s value to flourish and in his question of God’s super power, man started to embark on art and scientific projects and the western men were able to lead the world until now. But the Middle East for 1400 till today, has been in the dark medieval era where the rulers are menacing their power. So does this justify Bush’s action, albeit it is not as noble as Martin Luther, but still is a Reform and a Foreign initiated gift to the Iraqi and the Middle East. Perhaps from within, there is no hope for this Shia culture. What’s the impetus for a culture or civilization to move on unlike the high form Sumerian but all disappeared. “The Shia of Imam Ali are born to suffer. We have to be in a constant state of agitation. This agitation made us what we are. We are born oppositionists.” A Religious leader said, “Why should we assume, that the American withdrawal would be a good thing?” Americans should continue to identify the useful and respectable Sunni leaders and give them the central power, so that they can congeal the Sunni factions, and will contribute to a stable central government and manage their own fate, so not overtaken by the extremists. The world should be happy if Bush wins, because American economy is the anchor for China, for the world, and for Iraq assistance. Conclusion: Do not abandon Iraq or give up on Iraq, because many non-violent people want you to be there. But have the Iraqi security forces enforce the law and suppress the extremists, so Americans are not in the role of killing Iraqis. According to blogger, that she predicts that the Republicans will win both the House and the Senate.


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